Thank you Angel for posting this. This has become infamous in the alternative news and truth movements. The data is interesting and good to hold on to and it is what i like to call nebulous data. Data that is difficult to directly tie to something, but has not been refuted either. I have no […]
collective healing
Cobra Update: Oct 30th 2013 – New Advanced Technologies
Source The Dragon Gate is a sister underground organization parallel to the White Dragon Society. Long time ago, both groups were actually one. But after the Rothschilds, assisted by the Triads, overthrew the Qing dynasty of China in Xinhai revolution in 1912, both groups had to go underground and they began opposing the Cabal from […]
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OPAL Tour Launch – Tehachapi, CA October 25th – 27th
What a powerful gathering of souls happening in this moment of now! I admit when I was watching this there was barely a dry eye. The feeling of spiritual contact, of gathering and support for our collective efforts is absolutely enrapturing. I have personally felt the drive to share more and more of late, and […]
Natural Law: The Seven Universal Laws Explained – by Tania Kotsos
See The Natural LAW | Mark Passio’s Natural Law Seminar / Natural Law the REAL Law of Attraction – presented on October 19th, 2013 for an alternative explanation of these same concepts. – Justin Source There are seven Universal Laws or Principles by which everything in the Universe is governed. The Universe exists in perfect harmony by virtue […]
Cobra Update – October 24, 2013: MAKE THIS VIRAL! AION PORTAL ACTIVATION
Source AION PORTAL ACTIVATION (Shift of the Ages) 11-23-2013 It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the heliocentric Uranus Pluto square on November 23rd. […]
Disclosure: Employment is Up… or is it? Nope More Government Obfuscation
Bill does an excellent job clearing the air regarding Employment numbers. Published on Oct 22, 2013 What the media is NOT telling us about the employment figure.
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The Cosmogony of the Three Worlds – Artefacts of Lost Science from the Ancients
Source By Jan Peter de Jong There is much to say about the history of mankind and of the Earth. On one hand, there are controversial views that range from extraterrestrial influences defended by Erich von Daniken and Sitchin to literal interpretations of the Bible that reduce the history of the Earth to a few […]
The Hopi Prophecy
Source The Hopi Prophecy October 22, 2013 This is the prophecy that Bob read aloud on the Collective Imagination show tonight. POWERFUL. BEAUTIFUL. REAL. EMBRACE IT. LIVE IT. BE IT BREATHE IT. THE TIME IS NOW. ~BK Navajo / Hopi Prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow “There will come a day when people of all races, […]
BK’s Blog: Jake Ducey — What if You Took the Risk?
The purpose of life is not to be happy, although that can be experienced during your true journey. The purpose of life is to find yourself, and the whole universe is set up to help you with that. But are you holding that perspective, for your perspective is EVERYTHING? Or are you just trying to […]
BEing Awake: 7 signs that your mind is free, according to history’s greatest thinkers
Great article here. Only thing I want to ad is that your mind is more then your brain and logical powers. Your mind is cosmic and intuitive. The heart space is the mind as much as the body is the mind. And finally you mind is not in your brain. Your thoughts are more then […]
The 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism – Self Mastery and Self Healing (expanded by Justin)
This is a wonderful article highlighting some techniques for awakening our active abilities within and without. On Earth we are conditioned to ‘not take risks’ and to stop dreaming. This is because if everyone truly used their creative powers to even half their potential we could remake the planet into a garden overnight. I added […]
UBUNTU: A World Without Money. Michael Tellinger
This idea of Contributionism is amazing. And it can work. There is a seemly infinite range of solutions at our disposal. What keeps them from manifesting on a large scale is our choice to remain ignorant. We all have developed so many programs for disempowering ourselves and not following our dreams; because of fear of […]
Imminent victory: Hawaiian island about to ban GMO crops
Source (NaturalNews) Two major victories against genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are about to be achieved in Hawaii, where citizens and city council members have stepped up their game in opposition to open-air cultivations of GMO crops. According to The New York Times (NYT), the legislative committees of the “Big Island,” known as Hawaii, and Kauai recently approved […]
Being Fearless – All fear is in the eye of the beholder and can be dispelled from within.
Source Doubt and Fear Who knows what’s next? Who knows for sure what is going to happen tomorrow? This afternoon? Two minutes from now? We have all experienced unexpected events, shocks and disappointments. From the experience of unfulfilled desire or a change of expectation, a sense of doubt may develop. Partly because of the uncertainty […]
Avoidance or Awareness – working threw F.E.A.R. by allowing Self Awareness
If you have no process for inner discernment, or if it is not fully developed, like most people, then it will be very easy for you to accept programs from others; or to allow programs that no longer serve you, to hinder your full expression. This who issue with ownership in regard to patents is […]