(Humans are Free) Cytochrome P450 enzymes metabolize external substances, such as medications that are ingested, and internal substances, such as toxins that are formed within cells. … Common variations (polymorphisms) in cytochrome P450 genes can affect the function of the enzymes.
medical conspiracy
How Rockefeller Wiped Out Natural Cures to Create Big Pharma
(Med Daily) Western medicine has some advantages and is excellent in an emergency. But it is time for people to realize that conventional medicine (Western medicine or allopathy) focuses on drugs, radiation, surgery. it is the creation of silver John Rockefeller and Big Pharma was created by him, Related Kissinger and Rockefeller: Connections to the CIA and the […]
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Unvaccinated Children Pose No Risk To Anyone, Says Harvard Immunologist
(Richard Enos) One of the strengths–and weaknesses–of a Western medical education is its predisposition to break things down and compartmentalize them. While much data is gleaned in the minutiae, very little attention is given to the interrelationship between disciplines. While a medical student may become a true specialist in their field, they too become compartmentalized, and are often […]
Kissinger and Rockefeller: Connections to the CIA and the Origins of AIDS and Ebola
The following article was written in 1996 by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Reality Check: Questioning Vaccines is a Public Health Threat?
(Ben Swann) Not all vaccines are safe for all people, at all ages, in all quantities.Full stop! There is no question that scientifically and medically, that statement can be proven with ample evidence. In fact, U.S. taxpayers have compensated the families of vaccine injured children to the tune of $4 billion dollars in the past 30 years.
Why Herd Immunity is a Hoax
(Dr. Mercola) I recently wrote about the renewed calls for state legislatures to eliminate personal belief vaccine exemptions and restrict medical exemptions, and how California state Sen. Dr. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, is even urging the U.S. Surgeon General to push mandatory vaccinations to the top of the federal public health agenda.1,2
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Removing Children’s Tonsils and Adenoids Increases Risk for 28 Diseases, Study Finds
(Arjun Walia) If you were a child born in the U.S. from the 1950s through the 1970s, odds are high that either you or someone you know has undergone a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy. I was one of those children. When I was in kindergarden, I had my adenoids removed. I was already suffering from severe bronchial asthma, requiring emergency treatment at the hospital several times a year, and sometimes as often as three times a month. The adenoid surgery was performed ostensibly to ‘relieve’ sinus obstruction. But following the procedure, my symptoms worsened. By the time I was sixteen I needed another sinus obstruction surgery, this time for sinus polyps and a deviated septum.
Groundbreaking Research Indicates That What We Think We Know About Viruses Is a Lie
(Tracey Watson) Modern society is drowning in “fake news” – information that can neither be trusted nor verified – leaving many of us feeling like we don’t know what we can believe about anything. There are certain things, however, that we feel we do know, understand and can trust; scientific concepts that have been fully explored and are well understood by experts.
The Foreskin: Why Is It Such A Secret In North America?
(Spoony Quine) The male prepuce, or foreskin, is a highly mobile and extraordinarily sensitive double fold of tissue that is the end of the penis. Why do Americans go out of their way to remove this part of human anatomy, when the rest of the world does not?
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Why The Law Forbids The Medicinal Use of Natural Substances
(Collective Evolution) According to the FDA’s legal definition, a drug is anything that “diagnoses, cures, mitigates, treats, or prevents a disease.” The problem with this definition is that there are numerous substances, as readily available and benign as found on our spice racks, which have been proven by countless millennia of human experience to mitigate, prevent and in some cases cure disease, and which cannot be called drugs according to the FDA.
Measles Hysteria Peaks as More than 100 Bills in 30 States Seek to Restrict Vaccine Choice
(Matt Agorist) “Anti-vaxxer” and measles outbreak hysteria is sweeping the country and medical tyrants are using it to take away your rights.
Godfather of Vaccines Admits to Experiments on Orphans and Handicapped Children
(Arjun Walia) Dr. Stanley Plotkin is a well known MD who has played a very significant role in manufacturing multiple vaccines. He’s widely known as one of the ‘godfathers’ of vaccines, a ‘medicine’ that’s claimed to have saved millions of lives, and is heavily marketed as one of the most successful medical developments in history.
Scientist Explains How Cow’s Milk Leeches Calcium From Your Bones & Makes Them Weaker
(Arjun Walia) It’s remarkable to analyze why many of us believe that milk, which is designed to help calves develop, is also suitable for human beings. We are the only species on the planet that consumes the milk of another animal. Furthermore, we are the only species on the planet who continues to drink milk after weaning. Even for cows, this would be a no-no. There are multiple studies showing that drinking milk for a cow leads to an increased mortality rate and actually makes bones more prone to fracturing, not less. One example would be this giant study from researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden.
“I was wrong about soy” The Soy-Boy Psyop Hides the True Causes of Feminized Men
(Justin Deschamps) Everyone wants to be healthy. We’re all working as best we can to manage our health despite living in a world filled with food that’s designed to be addictive and destructive. The situation is made even more confusing when the experts we rely on to tell us what is healthy disagree. I’ve been passionate about health for years—it was the thing that started my awakening journey in 2010. Like many, I encountered information that said soy was responsible for feminizing men. And for years I thought this was true but I hadn’t dived into the science to make sure. Recently, Adam Riva of Dauntless Dialogue revealed to me the science that confirmed the soy-boy claim is a myth. In short, I was wrong about soy.
Horrifying Facts About Organ Harvesting Procedures and U.S. Laws
(Paul A. Byrne, M.D.) Facts About Being An Organ Donor