(Elizabeth DeVille) With approximately 40 million adults across the United States experiencing anxiety each year, scientists and researchers have dedicated their careers to trying to better understand this condition. Despite this work, we are still somewhat unclear on what actually causes this condition to occur.
awareness act
Samsung Warning: Do Not Discuss Personal Information In Front Of Smart TVs
(Awareness Act) In the past, people didn’t worry much regarding their private information, other than making sure they shredded important financial documents, or documents with their social security number. Fast forward to modern times, where each of us have households full of smart electronics, equipped with cameras, microphones, and endless possibilities of privacy invasion.
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8 Common Habits of Highly Compassionate People
(Debi Allison) What defines compassion? If you have ever met a truly compassionate person, they likely stuck out to you like a sore thumb, and even more likely, this person had a way of being that truly stuck out to you, from their habits to their mannerisms.
The Strange Reason Why 70 Percent Of People Can Hear This Silent GIF
(Awareness Act) Take a look at the GIF below for yourself. Do you hear it?
5 Reasons Why Hugging is the Most Beautiful Form of Communication
(Harley Manson) Think back to the last time you hugged someone who mattered to you more than anything: how did it feel? For most of us (unless you are being hugged by some random person you have never met), hugging provides a feeling of comfort that is unmatched by any other gesture of bonding.
10 Spiritual Symbols Worthy of Knowing
(Awareness Act) When it comes to spirituality, symbolism is everywhere! Symbols are one of the amazing things that can leave a strong psychological impression in our minds just based on appearance alone. Just by studying the intricacy and deeper meaning each one holds and looking at these symbols we feel connected, alive and intrigued. But what do the most popular and prominent symbols mean? Here are 10 of the most popular.
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105-Year-Old Doctor Recommends These 10 Things For A Long, Healthy Life
(Rebel Pharmacist) In 2009, physician and longevity expert Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara sat down with the Japan Times for an enlightening and eye-opening interview in which he discussed his advice for a long and healthy life. While Hinohara has since passed in 2017 at the age of 105, his legacy and advice should live on.
The 7 Most Common Relationship Problems For Each Zodiac Sign
(Gerald Sinclair) We all have our own issues in life, but when it comes to dating it seems each sign has more in common than we’d like to admit. If you’re an Aquarius, there is probably a reason why you’re struggling so hard in love and if you’re a Cancer you should already know why you end up with a broken heart time and time again.
16 Ways To Cultivate A More Intense Connection With Your Spirit Guide
(Gerald Sinclair) We all have guardian angels and spirits who watch over us. Some of us are in tune with those spirits and others wouldn’t know how to spot them even if they were standing right before them.
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This Part Of Your Baby Remains In Your Body For Up To 38 Years After Childbirth
(Gerald Sinclair) Did you know that as a mother even after you give birth your child’s cells are still within your body and are working to heal you? These cells remain within your being and move forth through your blood and into your organs to work their ‘magic.’
12 Ways That Empaths And Intuitives Can Use Their Superpowers In Everyday Life
(Gerald Sinclair) In this world, there are a lot more empaths and intuitive people than most stop to realize. Far more of us now than ever are in tune with the world around us and capable of really working towards great things even in the smallest ways.
11 Signs Your Personality Is So Intense That It’s Intimidating To Others
(Elizabeth DeVille) There are many different situations we may find ourselves alone in life ranging from the energy we carry, the personality traits we possess and the atmosphere that we create in life. For those who possess a deeper personality, you may actually be scaring people off just by being yourself!
Study Reveals the Favored Zodiac Sign For Celebrity Births
(Gerald Sinclair) While you might want to be famous, it seems unless you’re an Aquarius you might not be as likely to achieve that dream. Those born under this sign are much more likely to become a celebrity than anyone else.
The Golden Blood: Fewer Than 50 People Worldwide Have this Super-Rare Blood Type
(Gerald Sinclair) You might be able to name the eight blood types but did you know that there are actually more than eight? Within all blood categories, there are subcategories and some are much rarer than others.
12 Signs You’re A Natural Born Healer And Don’t Know It
(Gerald Sinclair) In this day and age, we tend to forget the powers within ourselves. Healing is not always something doctors do, if you are someone who heals others on an energetic level chances are you don’t even know it.