(Louis Knuffke) The Chicago Archdiocese has paid an $800,000 settlement over five cases of sexual abuse, one of which involved a well-known priest who was charged with abusing a minor in the 1970s.
Milo: My New Purpose Is To Protect the Unborn and Help Men Struggling With Same-Sex Attraction
(Evan Stambaugh) ‘When I was unknowingly choosing to live that [homosexual] life, I was condemned to loneliness, addictions, and a variety of other things,’ Milo Yiannopoulos said.
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A Conservative Influencer Wrote About Cuckolding Then Threw A Fit, Now His Gay Porn Surfaced
(Tom Pappert) Alpha male lifestyle coach-turned-conservative influencer John Goldman, who markets himself using the name Jack Murphy, sparked controversy earlier this month when he snapped at a female podcast host who relayed a fan’s question about an article promoting a sexual lifestyle many consider emasculating.
The ‘Catholic Moderate’ Challenging Viktor Orban Is Really a Pro-lgbt Globalist Puppet like Biden. Here’s Proof
(Scott Schittl) Like Joe Biden, Márki-Zay claims to be a ‘devout Catholic’ in his private life, but also like Joe Biden, Márki-Zay publicly supports homosexual ‘marriage’ and abortion as rights granted by the state.
The Gay Gene Doesn’t Exist, Claims the Largest Study in History
(Exploring Your Mind) Genetic studies concerning homosexuality are ongoing. Here, you can discover the findings of the latest scientific research.
They Really Laid the Anal Sex Propaganda on Thick For ‘Pride Month’
(Ben Bartee) The corporate media delivered an anal sex tsunami to commemorate “Pride Month.”
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VIDEO: Pro-LGBT Teacher Screams At Straight Boy, Calling Him ‘Straight Jerk,’ ‘Butthead,’ ‘Weasel,’ And ‘Ignorant’
(Gabriel Keane) “You are annoying, you are very successful, congratulations! What a dip … a dip. Like a dipstick, a butthead, a weasel, a pain in my butt!”
Don Lemon, Resident Theologian At CNN, Declares ‘God Is Not About Judging People’
(GABRIEL KEANE) “And I think that the Catholic Church and many other churches really need to re-examine themselves and their teachings because that is not what God is about”.
Pedo: Lincoln Project Co-Founder ADMITS To Allegations Of ‘Inappropriate’ Texts To Young Men
(Allan Miller) John Weaver — the co-founder of the anti-Trump super PAC Lincoln Project — addressed the “inappropriate” sexually charged messages that he has been sending to men, stating that he is gay.