by Justin Deschamps Is philosophy dead or just long forgotten? Exploring meaning is arguably the foundation of all other experience. And yet, how often do we consider this all encompassing aspect of life? All philosophy is not created equal. Spirituality and philosophy are intimately associated because judging values is a process of meaning appraisal. Whether you […]
Discernment in Relationships by Marshall Summer
(Marshall Summers) There are very few people in the world who really understand you—your deeper nature and the deeper qualities that you have that even you have not discovered. At the surface of your mind, you might find much agreement, but at a deeper level beneath the surface of your mind, there are only a few […]
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Fail: Snopes Conveniently Silent on WaPost’s Dangerous Fake Story About Russia Hacking US Power Grid
(Claire Bernish) Snopes, one of the new arbiters of Fake News for Facebook, has been utterly remiss in its fact-checking duties by failing to report the false allegation The Russians hacked into Vermont’s power grid — perhaps because the original claim appeared in the Washington Post. Related Facts Force WaPost to Retract Viral Story on Russia Hacking […]
An Example of Holistic Discernment and the Fruit of Critical Thought | Commentary on Kent Dunn Updates by David Nova
by Justin Deschamps Kent Dunn is an alleged intelligence insider who issues regular updates and reports through Gary Larrabee. These updates have been posted on this site over the past few weeks and have received a wide range of reactions. In one of the updates, comments regarding holistic discernment were made (which can be found below). […]
Vlog: Holistic vs. Dualistic Discernment, SITS Goals and Philosophy
Image Source. Published on Dec 22, 2016 Discernment is a word used quite frequently in our age, which has many different meanings and is essential for navigating through the deceptions of our world. But is all discernment the same? Holistic Discernment is the practice of understanding all data with the goal of forming an […]
BREAKING — Man With Gun Arrested at Comet Ping Pong | Pizzgate False Flag Psy-op in the Making. Objectivity and Vigilance is a Must
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Pizzagate scandal may have taken a new turn today as the Comet Ping Pong restaurant in Chevy Chase was the scene of a gunman’s attack on Sunday the 4th of December. One shot was fired and police arrived quickly on the scene after patrons called in authorities. Despite the […]
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#PizzaGate Will Be Used to Take Down the Alt Media… Unless We Are Vigilant
Source – The Event Chronicle This Is The Most Important Video On The Internet Today SOS: Alt Media Under Serious Threat By PIZZAGATE False Flag! By The Millennium Report, November 27th 2016 The Alternative Media right now faces the greatest existential threat since its inception in 1995 with the advent of the Internet. The “Scandal of the Millennium” known as PIZZAGATE was not […]
Yes Fake News Sites Exist and This is Why Discernment is Key | NPR Reporter Tracked Down a Fake-News Creator; Here’s What She Learned
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article written by an NPR reporter who tracked down a fake news author is quite revealing. It was shared on Jimmy Church’s Facebook page, and I thought it would be a good example of why discernment is so important during these shifting times. The reporter tracked down the […]
Decoding The Economist 2017 Cover — “Planet Trump” | Tarot and the “Trump Cards”
Click Image to view in full size. Source – Deus Nexus With “The World in 2017” cover, The Economist Magazine demonstrates its occult nature, while revealing the elite’s perspective for the upcoming year, on what they are now calling “Planet Trump.” By David Nova, November 21st 2016 | From Deus Nexus For the past several years, decoding the annual cover of The Economist Magazine has become […]
“UFO” Anti-Gravity From Household Items (Video) — And a Little on Confirmation (Correlation/Explanation) Bias
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Here is an interesting little video that, from what I can tell, appears to be authentic. If it is a valid example of an anti-gravity effect, then it would demonstrate that if someone can do this with simple everyday materials then surely, covert research that has access to large budgets […]
CNN: Before his coma he spoke English; after waking up he’s fluent in Spanish — Exploring Consciousness Body Connections
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Accepted mainstream science and psychology operates from the assumption that biology is primary to the mind and consciousness—that the brain is the source of awareness and there is no such thing as telepathy, extrasensory perception, and out-of-body or near-death experiences. But this assumption is almost never questioned—or verified, and it is […]
EXCLUSIVE: Troubled woman with a history of drug use who claimed that she was assaulted by Donald Trump at a Jeffrey Epstein sex party at age 13 MADE IT ALL UP
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) To be clear, this site and those who contribute to it do not deny that Trump could have ties to elicit activity, but in the following case it appears that the woman who accused him of rape, Katie Johnson (a pseudonym), fabricated the story—assuming her new stance is […]
Updated: Is the Establishment Retaliating Against “Anti-Establishment” Trump? Using Psyop (False Flag) Tactics? — Anti-Trump Rallies Surge, 5 Shot in Seattle Near Protest
by Justin Deschamps Not even 24-hours after Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential race, anti-Trump rallies have sprung up all over the U.S., in “Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, D.C., Portland, Ore., St. Paul, Minn. and several other cities.” Over 2,000 protesters in Seattle chanted “not my president” and “the whole world is […]
Discerning Alien Disinformation by Tom Montalk (PDF)
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is the introduction to a book written by Tom Montalk about various topics related to alien disinformation and some methods for navigating them with a critical analysis approach. I read the first part and it had a lot of perspectives that I felt are poignant given there are so […]
Debunking BSG FIRESIGN Leak? | I HAVE MY DOUBTS about… the (in-) Famous “Benenson ‘Salvage Program’ Report” that recommends “False Flag Alien Invasion to save Clinton Campaign”
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) KP put out the following post raising doubts about the alleged BSG document regarding the fake alien invasion under the name FIRESIGN. We released an article about it earlier today, which can be found here. We don’t know whether the document is legitimate or not. The points KP raises about […]