(Liam Bissainthe) The black radio host Charles Love points out that most of the media buried a mass school shooting in Texas because the shooter was black. But the victims were also black. Writing in Newsweek, he says this is part of a growing problem: ignoring black-on-black violence, out of political correctness, even though that harms black people.
Biden’s Education Sec: Parents Should Not Be The ‘Primary Stakeholder’ In Kids’ Education
(Cullen Mccue) Biden’s Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, dodged a question regarding whether or not parents should decide what their kids will be taught in public schools. The question was asked by Senator Mike Braun (R-IN).
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‘A Sex Scene You Wouldn’t Show Your Mom’: Kids Told to Write ‘Child Porn’
(Bob Unruh) Members of a school board in Ohio have been told to resign after they utilized an allegedly obscene instruction guide that told students to write about an “X-rated Disney scenario.”
Mask Mandates In Schools – Letter To The Principal
(Rotter News) Mask mandates in schools are a form of child abuse. Schools are now in session for many of our kids and the mask mandates are right there with them.
Study: Most Highly Educated Americans Are Also the Most Vaccine Hesitant
(Humans Are Free) A new report by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh has found that the most highly educated Americans are also the most vaccine hesitant.
The Importance of Teaching Children to Become Resilient
(Joanna Miller) For us, as adults, it’s easy to get frustrated these days. Whether you are a big-picture person, looking at the trends in surveillance technology and “The Great Reset” hubris, or an ordinary person frustrated by spiking prices and constant supply headaches. Many of us have had to tap into our inner resources to stand resilient in the face of these challenges.
FLORIDA: DeSantis BANS Masks in Schools, Says CDC Shows ‘Callous Disregard’ for Children’s Well-Being
(Jack Hadfield) “We had this whole year and a half where so many people in our society wanted to put the kids last”
Leftists Are Attacking American Education But They Are Vulnerable
(Jason Peirce) Critical Race Theory (“CRT”) is a dangerous ideology that eats away at America’s foundations. However, the attention it’s received recently provides an enormous opportunity for those Americans who have long been sounding the alarm about this formerly insidious, but now outright pernicious, movement.
Joy Reid Tried to Ambush Education Activist on Critical Race Theory. It Backfires *Spectacularly.*
(Kyle Becker) Joy Reid got more than she bargained for on her MSNBC show on Wednesday as she invited on a prolific education activist who she has engaged with in heated Twitter battles.
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MA School Urges Students to Report Peers and Even Teachers for ‘Microagressions’
(Kipp Jones) The communists have already won in one Massachusetts school district, which is asking students and faculty to snitch on one another this coming year, should they suspect someone of being guilty of committing a “microaggression.”
VIDEO: Pro-LGBT Teacher Screams At Straight Boy, Calling Him ‘Straight Jerk,’ ‘Butthead,’ ‘Weasel,’ And ‘Ignorant’
(Gabriel Keane) “You are annoying, you are very successful, congratulations! What a dip … a dip. Like a dipstick, a butthead, a weasel, a pain in my butt!”
The ‘1836 Project’ Is Now Law In Texas: Governor Abbot Signs Bill that Promotes a Patriotic Education of Texas History
(Kari Donovan) In Texas, Republicans are pushing for a history curriculum, the 1836 Project, that the Democrats are not happy about. This is not the 1619 Project.
DeSantis: Study Shows No Correlation Between Mask Mandates and Lower Coronavirus Transmission
(Virgilio Marin) In a May 27 tweet, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pointed to a new study supporting his call to lift mask mandates in schools. The study, which was led by Brown University researchers, found no correlation between mask wearing in schools and lower transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
Grandpa Knew Best
(Clarice Feldman) My grandpa once told me, ”All my grandchildren were born smart. The longer they go to school, the dumber they get.” I thought he was teasing, but now that I’m his age, I see his point: You have to have spent a lot of time in school to be as dumb as the experts on everything including economics, energy policy, and even vote fraud. (and I’m not even getting into academia’s participation in gender bending, history revisionism, pronoun parsing like “birthing parent” instead of “mother.”)
SICK: Philly Public Schools Teach Kindergarteners About BLM and George Floyd, Call U.S. ‘Pyramid Of Hate’
(Gabriel Keane) Leaked documents from the Philadelphia public school system shows Philadelphia’s Office of School Climate and Culture has introduced that teaches children from kindergarten through second grade about George Floyd and Black Lives Matter, and warns about a “pyramid of hate” that starts with racial stereotyping and jokes and ends in “genocide.”