(Justin Deschamps) In part three, we revealed the shocking level of corruption in the zeolite detox industry, showing you that some products are contaminated with the very heavy metals they claim to remove. We said we were vetting a producer who makes good zeolite we need for health freedom. It’s time to reveal what we’ve found.
by Justin Deschamps, November 10th, 2019
Like you, I want to be healthy. I want to enjoy all the benefits that come from a healthy life. And so, when I discovered how destructive heavy metals are, I knew I needed to find a solution.
Aging Like This Isn’t Normal
I’m only 38 years old, but a few years ago, I already started to feel the creep of time, the feeling like my health was beginning its slow decline into old age.
We’re told by mainstream medicine that all the pains, diseases, and “conditions” of aging are normal. We should expect memory loss, increasing digestion issues, difficulty losing weight, declining mental clarity, and so much more, as an expected part of life.
But, after having discovered corruption, cover-ups, and outright fraud in the health industry—like the proven cancer cures discovered by Dr. Max Gerson—I knew that this couldn’t be the whole story.
We’ve heard about people who, by some process, seem to escape the trials of aging and declining health.
The media continue to show us these superheroes of aging. What’s their secret?
Mainstream science is still trying to figure out what’s going on. But maverick researchers and pioneers, like the lovely ladies showcased above, seem to be defying nature. Or are they?
In short, the secret we’ve discovered is that learning how to work with nature to enhance your body’s natural youth-restoring process is the key. A good quality zeolite is a part of this natural process.
In an ideal world, we would simply eat foods that contain natural heavy metal detoxifiers, like cilantro, chlorella, spirulina, and probiotics—all of which enhance what nature already gave us for optimum health. But with modern life, this isn’t enough. We need to use good scientific advances to work with nature, so we can enjoy the same vitality as a super-ager. This is especially true for post-WWII generations who were raised on toxic denatured food.
Restoring our vitality requires a holistic health regiment, designed to strengthen your mind, body, and soul—as cliché as that might sound.
If you listen to what the super-agers above did over the course of their lives, you’ll notice they embraced life’s challenges, physically and mentally. Their lifestyle confirms what many holistic healthcare experts suggest—it’s all about forming good health imparting habits and sticking to them over the course of our lives. And even if we start late in the game, even if you’re over 50, nature will rise to the occasion to restore your health and vitality. This is the secret the for-profit-only medical community never wants you to believe.
In essence, super-agers learned how to take advantage of nature’s natural processes. It’s this embracing-nature principle that zeolite detox technology is based on.
Book Healing is Voltage: The Handbook, 3rd Edition
Who Do You Trust?
We know that zeolite has the power to remove heavy metals. And we discovered that a lot of the zeolite out there is contaminated with toxins that cause disease.
What we need is a source of zeolite that has been properly processed. This involves clearing out the heavy metals within the raw form of zeolite.
As we discovered, good zeolite producers clean out the zeolite of existing heavy metals and insert a place holder ion, such as magnesium, calcium, or potassium in the zeolite cage, so it can detox our bodies properly when we consume it.
We think we’ve found that trusted producer, named Touchstone Essentials.
We conducted an extensive investigation into this company, the CEO, and the products they produced.
We spoke directly with them on multiple occasions. They were extremely cooperative, answering every question we had, even the hard-hitting ones. That level of openness is a good sign.
We know they clean their zeolite because they showed us a third-party lab test to prove it. The test results show no contamination along with the right carrier ion for proper detoxification, all of which we talked about in part three. This proves, as Touchstone claims, they have one of the purest most effective zeolite products in the market.
We know they are one of the few companies that use both micro and nano zeolite, so it cleans your digestive tract along with removing toxins you’ve built up for years.
And we know they offer a holistic package for lasting health, using both forms of zeolite (micro and nano), green juices, and even CBD to maximize results.
The qualifications for a good producer was that they:
- Produce high quality, properly cleaned clinoptilolite zeolite, and other health restoring products.
- Have an established reputation for ethical and transparent business practices.
- Open to feedback and questions about quality.
- Has a genuine interest in offering health solutions to the people, at fair prices.
Here’s a little background on Touchstone Essentials
Touchstone Essentials was founded by Eddie Stone. Stone was working for various supplement companies before starting Touchstone Essentials in 2012. One of the companies he worked with, Waiora, which was embroiled in a court battle revealing that their zeolite products have less than was advertised. This touched Eddie deeply, deciding he would start a new company where he could make sure quality and ethical business was the focus.
Stone says he founded Touchstone Essentials because most of the food supplements out there aren’t as healthy as they claim to be. They are also overpriced because there are many middlemen in the supply chain. But Touchstone offers the highest quality at the lowest price because they cut out the middlemen.
As far as I can tell, everything I just said is true.
Again, I was able to verify the quality of their products with studies, and I’ve worked with them enough to know they really do things to help people, without charging too much to do it.
