(Justin Deschamps) Multidimensional thinking is the ability to hold several perspectives on a topic without irrationally forcing yourself to believe one over the other. We’re not taught how to think this way in school, instead, were taught to think unidimensionally, in black and whites. And we’re taught that prejudice and straw-manning is a valid way to formulate your beliefs. The following article is an excellent example of multidimensional non-prejudicial thinking with respect to Dr. Jordan Peterson.
Q Anon Decoded | EVERY TripCode & UserID Used by Q Anon Points to a Book — Brief Analysis of Q Anon
(Justin Deschamps) The Q Anon phenomenon is giving the awakening masses a renewed sense of hope that sweeping changes to our planetary situation are on the horizon. Q Anon appears to be working closely with an alliance of high-level deep state white hats, those who have slowly and carefully infiltrated the darker circles of power of this world and are now capitalizing on their positions of authority. The mainstream media and skeptics assert that Q is nothing but a LARP or a live-action role play, a kind of elaborate prank. But as one begins to explore the now prolific amount of information pouring through Q on internet forums like 4chan and 8chan, it becomes clear that this is likely no hoax from the hands a few bored basement dwellers.
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Is Spirituality Keeping You Asleep? Are You Mistaking the Bridge for the Destination?
(Nanice Ellis) Although many paths lead to awakening, and there’s no one right way to “get there,” spiritual seekers often get lost in the system of spirituality and never reach the awakened state.
Mind Control Through the Airwaves — Evidence to Share with Friends
(Brent Swancer) We like to think that we have free will, and that the decisions we make and the thoughts we have are our own. Our sense of identity, free choice, and individuality are part of what makes us unique, and are an integral part of the human experience. Yet are we really as independent and possessed of free will as we would like to think? The thought that we could be under the influence of outside forces and subject to manipulation by mind-control against our will is a terrifying prospect that has been explored extensively in science fiction, but what if it is not merely fiction at all? What if we are being directly shaped and programmed by nefarious parties through the very TV we watch or the music we listen to? According to some, this is exactly what is happening, and has been for decades.
The Science Behind Why People Are So Easily Fooled — Discernment Essentials
(Anna Hunt) The world has changed tremendously from the time of our ancestors. Today, we develop most of our beliefs based on external forces, with very little first-hand experience. Where the early humans relied on direct sensory experience to shape their beliefs, we now rely on language and our own ability to discern falsehoods from truth. […]
A Former CIA Officer Teaches You How to Spot a Lie
(Dr. Mercola) A person lies an average of 10 times a day, according to Susan Carnicero — and she’s one to know. As a former CIA officer who spent more than 20 years interrogating, interviewing and polygraphing suspects, she’s learned a thing or two about how to spot a liar. Related Discernment 101 | Intrinsic and Extrinsic […]
The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews – Part One
(Conscious Optimist) Jewish history can at times a very controversial subject for a number of people, especially in the West. The following article details a movement of Jewish “converts” into the Jesuit order, it would appear, from the moment of their creation.
Google Now Waging All-Out Censorship War Against Conservative Websites Through “Fact Checking” That’s No More Than Biased Opinion
(Jayson Veley) Google’s war on conservatism continues.As reported earlier this week by The Daily Caller, the world’s most powerful search engine is now displaying fact checks almost exclusively for conservative and right-of-center publications in its results. Prominent liberal websites, on the other hand, don’t seem to be receiving the same amount of scrutiny. Related The Google […]
Mass Arrest Rumors: Is Guantanamo Receiving “High Level” American Prisoners? — UPDATED
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is a compilation of alternative and mainstream media articles suggesting that Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) might be being repurposed for holding elite prisoners, specifically, members of the so-called Cabal. I cannot confirm if all the rumors are true—although some of the articles cited in support of this theory are from […]
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Fact or Fiction: 6 Rumors Surrounding the Las Vegas Shooting — Examined
(Justin King) It’s time to separate fact from fiction and plausible from impossible. It’s also time to address some physics that is leading to lots of confusion. The Vegas shooting is the biggest mass shooting since Wounded Knee. With such a tragic event, it stands to reason people would be searching for answers. The answers are […]
Know Your Propaganda – Straw Man – The Art of Misrepresentation
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In the following article, Shem from Discerning The Mystery offers some great insight about the straw man fallacy. While this might seem like some obscure academic reference, I can assure you that almost everyone succumbs to this kind of thinking from time to time. Briefly, raw information combined with interpretation produces […]
Anna von Reitz: Definitive Reply to H.E. HRH Earnest Rauthschild — RE: “THE ROYALS,” Issues Cease and Desist Order to Cabal: “THE KEEPERS”
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Several days ago, we posted an article on this site, discussing a man with the name Ernest Rauthschild, who published a document effectively warning the Cabal to stop in their insidious actions. Rauthschild claimed to be a representative of a group called The Royals, directing his statements to a group called […]
Discernment 101 | Intrinsic and Extrinsic Knowledge — Critical Thinking Fundamentals: Correlation and Causation
by Justin Deschamps, Discernment is arguably the most important skillset we can develop in life. But not everyone consciously understands why they believe what they do. Not all methods of discernment are created equal. Often, we develop a method rudimentary discernment processes early on in life that gives us some answers but might not be […]
“Take What Resonates …” (Image)
by Justin Deschamps, “Take what resonates and place the rest on your mental bookshelf for later contemplation.” PS: Moderation of data absorption is key. Take what you can understand and leave the rest for later. As you digest, integrate and understand it, your capacity to digest more will increase with time and mind mastery. […]
The Heart of Disclosure: The Yin and Yang of Tensions In the Community — ThunderHeart Guidance Part 1 & 2
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Simon Elser is an energy practitioner, researcher, philosopher, and adept student of experience. For over nine years, he has run a successful self-help practice called ThunderHeart Guidance, offering intuitive coaching and meditative practices for groups and individuals. Esler has taken the time to produce a video series that reveals methods, techniques, […]