Sterling shares a very informative yet engaging look at how the world of the X-Men might be disclosing information linked to our true evolution into spiritual superhumans. _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or […]
New Moon in Sagittarius – Resolving the Past and Embodying the New
(Simon Vorster and Jennifer Langstone)This is a time when many great energetic cycles are coming to an end. As our deepest truths began to play out in living fullness, the energy patterns of the last lunar cycle invited us to reflect on the big picture of our lives and our direction — to contemplate inwardly what we […]
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Are Human Rights Real? | Natural vs. Legal & Positive vs. Negative (video)
Related: What is Sovereignty? Why is it Important? How do You Earn it? | Debunking False Sovereignty _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at […]
Study Shows How Heart Coherence (Inner Peace) Changes the Order of Crystallization Patterns in Dried Saliva (Water)
(Arjun Walia) “This study showed conclusively that heart coherence could affect saliva and increase crystal structure and order. We know from 20 years of research at HeartMath that heart coherence has many positive health benefits, including helping to reduce stress and improve cognitive function.” – HeartMath Institute Related: Thoughts Affect Reality | Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Scientific Experiments […]
Do You Complain about Life a Lot? Try Focusing on Gratitude. Here Are 7 Things Most of Us Can Be Grateful For
(Mark Denicola) We all have things that we can complain about in life. Whether it’s the amount of traffic we need to sit in every day on our way to and from work, our in-laws’ remarkable ability to push our buttons in every situation, or our income’s refusal to meet the rising cost of living, there […]
The Importance of Being Vulnerable in a Hardening World
(Sofia Adamson) The world is hardening as people grip ever tighter to their opinions and beliefs, entrenching themselves ever more deeply into their biases and echo chambers. Battle lines are being drawn and the rhetoric is heating up. Talk of civil war is being tossed around, as though there is no possible way to unite and […]
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Does Sugar Make You Sad? New Study Finds a Link
(Anika Knüppel) But we still don’t know why. The thought of a cupcake, skillfully frosted with fluffy vanilla icing, may put a smile on your face, but research suggests that, in the long term, a sweet tooth may turn that smile into a frown – but not for the reasons you think. Related: Sugar and the Insane World […]
Eating Processed Sugar Found to Cause Depression… but Magnesium Reverses It
(Rhonda Johansson) Men are 23 percent more likely to develop depression or anxiety if their diet consists of a lot of high-sugar food such as soft drinks and desserts. Researchers at the University College London are stating conclusively that diet impacts mental health, and that high-sugar food can contribute to an increased risk of a mood disorder. […]
Neuroscience Shows How Gut Bacteria Impact Emotions
(Anna Hunt) It is becoming widely known that gut bacteria influence much more than our digestive process. The bacteria living in the digestive system impact our general health. Furthermore, scientists are now discovering that this influence goes beyond physical health. A study out of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) discovered evidence that gut microbes affect our emotions. Specifically, they impact how we respond to fear.
Human Evolution Speeding Up, Study Says — From Cosmic and Solar Energy?
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In a study conducted ten years ago, gene researchers discovered that human evolution is speeding up. The researchers theorized that these changes are related to environmental and dietary factors, but there are likely other causes not considered, such as cosmic influences. The end of the last ice-age appears to be […]
3 Reasons Why Positive Thinking is Making You More Miserable, and How to Have True Happiness in Life
(Juliet Tang) Have you ever forced yourself to be positive when you really wanted to punch a pillow or tell the world to screw off instead? Maybe you are desperately trying to live by the mantra of “positivity thinking kills negativity,” or don’t want to appear like an ungrateful jerk when you receive the 3rd […]
Facebook Negatively Affects Mood and Well-Being, Studies Reveal
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) Every month, 1.65 billion people actively use the social media site Facebook. On average, each user spends 50 minutes using the site daily, which doesn’t sound like that much until you consider it’s more time than is spent on any other leisure activity except for watching TV.[1] In the U.S., Americans spend […]
Hug Therapy: High-touch Healing in a High-tech World & 11 Benefits of Hugging – Backed by Chemistry | The Science of Non-Sexual Touch and Intimacy for Healing
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) Human beings are social creatures. We come into this world needing a tremendous amount of physical contact and love from our caregivers, and studies have shown a lack of connection can be devastating for a developing child. As we get older, society makes us think we need less love and contact. […]
EXCLUSIVE: Troubled woman with a history of drug use who claimed that she was assaulted by Donald Trump at a Jeffrey Epstein sex party at age 13 MADE IT ALL UP
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) To be clear, this site and those who contribute to it do not deny that Trump could have ties to elicit activity, but in the following case it appears that the woman who accused him of rape, Katie Johnson (a pseudonym), fabricated the story—assuming her new stance is […]
10 Quotes of Wisdom to change your life from: Ralph Waldo Emerson
Source – Jeremy McDonald by Jeremy McDonald, October 12th 2016 Ralph Waldo Emerson was a leader for the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century; it’s important for us to go back and look at these classic philosophers writings. You may not agree with their way of thinking and just reading them allows us to search for our own […]