(Arjun Walia) Cardinal George Pell, a high ranking Vatican official who was convicted of child sexual abuse has been set free, and all charges have been dropped. How many people in powerful places are involved in such activity?
Pope and Vatican
Mother Teresa’s Order Has Been Caught Trafficking Babies In India
(Arjun Walia) A lot of information has come to light over the past few years regarding very ‘elite’ people–celebrities, philanthropists and those portrayed as the bearers of goodwill–being involved in human trafficking.
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Systemic Pedophilia Exposed (Part 3) — In depth Presentation of Facts that Can’t be Denied
Systemic Pedophilia Exposed (Part 3) — In depth Presentation of Facts that Can’t be Denied
Rumors of Change on the Horizon: Child Sacrifice, Pedophilia and the Global Banking System
(Judy Byington) Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard had reached the highest levels of the Illuminati, crashed national economies, bankrupt companies and was an expert at money laundering. As with most involved in international banking, he was involved in a Satanic cult – until while at a party, he was asked to sacrifice a child. It was then he turned into a heroic whistleblower, exposing the dark secrets of our global financial system.
Third Most Powerful Vatican Official Found Guilty of Child Rape
(Zero Hedge) The former third most powerful Vatican official and Australia’s most senior Catholic official, Cardinal George Pell, has been found guilty of child sexual abuse in a Melbourne trial.
The Catholic Church and Pedophilia: Trafficking Children as Sex Slaves
(Brian Shilhavy) In the years we have covered the topic of “medical kidnapping” and child abductions through child social services, we have exposed the corruption behind these “legal” kidnappings, and the reasons why they happen.
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Catholic Church Found to Have Spent Over $2 Million Lobbying To Block Child Sex Laws
(John Vibes) The Catholic Church was caught lobbying against “The Child Victims Act” which would have helped victims of sex abuse more easily seek justice.
Deep State Now on Death Throes After Massive Multi-pronged Attacks
(Covert Geopolitics) What has been leaked 10 years ago about a global effort to establish a new financial system, i.e. global reset involving sovereign wealth based currencies for global exchange that would trim down the unwarranted power of the bankers who kept on fomenting wars everywhere, is now fast becoming a reality.
The Luciferian Vatican Empire is Imploding
(Geopolitics) The Pennsylvania attorney general has disclosed that the Vatican hierarchy is fully of the massive cover-up of dozens of sex crimes against over 1,000 children in dioceses within that State alone. But as despicable as it is, this is just one of many unfavorable disclosures made against the Vatican.
The Vatican NWO Agenda and Prophesy Exposed (Video)
The Vatican NWO Agenda and Prophesy Exposed (Video)
Archbishop Accuses Pope of Sex Abuse Cover Up, Reportedly Flees Country Citing Threats to His Life
(Matt Agorist) The archbishop who exposed the pope for allegedly covering up sex abuse in the church has reportedly gone into hiding, noting that he fears his life is in danger.
The Crown of England is Owned and Operated by the Vatican — They Control 1.2 Billion ‘Slaves’
(Humans are Free) The Vatican is one of the most powerful corporations in the world. It is powerful because it controls the Crown of England and nearly every church in the world, especially Catholic churches. Related Mysteries and Dark Conspiracies of the Vatican’s Forbidden Archives Source – Humans are Free by Staff Writer, May 28th, 2018 Furthermore, the Vatican operates […]
All 34 Bishops in Chile Suddenly Resign After Pedophile Scandal
(Zero Hedge) All 34 bishops in Chile have tendered their resignations in the wake of yet another pedophile priest scandal in which high level officials covered up the institutionalized sexual abuse of minors – even threatening officials tasked with investigating sex crimes and the destruction of evidence.
The Vatican Has Paid Nearly $4 Billion To Settle For Children Harmed By Sexual Abuse
(Alexa Erickson) The reality of child molestation by the Roman Catholic Church has surfaced time and time again, and yet, somehow, it continues to happen. If you watched the movie Spotlight, perhaps you have an idea of just how things are going down. But let’s break it down to date.
Pope Francis Takes Over the Knights of Malta
(Leo Lyon Zagami)Pope Francis (R) receives the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto during a private audience at the Vatican, 23 June 2017. EPA/ALBERTO PIZZOLI / POOL