(SHTF Plan) The Pentagon has begun testing new and powerful mass surveillance balloons over six Midwest states. This is a major privacy threat, as these camera-outfitted mass-surveillance balloons can capture every moving vehicle across a wide area, from the stratosphere.
domestic spying
Apple Suspends Program That Records Users Having Sex And Buying Drugs
(Zero Hedge) Last week, we reported a shocking revelation about Apple’s friendly personal assistant tool for mass surveillance Siri: The app “regularly” records people having sex, discussing private medical information, participating in drug deals and other “countless” invasive moments which it promptly sends to Apple contractors for their listening pleasure – all for the sake of “quality control”.
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Shocking, Apple Blackmail? Siri “Regularly” Listens In On Your Sexual Encounters, Apple Insists “Only For A Few Seconds”
(Zero Hedge) Should it come as any surprise? And yet the details are shocking and outrageous. A whistleblower working for Apple has revealed to The Guardian that its popular voice activated spying device helpful virtual assistant Siri, now in millions of households, “regularly” records people having sex, and captures other “countless” invasive moments which it promptly sends to Apple contractors for their listening pleasure”quality control”:
California Is Launching a Creepy “Cradle to Career” Data System to Track EVERYTHING About Children
(Daisy Luther) Just in case we haven’t provided you with enough creepy dystopian news lately, the nation’s leader in Creepy Dystopia, California, has a brand new program. The “Cradle to Career Data System” will study and document everything about a child born in the state.
Not Just Alexa: Google Employees Eavesdropping On People Via ‘Smart Speakers’
(Zero Hedge) In April we reported that thousands of Amazon contractors have been eavesdropping on customers who own the company’s Alexa devices.
FBI to Ramp Up Surveillance of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
(Zero Hedge) The FBI plans to step up its efforts to gather information from social media – issuing a call last week for a new tool to monitor Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other platforms “in a timely fashion.”
Who Created Facebook? New Letter from Alleged Insider Claims Zuckerberg is a Frontman for Military Intelligence
(Makia Freeman) Many people have wondered about the true origins of the social media giant which has gone from a Harvard startup to the company with almost the most users in the world – around 2.38 billion as of the first quarter of 2019. This is an astonishing figure which is inching its way to 1/3 (one third) of the entire global population. Are we supposed to believe the “geek genius” cover story that is used so often to describe the origins of Big Tech / Silicon Valley companies – or is there something more to the story?
Google Chrome is Tracking Your Every Move and Storing It, This is How to Stop It
(Matt Agorist) Google is not only tracking your every move, but they are storing a record of every place you’ve visited.
iPhones Harvest and Transmit Massive Amounts of Data While You Sleep
(Zero Hedge) iPhones are surprisingly active in the middle of the night, according to a report by Washington Post Technology writer, Geoffrey Fowler.
Samsung Warning: Do Not Discuss Personal Information In Front Of Smart TVs
(Awareness Act) In the past, people didn’t worry much regarding their private information, other than making sure they shredded important financial documents, or documents with their social security number. Fast forward to modern times, where each of us have households full of smart electronics, equipped with cameras, microphones, and endless possibilities of privacy invasion.
Newly Released Amazon Patent Shows Just How Much Creepier Alexa Can Get
(Peter Dockrill) A newly revealed patent application filed by Amazon is raising privacy concerns over an envisaged upgrade to the company’s smart speaker systems. This change would mean that, by default, the devices end up listening to and recording everything you say in their presence.
“Research”: The U.S. Navy Wants To Archive 350 Billion Social Media Posts
(Mac Slavo) The United States Navy wants to archive 350 billion social media posts in order to conduct “research.” What exactly does the military want to study? “Modes of collective expression.”
Facebook’s Hiring of Surveillance Hawk Who Authored Patriot Act Raises Serious Questions
(Whitney Webb) The U.S. government-social media nexus appears to be tightening. Earlier this week, President Donald Trump held a closed-door meeting with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Just days prior, the other top social-media network, Facebook, hired Jennifer Newstead, a former legal adviser to Trump’s state department who had previously co-authored the controversial Patriot Act, known for its role in eroding American civil liberties following the September 11 attacks.
Feds Are Creating 9,000 Surveillance Zones in America (to Spy on 35 Million People)
(Humans Are Free) Is there no end to Big Brother’s desire to turn America into a mirror image of China?
Facebook Leak Reveals Global Bribery Scheme to Soften Data Privacy Laws
(Zero Hedge) A leak of internal Facebook documents reveals that the company has conducted a global lobbying campaign to against data privacy legislation, targeting politicians around the world with promises of investments and incentives, according to The Guardian.