David Wilcock Predicts Some Very Big Events Coming Up in 2019 — Interview
mass arrests
Mass Arrests? 514th Military Police Company Deployed to Guantanamo Bay; Does This Spell Military Tribunals for the Cabal in the Near Future?
(Shem El Jamal) The signs keep coming, and the case is growing progressively stronger that there are very big things taking place behind the scenes of the regular societal status quo. Yes, there is still the constant script of public division along the lines of political, legal, gender, social, racial, and every other perceived difference in society. However, beyond these predictable attempts of division, there appear to be ongoing efforts to bring the madness to an end and to bring the co-conspirators behind it to justice.
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Many Insiders Believe Military Tribunals For Deep State Will Happen Any Time Now
(Richard Enos) There is a growing consensus in the narrative within the alternative news community (commentators, their insiders, and members in general) that has become too big, too coherent to ignore. Even among the more skeptical of the commentators who have long bemoaned that real tangible action of disclosure and legal proceedings seems to be taking forever, there is now a real optimism, even a certainty among several, that this time things will be different.
Q Anon: Are You Ready to See the Arrests?
Q Anon: Are You Ready to See the Arrests?
Is Kavanaugh Confirmation being Sabotaged to Delay Military Trials of Deep State?
(Dr. Michael Salla) Controversy continues to swirl around Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing to become a Supreme Court Justice over accusations of sexual of impropriety dating back to when he was 17 years of age. Media coverage has been overwhelmingly negative, as evidenced by non-partisan news analysts, thereby raising suspicion that this is more than simply another example of partisan politics, but a Deep State effort to sabotage his candidacy.
Proof Mass Arrests Coming? Signed Executive Orders Reveal Trump Is Planning Mass Arrests, Military Tribunals for Deep State Traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama
(Mike Adams) As the documents cited here clearly show, President Trump is planning to carry out mass arrests of deep state traitors, including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey and even Barack Obama. This is fully covered, with accompanying documentation from the U.S. Federal Register, in the links and video below. (This author is fully supportive of this effort to save America and arrest the traitors.)
What is QANON? Movement Headed For Full Disclosure
Teresa Yanaros and Simon Esler, both researchers and advocates for disclosure, discuss the anonymous entity “Q” and the phenomenon and movement as a whole. Tune into this hour-long “Q” special edition exclusive interview.
Q Anon — Setting Scene for Arrests?
(Sierra (NZ)) Q post number 2208 goes to a link with this message below…
Arrests You Probably Haven’t Heard About — Drain the Swamp
Arrests You Probably Haven’t Heard About — Drain the Swamp
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David Wilcock’s Insider: “Coming change defies all imagination. We are living through history.”
(Richard Enos) David Wilcock’s latest update, published on his Divine Cosmos website Sept. 8th, is entitled ‘Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent?‘ For my money, the lengthy and comprehensive update delivers fully on its title’s promise.
David Wilcock Update: Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent?
(David Wilcock) Six different insider sources have confirmed that several spy satellites and computer systems for the Deep State have been blinded… in a stunning attack.
There is widespread agreement among these insider sources that some sort of major, visible action against this genocidal, globalist entity is now impending.
Three of these insider sources are only speaking to us at this time, at least in terms of any public figures they communicate with.
US Senate SCOTUS Hearing Points to Military Trials Against Deep State Officials
(Dr. Michael Salla) In a US Senate Confirmation hearing held on September 5, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was asked a series of questions that point to future cases involving the legality of military justice being used against U.S citizens. The military intelligence group QAnon has linked the questioning to an Executive Order by President Donald Trump that creates a legal basis for military justice being used against Deep State officials.
Oklahoma Senator Pleads Guilty to Child Sex Trafficking and Child Porn
(Matt Agorist) After being caught red-handed in an act of child sex trafficking and in possession of horrific child porn, an Oklahoma senator is scheduled to be sentenced in September.
What Happens When Mass Arrests Start? — Anna Von Reitz on Q Anon and the Plan
(Anna Von Reitz) Several people have sent me links to an excellent recent post on YouTube by Q Anon, telling us about a gallant “Plan” by agencies and military personnel to counteract the fraud and criminality which has infested our world and our government. I can only hope and pray that everything “Q” references is 100% true and effective.
Q: The Storm is Real — Resignations, Sealed Indictments & Pedo Arrests (Video)
Q: The Storm is Real — Resignations, Sealed Indictments & Pedo Arrests (Video)