(Simon J Hill) In Episode 67 I sit down with Dr Zach Bush, Endocrinologist and Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner, and discuss how our food system is getting things so wrong. We deep dive into the use of herbicides like Glyphosate, the catastrophic damage modern farming practices are causing and where the solutions lie.
Bright Insight, Earth Catastrophe | FOTW Podcast
Bright Insight, Earth Catastrophe | FOTW Podcast
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Journey to Truth Podcast: Ep. 6 Justin Deschamps
Journey to Truth Podcast: Ep. 6 Justin Deschamps
How TV News Manufactures Consent – #PropagandaWatch
(James Corbett) You are NOT strange if you are angry about TSA molestation. In fact, you’re strange if watching strangers getting molested doesn’t make your blood boil. That’s exactly why the talking heads on TV try so hard to convince you otherwise.
Positive Head Podcast: Soul-Share with Philosopher-Physicist Justin Deschamps
(Positive Head) Justin Deschamps is a sort of Renaissance man of humanistic knowledge and spiritual wisdom, and in this episode he and Brandon have an extremely eclectic fascinating conversation touching upon everything from Justin’s research into the UFO and extraterrestrial phenomenon, to his philosophy and science background and his view on the planetary ascension process, free will and the nature of consciousness and spirituality.
Survivorman Les Stroud Speaks of Sasquatch Telepathy
(Sasquatch Chronicles) Les Stroud is a Canadian survival expert, filmmaker and musician best known for his hit television series “Survivorman,” where he uses his skills and knowledge to survive completely alone in the wilderness for up to 10 days with limited or no ready access to water, food, and supplies. He is the “only producer in the history of television to produce an internationally broadcast series entirely written, videotaped and hosted alone.”
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David Wilcock 2018 Recap and 2019 Predictions — Fade to Black with Jimmy Church
David Wilcock 2018 Recap and 2019 Predictions — Fade to Black with Jimmy Church
Above Majestic Interview with David Wilcock
The recent film Above Majestic looks at the origins, history and conspiracies behind the “Majestic 12,” an alleged, secret group of military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology. Join the guys as they interview the creator of the film, David Wilcock, about his theories, his beliefs, and the experiences that inspired him to create the film.
Benjamin Fulford Interview: Khashoggi + Gruesome Halloween Tales, October 18, 2018
(Prepare For Change) On October 18, 2018, Richard and Meg of PrepareForChange.net continued 2018 interviews with Benjamin Fulford.
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9/11, Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) and HAARP
(Andrew Johnson) The depopulation matrix is designed to be activated by a 9-11 style false-flag state terror attack against a major urban centre in the US.
Debunking A Century of War Lies
(James Corbett) In the modern age of democracy and volunteer armies, a pretense for war is required to rally the nation around the flag and motivate the public to fight. That is why every major conflict is now accompanied by its own particular bodyguard of lies. From false flag attacks to dehumanization of the “enemy,” here are all the examples you’ll need to help debunk a century of war lies.
Benjamin Fulford — May 3rd 2018: Prepare For Change Interview
Benjamin Fulford — May 3rd 2018: Prepare For Change Interview
The Ancient Crystal Cities of the Moon
(Richard C. Hoagland) In this show, we return to the Moon to consider “what might have been” — if NASA had publicly acknowledged in the 1970s the repeated “surface anomalies” the Apollo mission crews saw, photographed and reported during their eight historic lunar explorations ….
David Wilcock and Richard C. Hoagland Updates — Disclosure, UFO, ETs (mp3)
Source – Blog Talk Radio It’s Begun! The “insanity” that will unfold at an accelerating rate, in the coming weeks and months … as the ripples from the December 16th official Pentagon “UFO disclosure story …” continue to criss-cross the planet … has formally Begun. Fasten your Seat Belt. My guest tonight, David Wilcock, is […]
Joint Cobra / Benjamin Fulford / Winston Shrout Interview by The Goldfish Report
(Cobra) You might want to listen to this new joint Cobra / Benjamin Fulford / Winston Shrout interview by The Goldfish Report here: Related Cobra and Corey Goode: Prepare for Change: July 2017 Interview — Eclipse of Disclosure and Meditation Source – COBRA The Portal by Cobra, October 30th, 2017 https://thegoldfishreport.wordpress.com/2017/10/30/the-goldfish-report-no-150-financial-roundtable-with-cobra-benjamin-fulford-winston-shrout/ The Youtube video is here: https://youtu.be/ofbvFqtqpSg […]