It is essential to reach a critical mass of public awareness on the climate engineering issue. Climate engineering disclosure is the great imperative of our time, accomplishing this will require the collective efforts of all those who are already awake. Share credible data from a credible source, make you voice heard.
Bombshell: Global Geoengineering (Chemtrails) Experiment Pushed by Bill Gates Also Funded by Nazi-linked Alfred P. Sloan Foundation That Promoted Eugenics and Depopulation
(Mike Adams) The mainstream media is now openly pushing geoengineering and chemtrails as a solution for so-called “global warming,” which is of course a complete hoax to begin with. Globalist propaganda network CNBC has just released a new video (see below) which is a blatant infomercial for chemtrails, touting the benefits of polluting the skies with calcium carbonate and sulfur dioxide, two pollutants that would devastate life on Earth. Matt Agorist from The Free Thought Project published an informative write-up.
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Chemtrail Pilot Tells All
(Geopolitics) In confirmation to the Indigo Skyfold pilot’s testimony that is the main subject of this article, another US Air Force personnel has thrown herself into the battle against chemtrail and global geo-engineering operations.
Chemtrails: How They Are Change You — Bioengineering, Artificial Life, Morgellons, and more
Chemtrails: How They Are Change You — Bioengineering, Artificial Life, Morgellons, and more
The Environmental Modification Convention of 1976
(Giza Death Star) As you might have guessed, I’ve been much focused upon the subject of geoengineering lately, given that much of America’s breadbasket has been so under water this season that many crops did not even get planted, and many farmers are facing ruin.
How Geoengineering Is Routinely Used to Manufacture Weather Events and Alter Climate Patterns Worldwide
(Monologue Written by Clyde Lewis) In 2007, during the biggest hype of the global warming fears, there were scientists who were saying that by 2015 the planet would be facing something akin to an extinction level environmental catastrophe.
Five Ways to Clear the Body of Chemtrail Toxins
(Tracey Watson) The vast majority of us have probably heard of chemtrails but don’t know very much about them. Others know exactly what they are but insist they are nothing but fodder for conspiracy theorists. And then there are those who adamantly insist that they are real and pose a serious risk to our health.
Alliance Strikes Back Against Deep State: David Wilcock Exclusive Interview [Part 4]
Alliance Strikes Back Against Deep State: David Wilcock Exclusive Interview [Part 4]
Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State And The New Manhattan Project
(Peter A. Kirby) Who is behind putting hundreds, perhaps thousands of large jet aircraft in the sky that routinely dump megatons of toxic waste over us and our biosphere?
Forget Chemtrails, Unregulated Jet Fuel is Legally Poisoning Global Populations
(Will Justice) Air pollution is an invisible killer—one that slowly poisons you day-by-day.
PROOF POSITIVE: US Government Has Outright Lied About Chemtrails Since Early 1990s—Undeniable Official Documents
(State of the Nation) U.S. Air Force “Chemtrail” Publication and Chemistry Manual Found at a Major University Library
Chemtrail Propaganda Begins: Sciences Explain: How “Aerosols” Help Our Atmosphere Clean Itself?
(Justin Deschamps) Various actors on the world stage are pushing chemtrails or solar radiation management as a solution to climate change. Governments, philanthropists, Hollywood celebrities and environmentalists have been whipped up into a frenzy over the past decade. The Deep State is now trying to capitalize on this idea that we need to protect the planet by polluting it with chemical spraying. The hypocritical irony is palpable.
5 Easy Ways to Protect Yourself from Killer Chemtrails
(Will Justice) Your body is constantly under assault from the skies above. Chemtrails are known to release a countless number of dangerous toxins into the air – from nanoparticles to heavy metals like arsenic, aluminum and mercury.
Mainstream Media Now Normalizing ‘Conspiracy Theory’ of Geoengineering Through Aerosol Spraying
(Matt Agorist) Mainstream media is now normalizing the geoengineering practice of spraying particulates into the atmosphere with airplanes to cool the planet.
HARD EVIDENCE PRESENTED: Doctors, Attorneys, Scientists & Pilots Confirm Presence of Toxic Metals and Dangerous Nano-Particles in Chemtrails (Video)
Highly Authoritative Witnesses Predict Massive Catastrophic Firestorms In Northern California