Image Source. Source – Nexus Illuminati Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained. The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or […]
Bashar – All truths are true all paths are valid – Your life is a Symbol but are you looking for the meaning?
The journey here is not about material possessions, not about finding your career or even finding a soul mate in the flesh. It is about what all these things represent, for they are just a symbol. The Creator reveals to all of us, who we are, by speaking to us threw our lives. Each event, each happening, […]
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The Amazing Ways Your Thoughts Create Your Brain
Source Of course you know that your thoughts are generated by your brain. But you may not have considered that in many very real ways, your thoughts create your brain, too. Let’s see how this can be so. How Thoughts Change Your Brain Every thought creates a neural connection. If you think a thought often […]
Self Healing: Confirmed by science: You really can change your DNA – and here’s how
Part of an elaborate program to Poison your world view, is to seed it with the Belief that your genes are set in stone and you are stuck with whatever you’ve got. NON SENSE. This is one of the multiple Mind Control Methods promulgated by our would-be masters; world view poisoning. Belief is also a […]
Mind Over Matter: Princeton & Russian Scientist Reveal The Secrets of Human Aura & Intentions
Source A Russian scientist has been studying the human energy field and is claiming that people can change the world simply by using their own energy. While this idea is not new, not too many have taken the time to scientifically go about proving such ideas -although the field of quantum physics has shed some […]
I-UV: Positive Energy Questions Discussion… All of it Moves All of US Forward
Source Last evening August 29, 2013 there was a conversation in the RTS Skype room. Early this morning (I am PDT, time zone) D read through the conversation that had taken place when she was sleeping and quoting parts of the conversation joined in with her thoughts. Below is that part of the conversation from […]
Natural News: The 10 false assumptions of modern science (and how to set science free with new paths to discovery)
There is a HUGE conspiracy with respect to science (truth seeking) which has operated for many hundreds of years. There is an effort to keep the masses ignorant of the true nature of the universe and their place in it, for the upholding of false belief systems. The Nuclear Electron is one such scientific theory […]
Discussion Points and Articles 31 July 2013 – Stillness in the Storm
Photography by Julian Robles This was a great show! Actual archive is about 95min and we have a discussion about transformation, transitioning, how we as individuals contribute to this, how truth is healing, how conflict is an opportunity to heal, etc. Don’t miss this one! – Justin Discussion Points and Articles 31 July 2013 – Stillness in the Storm Listen to […]
Do we live in a Universe of Coincidence or Intent?
I was reading a blog post “The 12 Cognitive Biases That Prevent You From Being Rational” where they stated that: “It’s also a cognitive bias that contributes to the feeling that the appearance of certain things or events couldn’t possibly be a coincidence (even though it is).” It got me thinking about the word coincidence and […]