(Kevin O’Connor) How Vermont’s Catholic Church hid decades of child abuse
Catholic Church
The Catholic Church and Pedophilia: Trafficking Children as Sex Slaves
(Brian Shilhavy) In the years we have covered the topic of “medical kidnapping” and child abductions through child social services, we have exposed the corruption behind these “legal” kidnappings, and the reasons why they happen.
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Catholic Church Ignores Pedophilia, But Bishop Warns Reiki & Energy Healing Are Satanic
(Richard Enos) It is wisely said that, ‘you should clean up your own backyard first before you come running over to fix mine.’ Obviously, this wisdom continues to be lost on the clergy of the Catholic Church.
Grand Jury Finds Police Were Complicit in Covering Up Massive Child Sex Ring in Catholic Church
(Matt Agorist) A Pennsylvania grand jury has found that police and district attorneys were complicit in covering up the rampant child sex abuse in the Catholic church.
The Third Fatima Prophecy (Undisclosed by the Vatican)
(Edward Morgan) The third (undisclosed by the Vatican) prophecy exposed the origin of the Roman Catholic Church and the prophecy was how it will be undone.
300 Priests Accused of Covering up Thousands of Child Sex Abuse Cases in Pennsylvania
(The Antimedia) On Tuesday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court released a grand jury report detailing over 300 clergyman accused of misconduct over 70 years, including abuses against at least 1,000 children.
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The Vatican NWO Agenda and Prophesy Exposed (Video)
The Vatican NWO Agenda and Prophesy Exposed (Video)
Vatican Official Accuses Pope Francis of Covering up Sexual Abuse
(Zero Hedge) In an extraordinary 11-page written testament, one which the NYT’s Ross Douthat called a “truly historic bombshell”, a former papal nunco, or Vatican ambassador, to the US, it does what many have called for, and offers testimony concerning “who in the hierarchy knew what, and when,” about the crimes of Cardinal McCarrick. The testimony implicates a host of high-ranking churchmen. And the pope.
Top US Cardinal Suspended, Accused of Multiple Sex Crimes Against Children, Covering It Up
(Jack Burns) An influential Catholic Cardinal has been accused of sexually assaulting teenage boys and having “dozens” of sexual relationships with young men.
Pope Francis Takes Over the Knights of Malta
(Leo Lyon Zagami)Pope Francis (R) receives the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto during a private audience at the Vatican, 23 June 2017. EPA/ALBERTO PIZZOLI / POOL
Evidence of Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities
(Sonya Van Gelder) In this July 2015 article, researcher Sonya van Gelder explores the extent of organised pedophilia and child-trafficking networks around the world, involving top-level governments, churches, media and charity organizations…
Police Raid Multiple Catholic Church Properties in Sweeping Child Sex Abuse Scandal
(Matt Agorist) After a priest was arrested last month on allegations of child sexual assault, police have raided multiple Catholic church properties as they investigate the flood of accusations against multiple clergymen. On Thursday, the residents of Saginaw County looked on as dozens of police officers raided two Catholic Diocese of Saginaw properties and the home of Bishop Joseph Cistone. The raids were carried out as part of an ongoing investigation into apparently rife sexual abuse in the church—and their history of covering it up.
STILLNESS NEWS: AI Sex Scandal, FISA Memo, Catholic Satanists, Moon Base, Vaccine Conspiracy – February 4th, 2018
(Sterling Nicole Bennett) Sterling Nicole Bennett discusses the top news articles from the last week, including an AI robot online sex scandal, the latest on the FISA memo, Satanism in the Catholic Church, intel on secret Lunar operations, and vaccine conspiracy. Stillness in the Storm News Last Week: STILLNESS NEWS: False Missile Threats, Olympic Gymnast Sexual […]
Benjamin Fulford — January 29th 2018: Catholic Churches Burned as Mass Protests Greet Pope in Catholic Chile
Related Benjamin Fulford — January 29th 2018: ET Technologies: Benefits For All Humanity Source – Benjamin Fulford This went right under the radar: 11 Catholic churches were burned as mass protests greeted the Pope in Catholic Chile. A harbinger of things to come? Dear Friends, Please share these YouTube videos with your friends and twits […]
Multiple Catholic Priests Expose the Practice of “Satanism” Within the Vatican
(Arjun Walia) The works of multiple scholars, from Plato to Manly P. Hall and further down the line, suggest it is essentially the use of rituals and techniques to invoke and control “spirits” or lifeforms that could be existing within other dimensions or worlds. For example, according to Hall, “a magician, enveloped in sanctified vestments and […]