(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In our age of deception, eating a healthy meal can be quite challenging. Most of the world’s food supply has been intentionally made toxic or denatured; and what’s worse, outright poisons are added to products intentionally designed to destroy vitality. What can we do in the face of these challenges?
In short, self-education is the only lasting and empowering solution. If we really want to become healthy, the foundation of all health needs to be address—the mind. What we desire often comes from proclivities in our deep past, urges we developed as children that feel like they are set in stone. But we always have the ability to retrain ourselves to form healthy habits and appetites—yet only if the mind has been opened via an act of will.
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Food is Designed to be Addictive
Learning how to navigate the world of food and products is essential to leading a healthy productive life. One thing to learn first is that the vast majority of dishes we know and love are not good for us.
I’ll be the first one to admit I love pizza, fried food, baked goods and more—but all of these things, even when organic—are not beneficial for our health. The price of eating these foods is a tendency to become emotionally and physically dependent on them. And the food industry knows that certain products are incredibly addictive, even if they are not overtly toxic—sugar being one example.
The moral of this story is that learning to change our proclivities, desires, and food choices is an excellent step we can take to restore balance in life. As an example, consider that if the food we love to eat tastes so good that it causes us to lose all self-control and indulge to the point of discomfort, then we probably should begin the process of changing our habits.
Psychologically, anything we do to the point of excess that is beyond our control to change is called an addiction; and the hard truth is that food has become one of the most pervasively addictive substances on Earth.
I’ll use myself as an example.
I’ve always enjoyed baked goods, cookies, pancakes, breads and so on—and I’ve always felt so much pleasure eating these things that I would often eat more than a healthy amount. Last year I made a concerted effort to stop eating wheat and cooked foods as an experiment. After a week I was shocked by how little I craved these foods and food in general. It seemed like my relationship to food had changed at a fundamental level and I no longer craved it like an addiction. I started eating salads and making my own granola, and while these things nourished me, I didn’t have what I call the foodgasm experience—when the act of eating a food is so pleasurable that it causes a loss of balance internally. Speaking as a former heroin addict, I know all to well what addiction feels like, and I realized as a result of this experiment that my relationship to food was more like that of an addict than someone simply seeking to gain nourishment.
After a time, I decided to try some of the foods I enjoyed before, eating a few baked items like a slice of pizza. At this point, I hadn’t had any wheat or cooked foods for about two weeks, and the experience of eating the pizza was—again—enrapturing. I noticed as I chewed each delicious bite that my desire to eat in balance was slowly succumbing to a new desire to eat as much pizza as I possibly could. After finishing the first slice it was everything I could do not to eat more—I was out-of-balance.
The lesson I learned from this is that—like certain drugs—they aren’t really meant for human consumption. Sure, eating a slice of pizza won’t kill you or cause as an intense addiction as cocaine usage, but the effect on consciousness is the same—a loss of inhibitions and equilibrium. And even though it was days since I had eaten the pizza my mind was still conjuring images to tempt me into getting more. In other words, some foods have been intentionally designed to be incredibly addictive—and most of the population are lifelong addicts.
Repurposing our Appetites for Healthy Eating
All of this relates to the below article for several reasons. It discusses how using certain salad dressings, specifically made from toxic canola oil, can ruin the healthy impact of eating a fresh organic salad.
I’ve been eating salads for years, and now they’ve become a daily staple for feeding my body the living nutrients it needs. But last year I made the choice to stop eating salad dressing because most were made with toxic ingredients. I started making my own kraut (a fermented cabbage dish), last year and used these in my salads instead. Depending on the level of spiciness one likes, the kraut provides many of the same sensations as a good salad dressing, except with a much greater health benefit. Repurposing my desire for salad dressing with kraut took some time and my subconscious mind was tempting me to eat poorly but eventually it gave up. And now my go-to salad dressing substitute is kraut.
Feeding Good Bacteria and Fermentation
Fermented foods are important because our bodies are actually a vast soup of bacteria. When consuming food, a brew of enzymes, compounds and substances are produced that is specifically tailored to digest the food we just put into our mouths. Fermented foods, when combined with raw vegetable matter, provide the body the beneficial material it needs to produce healthy probiotically active microbes in the gut. When our gut is happy and healthy, so are we. And interestingly enough, feeding good bacteria reduces out of balance food cravings like what we were discussing before. The less sugar I ate, the less toxic bacteria was feed and the more it was replaced by good bacteria.
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What we’re describing here is a reciprocal relationship and that our bodies are an ecosystem. When we feed these ecosystems sugary processed foods—99% of a modern day diet—bad bacteria flourishes and food cravings become a constant temptation. But if we are brave enough to let go of the foods we tell ourselves we have to eat and begin replacing these things with beneficial alternatives, we can restore our body’s ecosystem and most importantly gain more mental discipline and balance.
