(Isabelle Z.) As cancer continues to grow in prevalence, people are increasingly looking for ways to prevent the disease and scientists are researching new treatment methods. While pharmaceutical companies continue to pour billions of dollars into developing synthetic drugs that won’t necessarily cure people but will certainly grow their bottom line, other scientists are taking a closer look at the benefits to be gleaned from the compounds provided to us by nature.
cure cancer
Turmeric OUTPERFORMS Conventional Chemotherapy Drugs in Treating All Forms of Cancer
(Vicki Batts) The golden hue of turmeric is unforgettable; for thousands of years, the spice has been used in both the kitchen and the medicine cabinet. But until recently, turmeric hasn’t been given its due. While the mainstream media and puppets of conventional medicine decry virtually any and all forms of natural medicine, the benefits of turmeric can be ignored no longer. The root’s cancer-fighting capacity is particularly astonishing. A plant that cures cancer may sound outlandish to Big Pharma devotees, but skeptics have turned into believers after witnessing the plant’s miraculous power with their own eyes.
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Shocking Truth | Health Basics QUIZ: Which Kills More Americans, Cancer or Chemotherapy?
(S.D. Wells) One in every three Americans will “contract” some form of cancer in their lifetime, and only about 50 percent will survive that attack. Those are some grim statistics, huh? Now get this: Has any doctor reviewed with you or your loved ones the odds of chemotherapy actually working, or what the statistics are for Americans getting killed by the now infamous chemical medicine that’s supposedly “designed” to kill the cancer?
These Foods KILL Cancer Cells Better Than Chemotherapy
(Isabelle Z.) Cancer remains one of the trickiest medical conditions to treat, with no clear solution or completely effective treatment. Because it strikes so many people, it has also been the subject of countless studies. In this huge body of research, some foods have been repeatedly identified as being effective at killing cancer stem cells.
Compounds in Lemon Found to Effectively Fight Cancer Without Harmful Side Effects
(Ralph Flores) You can never really go wrong when it comes to lemons: It’s a delicious addition to any dish, and it smells good, too. It’s also known to have various health benefits, most notable of which is vitamin C.
Doctors Shocked When Cannabis Oil Cures Woman of Terminal Cancer
(Vicki Batts) There is no shortage of patients curing their cancer on their own, with a little help from a medicinal plant we call cannabis. Recently, a 52-year-old woman from the United Kingdom revealed that cannabis oil saved her life.
Strict Eating and Fasting Schedule Cleans the Blood: Study Finds It Could Clear out Proteins That Cause Huntington’s Disease
(Tracey Watson) Huntington’s disease is a progressive genetic condition that affects the brain and causes involuntary jerking and twitching movements, emotional problems like depression and irritability, coordination problems, and trouble learning new things or making decisions. The condition is usually diagnosed when somebody is in their 30s or 40s – though in rare instances a juvenile form can be diagnosed during childhood or adolescence – and patients generally live no longer than 20 years after diagnosis. There is no treatment or cure for Huntington’s, though there are medications to manage some of the symptoms like the involuntary movements.
Cancer: Busting the Myths – Part 2 (Natural Cancer Cures)
(Makia Freeman) Natural Cancer Cures exist, and are even widely known, but the first things to get past are your own doubts and fears. It can be hard to step out of the box of orthodox, conventional, mainstream, allopathic Western Medicine, especially when faced with a serious illness like cancer. However, the prospect of facing surgery, […]
Natural Cancer Cures: Busting the Myths Part 1
(Makia Freeman) Natural cancer cures do exist, and are even widely known. There are numerous promising and outright proven natural cancer cures, treatments and remedies – many cheap and easily self-administered. Related 18 Spices Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Treat Cancer Source – Wake Up World by Makia Freeman, February 22nd, 2018 But the first things to get […]
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The “Deadly Breast Cancer Gene” is a Myth, Lancet Study Confirms
(Sayer Ji) A powerful new Lancet study reveals that the so-called breast cancer susceptibility genes — BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 — do not, in fact, cause breast cancer. This means Angelina Jolie’s prophylactic mastectomy, for instance, was for naught. Related Coherent Light (Biophoton) Can Heal Cancer and Other Diseases Source – WakeUpWorld by Sayer Ji, […]
Cancer Cure Suppressed for 80 Years: They’re Finally Admitting Royal Rife Was Right
(Melissa Dykes) A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of his body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either wakens or soothes the nervous system. It arouses a person to greater […]
Apple Seeds and Cancer: What the Government Has Been Hiding From You for Years
(Healthy Cures) The mere mention of consuming apple seeds, cherry pits, apricot seeds, or bitter almonds tends to cause almost panic attacks or angry reactions in some. Why? Cyanide is in them. So they’re justified in freaking out, right? Related The Sun Is A Full-spectrum Medicine (Heliotherapy: Cures Cancer and Improves Health) What They Won’t […]
One of The Most Important Scientists in The World: “Most Cancer Research is Largely a Fraud”
(Arjun Walia) “Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.” (source) The above quote comes from Linus Pauling, Ph.D, and two time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry (1901-1994). He is considered one of the […]
18 Spices Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Treat Cancer
(John Summerly) Believe it or not, but everything you need to prevent or treat cancer is right inside your spice cabinet. More than just dried seeds, fruits, roots, barks or any other plant-based substances that add flavor to our foods, they also double as anti-cancer agents.More than 180 spice-derived compounds have been identified and scientifically explored […]
After Years of Research, Big Pharma Finally Shows Evidence Cannabis Kills Cancer
(Justin Gardner) In April 2015 the National Institute of Drug Abuse acknowledged that cannabis kills cancer cells and dramatically reduces the growth of new brain cancer cells. This was a startling admission, considering that federal government’s position on cannabis retains it as a Schedule 1 drug with “no medical benefit.” Related UK Reclassifies CBD Oil As Medicine Just As […]