(Jon Dougherty) Transportation Secretary accepted some $250,000 in gifts and donations from mayoral candidates who later took in tens of millions in grant money he is doling out as part of a $210 billion infrastructure fund, a report noted Wednesday.
The Science, Law, and Philosophy of Rebuilding Trust After a Huge Relationship Betrayal
(Leilla Blackwell) How can you rebuild trust after a history of betrayal and disappointment? You can seek out therapy or relationship advice, but trust issues come in many forms and are multi-faceted.
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Don’t Let Fear, Cowardice and Resentment Ruin Your Relationships — How to Solve Personality Clashes: 6 Tips From a Therapist
(Justin Deschamps) All relationships are founded on fundamental laws that organize the whole of reality. These laws are the laws of trust, free will, and consciousness, which we know of on earth as the laws of contracts.
The Importance of Conscious Communication
(Justin Deschamps) There are several pillars of living that once embraced make everything else better in our lives. Often these pillars force us to face our fears and grow. Life improves, not because it’s without challenge, but because we face challenges and in doing so grow stronger and wiser. Communication is one of these pillars. Without effective communication, most of the things you enjoy in life fall apart. There is a science to communication, ancient wisdom that we still use in the modern world in certain places. If we took this wisdom and used it everywhere we could, almost every problem you can imagine can be dealt with as a collective effort.
A Surprising Cause of Conflict in Relationships — and an Easy Remedy
(Lynn Margolies, Ph.D.) A common but often undetected source of conflict in relationships is harboring an inaccurate belief about your partner’s (or teenager’s) intentions. Our perception of why the other person did or didn’t do something, and what we believe that means — is often the true culprit behind persistent hurt, anger, and/or frustration — not just the behavior itself.
Blueprint for a Better World Through Understanding ET Contact and Culture (Law, Trust, Rights, Civilizations, and Golden-Age Societies) by Justin Deschamps
Justin Deschamps analyzed dozens of contact experiences and extraterrestrial information looking for a blueprint that can be used to understand what we can do to realize an enlightened society. He draws from works like the Law of One, Urantia Book, ET contactee testimony, mainstream history, science, philosophy and more, synthesizing and distilling these works for their most essential components.
The Power of Knowledge Demonstrated (Video) | LA Resident Knows His Rights And Schools The Police
Update – Apparently the video is not showing up for some readers. I have added the raw link above the video which can be pasted into a new tab. The hidden aspect of our justice system is slowly becoming unearthed in these shifting times. The average citizen of corporatized nations are led to believe that […]
Benjamin Fulford Notice: Our Response – Validity of Intellectual Property: Copyright, Patent and Trade Mark Claims
Ben posted this Notice addressing us in regard to sharing his weekly newsletter, in full, after it is released on his site on Mondays. This has caused quite the controversy and in interest of full disclosure, honesty and discussion of the facts for our collective empowerment, we are going to fully reveal the basis of […]
Frauds: Marriage Licenses, Civil Unions and 501(c) (3) Incorporation | Judge Anna Von Reitz Wait a Moment…. “How can it be illegal for people to get married?”
With the recent Supreme Court decision, stating gay marriage is not unconstitutional, many are cheering at what could be thought of as a granting of liberties. But is there something more insidious at work? What is a Marriage License or Civil Union within a legal framework? Generally speaking something that is Legal is simply a government codification. […]
Events of 2015 Discussion with Sierra Neblina | PKFTA May 3rd 2015 8:00 PM EST
This week: we are going to change the format and have a discussion about some of the events happening since the start of this year, and what it all means within the context of everything else we have been learning. Part of our intent is to share information, from an eclectic array of sources, exercising our discernment process […]
Entrainment, Communication, Information and Evolution – (with images) PKFTA April 19th 2015 at 8:00 PM EST
Slide 11 – Complete Image List Below This week: we discuss entrainment, the universal process of evolution, communication and information sharing. Information literally in-forms us, changing our identity and resulting behavior. All Creation uses the mechanisms described within entrainment, which is a synthesis of all 7 principles of Natural Law: Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Causality and Gender. The […]
The Orders of Life, Consciousness Evolution and Personality Emergence (VIDEO) | PKFTA March 20th 2015
Click Here for Complete Image List We are happy to present the 7th episode in the PKFTA series. See video below. I apologize for getting this out so late, due to the computer issues we were having last week. The original air date and slideshow images can be found here; although there was no show recorded on that […]
The Orders of Life, Consciousness Evolution and Personality Emergence – (with images) PKFTA March 22nd 2015 at 8:00 PM EST
Slide 18 – Complete List below Update March 22nd 2015 – For the live show today, we are going to cover this presentation. The images to follow along are below. Update March 20th 2015 – We were finally able to get this video recorded and uploaded. See the first video below for this complete presentation. […]
Kiri Campbell’s Debt-Free Trading System | Understanding the CreditExchange system, and why it can work
Update April 16th 2015 – The CreditXchange website has been down for several weeks. We have been receiving reports from others to this effect. We reached out to Kiri but have not heard back from her. If more information becomes available we will update this post accordly. In mid-2013, Kiri Campbell shocked the world by […]
Moral Culpability in Life, Negotiation and Intelligence Defined – (with images) PKFTA February 1st 2015 at 6:00 PM EST
Slide 12 Announcement – We talked with Sierra today and decided to move the PKFTA shows to a bimonthly schedule. The next show will air on February 15th 2015. This week: we continue our discussion from last week, covering the 3 phases of Moral Culpability (personal, interpersonal and universal) reviewing the PRIME Contract. Then we discuss […]