(Jasper Hamill) Documents relating to a highly sensitive investigation government project called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) confirm that the US has studied a range of futuristic technologies which would allow it to exercise global military dominance for decades to come.
cover up
Donald Trump Implies 9/11 Was A Controlled Demolition
(Arjun Walia) The destruction of the World Trade Towers on 9/11 is an event that continues to spark our awakening to the malice contained at the heart of several governments. These governments are dangled from a string by the corporations who sit above them, who are in turn dangled by the financial elite who sit above them.
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EPA Whistleblower Exposes the Ongoing Geoengineering Omnicide (AUDIO)
(Peter A. Kirby) We have passed another major turning point in our noble anti-geoengineering movement. Chalk up another huge ‘W’ for Dane Wigington at GeoengineeringWatch.org. The man is on a tear.
What Happened to the Hollywood Men Accused of Child Sexual Abuse in ‘An Open Secret’ Documentary
(Micki Spollen) In the days since actresses started coming forward about Harvey Weinstein’s many sexual assaults, we’ve seen an alarming number of victims share their own experiences about the rampant predatory behavior in Hollywood.
David Wilcock Lecture — Revealing the Five Alliance Groups | Contact in the Desert
David Wilcock Lecture — Revealing the Five Alliance Groups | Contact in the Desert
9/11, Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) and HAARP
(Andrew Johnson) The depopulation matrix is designed to be activated by a 9-11 style false-flag state terror attack against a major urban centre in the US.
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Lies, Lies & More Lies: Standard Government Procedures About 9-11
(Catherine J. Frompovich) Now that the seventeenth anniversary of the horrendous 9-11 events that occurred in New York City is upon us, we slowly—but surely—are finding out just how much was kept from the public.
The Pentagon Secretly Studied ‘Exotic UFO Technology’ Reveals Top-Secret Letter
(Ivan) The more skeptics deny UFO’s are a real thing, the more evidence is becoming public suggesting UFOs are real and have been studied by worldwide governments for decades.
Do You Need Proof Of Weather Geoengineering?
(Catherine J. Frompovich) What’s with the weather where you are? Everyone talks about the weather, but no one can control the weather! Not so fast….there are numerous weather control or weather engineering patents. Here is a wallpaper scroll listing most of them.
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Another Death of a Holistic Doctor Who Claimed a Cure for Aids
(Joseph Farrell) There has been another strange death of a “holistic doctor,” this time, however, under more suspicious circumstances than usual, and there have been a wealth of such people dying under a variety of suspicious circumstances, and even of “regular” physicians who have also died, or in some cases, been murdered, under equally suspicious circumstances. But this one is more unusual than the usual “unusuality” associated with such deaths (if I may coin the word), for the individual in question, Aaron Traywick, claimed to have a cure for AIDS. (This article was shared by Mr. S.D.):
Archbishop Accuses Pope of Sex Abuse Cover Up, Reportedly Flees Country Citing Threats to His Life
(Matt Agorist) The archbishop who exposed the pope for allegedly covering up sex abuse in the church has reportedly gone into hiding, noting that he fears his life is in danger.
US Government Storing ‘Alien Spaceship Materials at Secretive Las Vegas Hangar’
(Paul Harper) The Pentagon’s top-secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) investigated flying saucers for four years from 2008.
Vatican Official Accuses Pope Francis of Covering up Sexual Abuse
(Zero Hedge) In an extraordinary 11-page written testament, one which the NYT’s Ross Douthat called a “truly historic bombshell”, a former papal nunco, or Vatican ambassador, to the US, it does what many have called for, and offers testimony concerning “who in the hierarchy knew what, and when,” about the crimes of Cardinal McCarrick. The testimony implicates a host of high-ranking churchmen. And the pope.
A Judge Is Trying to Censor Parkland School’s Treatment of Nikolas Cruz: Here Are the Documents
(Carey Wedler) A Florida judge recently proclaimed her right to decide what a newspaper publishes amid the South Florida Sun-Sentinel’s decision to publish a redacted report on Nikolas Cruz, the perpetrator of the Parkland school shooting in February.
WHAT!? Buzz Aldrin Admits “WE DIDN’T GO TO THE MOON” ?
WHAT!? Buzz Aldrin Admits “WE DIDN’T GO TO THE MOON” ?