(Joseph Curl) Beleaguered North Carolina Rep. Madison Cawthorn faces yet another controversy after video of the Republican cavorting nude on a bed with another person surfaced and went viral.
FBI Warns Silicon Valley That China and Russia Could Be Turning Employees into Spies
(Cassie B.) The FBI has warned that employees of Big Tech firms in Silicon Valley are being coerced by countries like China and Russia into stealing information about their employers or sharing their login credentials.
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Naked Hunter Biden Tells Prostitute Russians Stole His Laptop for Blackmail in Shocking Video: Report
(Kipp Jones) Hunter Biden, in a video published Wednesday, told a naked prostitute with whom he had apparently just had sex that Russian drug dealers had stolen a laptop from him that contained files that could be damaging, a British newspaper reported.
Hunter Biden Hard Drive Under Investigation by Senate Committee After New York Post Bombshell Report
(Cristina Laila) Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Ron Johnson told Fox News that his committee launched a probe into Hunter Biden’s hard drive.
Parents Who Control Their Adult Children
(Exploring Your Mind) Controlling parents don’t change their behavior just because their children are grown. On the contrary, they often resort to more sophisticated techniques such as emotional blackmail or victimism to manipulate their adult children.
How Prevalent is Blackmail via Crimes Against Children in Politics?
(Ryan DeLarme) How frequent is blackmail actually used in modern politics? While we independent media folks are typically less than qualified to explain such furtive actions, there seems to be a clear trend of exposure in recent years despite the efforts of the global intelligence communities, the media, and puppet politicians. Is there a schism happening leading to an unprecedented amount of truth being revealed? Here’s a few things to think about:
Backdoor Access to U.S. Intel Databases for Blackmail? (Video)
Backdoor Access to U.S. Intel Databases for Blackmail? (Video)
DEEP STATE DISTRACTION? Notorious Hacker Group ‘REvil’ Claims To Have Damaging Info On Trump — Demands $42 Million
(Justin Deschamps) A hacker group going by the name REvil has issued a blackmail demand against Trump, claiming to possess damning dirt on POTUS, through an A-list New York law firm it gained access to. No details have emerged as to what the hacker group has. This seems quite suspicious given unmasking corruption related to Obama and his staff that Trump has been relentlessly pushing lawmakers to open an investigation into. I suspect that this hacker group itself could be a deep state hoax or planned distraction, which is not historically unprecedented.
EXPLOSIVE: Epstein Was A Mossad Agent Used To Blackmail American Politicians, Former Israeli Spy Claims
(Paul Joseph Watson) Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad asset who was used by Israeli intelligence to blackmail American politicians, according to a former Israeli spy.
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It Was a Mossad-CIA Blackmail Operation: Epstein Victim Confirms That the Pedophile Had Cameras in the Bathrooms and Bedrooms and Employed a Team Monitor the Feeds
(Chris Spargo) One of the women who has accused Jeffrey Epstein of assaulting her sat down for an interview with CBS This Morning that aired on Monday.
Former Israeli Intel Official Claims Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell Worked for Israeli Intel
(Whitney Webb) A recent interview given by a former high-ranking official in Israeli military intelligence has claimed that Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual blackmail enterprise was an Israel intelligence operation run for the purpose of entrapping powerful individuals and politicians in the United States and abroad.
Shocking, Apple Blackmail? Siri “Regularly” Listens In On Your Sexual Encounters, Apple Insists “Only For A Few Seconds”
(Zero Hedge) Should it come as any surprise? And yet the details are shocking and outrageous. A whistleblower working for Apple has revealed to The Guardian that its popular voice activated spying device helpful virtual assistant Siri, now in millions of households, “regularly” records people having sex, and captures other “countless” invasive moments which it promptly sends to Apple contractors for their listening pleasure”quality control”:
David Wilcock Update via Fulford: “Wow. I will have to sharply disagree with Ben …” & New Updates
(David Wilcock) Wow. I will have to sharply disagree with Ben and his alleged insiders on this one.