(Exploring Your Mind) The frequent use of the cell phone has consequences in your daily life at all levels. Let’s take a look.
15 Addictive Foods to Avoid and How to Deal with “Addiction-like Behavior”
(Zoey Sky) Substances like alcohol and drugs are often associated with addiction, but certain foods can also cause addictive behavior. According to a study published in the journal PLOS One, foods full of carbs, fat and sugar are often linked to addiction.
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The Mechanisms of Addiction
(Neuroscience News) A five-year, $2.59 million grant from the National Institutes of Health will allow a psychology professor at Binghamton University, State University of New York to study the mechanisms of addiction.
Why Alcoholism Relapse Is so Common
(Exploring Your Mind) Alcoholism relapse is a persistent and ominous threat. Once the alcoholic has stopped drinking, they’d like to believe that they’ve banished the substance from their lives forever. Studies, however, suggest that this isn’t always the case. Read on to learn more.
Love and Addiction: Why Are They Connected?
(Exploring Your Mind) It may seem strange to you, but the fact is that love and addiction, at least to cocaine, have withdrawal syndrome in common. When a couple breaks up, an abstinence syndrome related to the loss of the loved one occurs.
Gut Microbiota and Addiction
(Exploring Your Mind) Did you know that your intestines have their own nervous system that communicates with the brain? As a result of this link, researchers have begun investigating the relationship between microorganisms in the intestines and pathologies such as addictions.
WATCH: Jordan Peterson Returns After Year-Long Disappearance, Near-Death Battle With Addiction
(James Barrett) A year ago, famed clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson, a popular proponent of free speech, abruptly disappeared from the public eye. Over the last few months, Peterson’s daughter, Mikhaila Peterson, has provided some troubling updates on the family’s struggles, including the revelation that her father was suffering from addiction.
Sugar Spikes the Release of Dopamine in Your Brain in a Similar Way to Cocaine or Prescription Opiates, so How Do You Stop the Cravings?
(S.D. Wells) (Natural News) Just like hard drugs, namely cocaine and heroin, sugar spikes the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens area of your brain. Dopamine is a neurohormone and is created several different ways in the brain, especially when stimulated by drugs like cocaine, nicotine, prescription opiates, and yes, sugar. Regular sugar consumption, it has been scientifically concluded, inhibits the so-called “action” of the dopamine transporter, meaning daily sugar binging eventually reduces how much dopamine is produced and carried through pathways in your brain, including areas responsible for pleasure and reward.
Study: Link Between Emotion and Addictive Substance Use Explained
(Neuroscience News) What drives a person to smoke cigarettes – and keeps one out of six U.S. adults addicted to tobacco use, at a cost of 480,000 premature deaths each year despite decades of anti-smoking campaigns? What role do emotions play in this addictive behavior? Why do some smokers puff more often and more deeply or even relapse many years after they’ve quit? If policy makers had those answers, how could they strengthen the fight against the global smoking epidemic?
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The Role of Mindfulness in Alleviating the Opioid Addiction Crisis
(Nikki Harper) Here at WuW, we’ve reported on the opioid addiction crisis several times. The statistics make for grim reading indeed, with more than 130 people in the US dying every day as a result of opioid addiction, including the misuse of prescription painkillers [1]. However, with over 20% of the US population experiencing chronic pain [2] and with opioid painkillers frequently being prescribed to this demographic, the crisis shows little sign of abating.
How to Identify 4 Common Triggers for Compulsive Phone Use and How to Kick the Habit
(Vicki Batts) Are you using your phone too much? If you have to ask yourself that question, it may be a sign of compulsive phone use. In today’s world of smart phones and other devices, it is easy to become way too attached to technology. Smart devices make technology easy to use and readily accessible — such to the point that many people feel they need to be constantly “on,” and available. Whether we’re talking about work or general social “interactions,” there is an expectation these days that you need to always be ready to answer a text, call or social media post.
Should We Call Addiction Attachment Instead?
(Exploring Your Mind) Addiction leads to a bond, which is basically a way of relating to the world, an object, a behavior, or a substance. This is why we say that what we know about addiction “is false” and that we should call it attachment instead.
An Addictive Personality Isn’t All Bad – Here’s How to Leverage It to Your Benefit
(Zoey Sky) Having an addictive personality might seem like a bad thing, but you can turn it around to your benefit. For example, an addictive personality can teach you how to be more mindful and resilient.
You’re Not Addicted to Drugs You’re Managing Your Abandonment Emotions | Pleasure and Addiction – Substance or Feeling?
(Justin Deschamps) For years, we’ve been led to believe drugs cause addiction. If you give someone cocaine, they’ll become an addict. But newer research and understanding counters this drugs-lead-to-addiction myth.
Lawsuit Says ‘Fortnite’ Intentionally Designed To Be As Addictive As Cocaine, Ruin Lives
(Elias Marat) The lawsuit accuses Epic Games of enlisting “psychologists to help make the game addictive.”