(Zen Gardner) I’ve always been fascinated by the clear commonalities of religions and philosophies, and their intermingling with mysticism and the so-called occult – which is nothing more than sequestered teachings of the same.
Golden Ratio in Science
(Nick Seewald) 1. Hydrogen Bond Distances It has been found recently (in 2005, actually), that the golden ratio plays a significant role in atomic physics in that it governs what is known as the Bohr radius (the radius of atoms and ions that enables quantitative discussion of bond lengths between atoms and partial ionic character […]
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Timeline Fractures and Etheric Parasites with Eric Raines on the Cosmic Awakening Show
(In5d) In this episode of the Cosmic Awakening Show, host Michelle Walling interviews returning guest Eric Raines. After an intense energetic activation in 2012, Eric Raines became aware of the implantation and parasitic construct in a very real way. His subsequent search for answers about this experience, led him on a journey to self discovery. This […]
DNA as a Fractal Torsion Antenna and Activating it with Holistic Health (Video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg5sukd6E6Q Related – A Fractal Antenna | DNA In The Electric Universe Related – How You Can Raise Your Health and Consciousness with Fulvic Acid _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just […]
Is the Flower of Life an Inter-Dimensional Portal? — Tuning the Mind to Become an Antenna for the Cosmos and All that IS
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) Symbols are devoid of meaning by nature. Consciousness is the tool that imparts meaning on to them via mental entrainment, causing energy from within to surge through the body in the form of insight, intuition, emotion, and feeling. Mysticism, in a holistic sense, is the practice of harmonizing consciousness to […]
Pure Information Manifests as Representations, But Representations are not Pure Information–A Map is Not the Territory | Cosmologist Paul Davies’ theory that life is based on information
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) Information is prime. Information is at the core of everything we experience in life. The body and mind are focal points that allow consciousness to explore information and its expression in a myriad of endless reflections of form. The Holographic Universe theory is one derivation of this notion […]
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A Fractal Antenna | DNA In The Electric Universe
Image Source. Source – The Wave Chronicle by Guest Author As we will reiterate in this video, the cosmos we inhabit is filled with electromagnetic principals at all scales of life. We all know what DNA is, right? Well, you’d be surprised. Not only do chromosomes conduct electrons to various effects, they also exist at […]
Fractal Universe | Proof of Consciousness and a Creator, the Dreamer within the Dream – Understanding the Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio
by Justin Deschamps How do we know that the universe has laws? Because everywhere we see organization, we see patterns. How do we know that the universe is based on consciousness? Because before there can be a manifested result, there must be a mind or consciousness to envision it. Before there can be an object there […]
Exploring the Fractal Mind and Fractal Consciousness
This goes along with the post SITS March 26th 2014: Self Similarity Causing Implosion or Sonoluminescence. – Justin Source – Nexus Illuminati http://youtu.be/bE2EiI-UfsE by Gary Z McGee Brain of a fractal addict “Why is geometry described as ‘cold’ and ‘dry?’ One reason lies in its inability to describe the shape of a cloud, a mountain, a coastline, […]
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American Kabuki’s Truth: The Elephant in the Room
The sharing of our personal truths and experience is what helps others share their truth and experience. The deeper and more personal the sharing, the greater the unconditional love space that is created. For another’s truth, fully reconciled and contemplated, will expand and enrich your own. American Kabuki has a wealth of wisdom and knowledge […]
The Holographic Universe? – Science Finally Acknowledging Natural Law?
Holographic, Fractal, Self Similar, Correspondent all refer to the same concept. This has been discussed in the posts Natural Law: The Seven Universal Laws Explained – by Tania Kotsos. Sadly, Science is more interested in promulgating erroneous theories, but even within the fallacious system, one cannot escape the true nature of reality. Consciousness is the prime reality, and the creator used ‘dis-torsion’ from that prime reality to […]