The MSM would have us believe we are on our way to a wonderful economic recovery, but if you actually look at the Data, nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed this is more Data confirming major changes coming for the world Economy. Source – Justin THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 2013 US Mortgage Lending is […]
Financial Collapse
RTS: Update Aug 9th: More Data, spying, and transparency
Goooooood Morning!! (or evening for my ozzie friends!) I’ve been away from the computer for the most part this week, although I did take a few hours to try to catch up on the over 800 emails in my in box- (if you emailed me before July 28…. I’m afraid that your email most likely […]
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Natural News: U.S. Treasury now openly ‘cooking the books’ to fudge debt numbers in desperate move before collapse
(NaturalNews) On the surface, it appears as though the federal government is finally making progress on the national debt. But in reality, when you apply some common sense and a little logic, it becomes obvious that what is really going on is no small amount of creative math. In case you didn’t know it, the […]