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It helps to remember that food has been weaponized against the people. Our would-be masters don’t want a mentally disciplined and healthy population, able to avoid temptations and use their consciousness with power and wisdom. As a result, food and the traditional dishes we accept as a part of life are—in the main—damaging the human race.
The fact is, momma’s traditional home cooking probably isn’t healthy for our bodies and leads to habitual food cravings—despite being made with love. Therefore, taking steps in all moments to make healthier choices is advisable. Many times simply trying new things is needed to provide us the contrasting experience to know a new way is better and possible. So don’t be afraid to let go of a food choice we tell ourselves is an absolute must—it could be the thing that is holding us back more than we think.
by S. D. Wells
The organic food industry in America is about a $30 billion dollar business right now, but as a fair estimate, a fourth of that money is spent by Americans who assume everything organic is healthy, and the price for that assumption could be cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
Go ahead, pile it on. Make that big salad, with delicious, fresh, crisp organic lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers and olives, and you’ll be treating your body to the perfect meal, chock full of vitamins, minerals and healthy-cell promoting nutrition. Maybe you even shop for your fresh veggies at your local farmer’s market, and that’s really smart, because most local farmers avoid using chemical pesticides and herbicides, and they don’t use Monsanto’s evil bio-engineered seeds that contain health-destroying bug-killer and weed-killer genes. You’re cruising along the perfect path for disease prevention and organ cleansing. You probably feel great after that big salad, and have lots of energy, creativity and drive for doing all the things you love doing. So, what’s the ONE ingredient you need to avoid that could actually ruin your entire healthy organic salad? Answer: toxic salad dressing, including even many of the “organic” options. How so?
Even many organic salad dressing manufacturers now use toxic ingredients
Just because something is organic does not mean it’s good for you. Canola, for starters, is made from rapeseed oil, which is toxic to all animals, including humans. Canola oil, or “low acid Canadian oil,” is simply rapeseed oil with less toxic acid content that meets absurd FDA guidelines. Although the “USDA certified organic” label means no pesticides are added to food, it does not mean the food is not toxic or doesn’t contain heavy metal toxins. Canola oil is usually the first ingredient in most thick, creamy salad dressings nowadays, even those that bear the organic label. This means that that salad dressing bottle contains more canola oil than any other ingredient. How much do you pile on your salad? Three, four, five tablespoons? How about at the salad bar at your favorite restaurants?
Did you think there was a canola plant, like corn, soy or sunflower? There is not. Manufacturers use hexane, a vapor component of gasoline, to process rapeseed oil. So, how is this organic? Good question. Rapeseed stinks. If you smelled it, you would never eat it, but rapeseed oil is bleached, deodorized and then cooked at high heat to remove the awful odor. The omega-3 fatty acids of processed canola oil are transformed during this deodorizing process into trans-fatty acids. The reason why canola is particularly unsuitable for consumption is that it contains a very long-chain fatty acid called erucic acid, which is associated with fibroid heart lesions. See what’s happening to your organic salad? It’s being absolutely ruined by the dressing you pour on it.
Any unfermented soybean oil, organic or not, destroys your health
Just since the year 2000, U.S. food manufacturers have introduced over 3,000 soy-based foods, many of which are labeled “certified organic.” Yet, unfermented soy, which is the typical kind in salad dressings, screws up the balance of human estrogen and testosterone. Wonder why so many Americans get breast tumors and testicular cancer? Unfermented soy! Any soy that is unfermented, whether organic or not, is linked to immune-system malfunctions, thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline. Mountains of research from health studies reveal infant abnormalities, kidney stones and food allergies related to unfermented soy consumption. In fact, no soy was fit to eat until the discovery of fermentation techniques during the Chou Dynasty. Anyone eating unfermented soy would suffer from eating anti-nutrient toxins that block the enzymes humans need for protein digestion. Plus, organic soy “protein” may be causing you chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake, and that’s at just two tablespoons a day. How much is going on your salad? Your pancreas could be enlarged right now – thanks to soy.
[Editor’s note: some of the items in the below-link from Cindy’s Kitchen of Brockton do contain Canola oil or Soy, and perhaps the original author did not review them all before posting this. However, the general message remains intact, and there are many simple recipes for creating your own healthy salad dressings which tend to be tastier anyway.]
Want a healthy option for dressings?
Try Cindy’s Kitchen of Brockton – featuring two dozen delicious healthy flavors of organic, non-GMO. It’s time to keep that organic salad healthy! Nobody wants to read an article about toxic food that doesn’t offer healthy solutions to the problem, so here you go! You have no excuses now. Some fan favorites include Vinaigrette Mediterranean style, Coconut and Lime, Mango-Coconut-Pepper, Sun Dried Tomato and Lemon Tahini. Say goodbye to soy and canola, and say hello to delicious and healthy. And don’t forget, growing your own organic vegetables for that salad is always the best option!
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
July 22nd 2016 – A reader informed me that some of the dressings referred to as healthy above do contain Canola or Soy. A note was left as a disclaimer accordingly.
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