(Matt Agorist) Inside San Diego’s metropolitan area, the second largest city, home to some 275,000 residents, has made the history books. Chula Vista hasn’t cured cancer or discovered perpetual energy; instead, their mark on history will be a dark one as they become the first city in America to be completely monitored by spy drones.
Government Claims DHS Disinfo Board Is Being Shut Down Because Of Disinfo
(Steve Watson) Everything is disinformation.
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Maher on Disinfo. Board: You Could Apply DHS’ Definition of Disinformation to Obama
(Ian Hanchett) On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher criticized the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board and argued that the agency’s definition of disinformation could be applied to former President Barack Obama’s promise that people who liked their doctor could keep it and wondered, “who do you think the truth czar is going to be in 2025?”
Senator Demands Biden Scrap Creepy ‘Disinformation’ Unit; “Dissolve This Monstrosity Immediately”
(News Editors) Following news that The Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘disinformation governance board’ will be headed by a woman who says free speech makes her ‘shudder’ and who falsely labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story disinformation, Republicans called for the body to be scrapped, labelling it a ‘monstrosity’.
20 States Threaten Legal Action Over DHS Disinformation Board
(Natural News) Attorneys General from 20 conservative states are threatening legal action against the Department of Homeland Security’s newly formed Disinformation Governance Board, which they said will have a chilling effect on freedom of expression and described as “un-American.”
20 States Threaten Legal Action Over DHS Disinformation Board
(Nwo Report) Call for it to be dissolved.
DHS Does Damage Control On ‘Disinformation’ Board, Won’t Discuss Possible Obama Role
(Greg Piper) Disinformation board’s executive director promoted the discredited theory that Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation — a popular viewpoint among some of the most prominent voices against disinformation.
DHS Suggests Those Who Spread “Misleading Narratives” That “Undermine Trust in US Gov’t” are Terrorists
(Matt Agorist) The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Monday issued a bulletin warning of a heightened terrorism alert in the United States. One of the “key factors” for the heightened threat, which the DHS considers terrorism, is “the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.”
DHS Issues Terrorism Bulletin Over “Conspiracy Theories” and “Misleading Narratives”
(Paul Joseph Watson) Lack of trust in Biden administration is apparently a security threat.
DHS to Shell out Nearly $500k for Border Fence Around Biden’s Delaware Beach House
(Just the News) “Security fencing” will go up around Rehoboth property.
DHS Seeks to Track Biometric Data of Workers in Order to Improve their ‘Health and Wellness’
(Just the News) The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is seeking proposals for a new system that will allow it to track the biometric data of its workers in order to monitor their physical and mental well-being.
DHS Insider Blows Whistle on Global Child Sex Trafficking Cartels Exploiting Immigration Loophole
(Humans are Free) A Department of Homeland Security insider has come forward to Project Veritas to blow the whistle on how international cartels exploit U.S. immigration loopholes to carry out massive child sex trafficking operations.
Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: Since New DHS Alert, You’re a Potential Terrorist if You Oppose White House Lies
(JD’s Curated Links) On Sept. 17, 2021, our nation will celebrate the 234th anniversary of our beloved U.S. Constitution.
Meanwhile DHS Sees Largest Drug Bust Ever at US Southern Border #BidenEffect
(Jim Hoft) Special agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) seized a commercial truck containing more than 5,500 pounds of methamphetamine and fentanyl Aug. 5.
DHS Issues ‘Terror Alert’ for Americans Who Question 2020 Election, Resist COVID Measures & Celebrate ‘Religious Holidays’
(Kyle Becker) The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has issued a new terror alert bulletin that describes Americans who question the 2020 election, oppose COVID response measures, and celebrate ‘religious holidays’ as potential terrorists.