The Emergence of the Breakaway Civilization | Walter Bosley
cover up
NASA Has Been Covering Up the Truth About Life on Mars
(Isabelle Z.) NASA announced recently that it discovered organic molecules on Mars. In a press release, the agency said that the Curiosity rover discovered new evidence in rocks suggesting the planet may have supported ancient life, along with new evidence in the planet’s atmosphere related to the search to find current life on the planet.
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Hollywood Actor-Writer-Producer, Isaac Kappy: “It’s Worse Than You Think, Pedos Are REAL”
The Event Chronicle Editor’s Note: Last night I spent a couple of hours reading and researching Neon Revolt’s lengthy article on Hollywood insider and whistleblower ‘Renegade‘ who’s been dropping explosive information about Hollywood on the Chans over the past couple of days.
NASA Scours Pacific Ocean for Huge Object That Caused Sonic Boom After Falling From Space
(Callum Hoare) NASA has sent a submarine to hunt for the remains of an object that fell from space, which caused a bright flash and boom as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere.
Inventor of ‘Free Energy’ Electrical Generator: “I’ve Been Poisoned Several Times”
(Arjun Walia) What is a ‘free energy’ machine? It doesn’t mean ‘free’ as in the monetary sense, but more so ‘free’ as in the resource being extracted to produce the energy, as Nikola Tesla once said, is available in “unlimited quantities.” It’s not like extracting oil from the Earth, and using that oil to power our planet because we know, first of all, that it’s destroying our planet; secondly, it’s not a limitless source of energy. New developments in all areas of science, especially ones that don’t seem to fit the frame, always receive harsh criticism, and are dealt blows to their progress and acceptance with labels like ‘pseudoscience.’
Interview With Gary McKinnon: The Hacker Who Exposed NASA’s Secret UFO Files
(True Disclosure) IT expert and hacker Gary McKinnon in an interview with RichPlanet TV claims that he came across information relating to UFOs and extraterrestrial life during his infamous foray into NASA’s computer system.