We told our contact at Touchstone we were going to produce this article series investigating the zeolite industry. They were the only company that got back to us.
They said they’d offer something special, which we’re going to share with all of you.
Detox Campaign
It’s not enough that I talk about the principles behind heavy metal detox. If I really want to prove that it works, I need to do it myself.
Update: I started the detox campaign and already started seeing results! You can join me at any time here.
In my group on Facebook, I’ll update and ask you how you’re doing with your detox. Every Friday I’ll be going live on the Stillness in the Storm Facebook Page where we’ll talk about all of this in more detail.
For example, on one livestream, I revealed that one of the most popular coffee shops in the world is selling mugs loaded with lead. Some of them up to %50,000 more than the EPA safe level!
Touchstone Essentials made 500 bottles of their zeolite product available for this campaign. They carefully process their products in batches, so supplies are limited.
The campaign calls for a complete detox protocol, incorporating zeolite, green juices, CBD, and diet. This is what I’ll be doing for the campaign.
I’m going to break down the cost for you so you know exactly what you’re signing up for.
Ideally, you’ll want the entire detox package. But if you can’t afford that, at least do the zeolite.
- Touchstone offers nano zeolite, Pure Body Extra Strength, for only $5 for the first month on a monthly subscription. It’s normally $79.99, but if you stick with the monthly subscription you save 20%, costing just $63.83.
- They offer micro zeolite, Pure Body, for only $39.95 one time, or $29.95 (26% off with a monthly subscription).
- They offer superfood powder, Super Green Juice, for only $79.95 one time, or $67.95 (15% off with a monthly subscription).
- Lastly, they offer CBD, Calm Premium CBD Oil, for only $79.95 one time, or $69 (21% off with a monthly subscription).
I’m proposing two packages for this 90-day campaign.
Zeolite Only: Just the zeolite detox, both micro zeolite (Pure Body) and nano zeolite (Pure Body Extra Strength), is $94 a month, not including the $65 off if you start a monthly subscription of Pure Body Extra Strength (which Touchstone Essentials as kind enough to offer Stillness readers). This means your first month will be only $35. Of course, you can try only the Pure Body Extra Strength for the first month for only $5 too.
Complete Detox Package: Includes Pure Body, Pure Body Extra Strength, Super Green Juice, and Calm Premium CBD Oil. You can get it all here at the Stillness version of the Touchstone Essentials store. This total is $231 a month, again, not including the $65 off if you take advantage of the $5 Pure Body Extra Strength promotion.
The CBD will help reduce stress, which will improve your immune system to help with detox.
The green juices will also assist with detoxing, providing phytonutrients that powerhouse the process.
Yes, I know… that’s a lot of money. But here are some tips to make it affordable
If you’re already spending money on detox supplements, and you aren’t totally sure they are high quality, then perhaps it’s time to consider switching brands. Our contact form Touchstone told us that there are 20,000 people using the inferior TRS products we talked about in part three, the same company that uses synthetic zeolite. By switching brands, you can easily afford to join us for this campaign.
Full Disclosure: You might be wondering, do we make money from this? Yes, we do. We make a small percentage when you purchase touchstone products using our affiliate links, at no additional cost to you. But that shouldn’t deter you. We showed you everything we learned during our investigation. We held nothing back, offering everything we gained in a pay-it-forward capacity. Do this campaign for yourself, and take joy in knowing you’ll support a trusted ally in health in the process.
Book Big Pharma, Big Agri, Big Conspiracy: A New World Order Spin on Drugs and GMOs
Suggested Protocol
Now that you’re on board with the campaign. Here’s what I suggest.
Keep in mind, detoxification is a holistic process. The more you invest yourself, the more successful it will before you.
If you show any signs of heavy metal symptoms, you’ll want to join us for this campaign.
Be sure to read about common sources of heavy metals and prepare for the campaign by removing them from your life as much as possible. Here’s another great article on where heavy metals get into the body.
The first thing you’ll need to do is order the detox products from Touchstone Essentials. You can sign up for the $5 promotion of Pure Body Extra Strength here.
Next, review your life and plan for the campaign. I suggest keeping a journal so you can track your progress.
Things to Watch Out For
Detoxification isn’t like taking a sugar pill. It’s an active process that you’ll want to participate in. You need to manage your expectations so you know it’s working.
When you begin, you’ll experience detox symptoms, like fatigue, headaches, skin flare-ups, digestion issues, and possibly fever symptoms. This is all to be expected because the immune system is coming back online, fighting to remove toxins. When the immune system is active, this is called a pro-inflammatory response, which often feels like the symptoms of a cold or fever. This is good, it means our bodies are being restored and toxins are being removed.
That said, be sure to take things at pace. If you feel too overwhelmed, be sure to work in self-care to your protocol. Do meditation, aromatherapy, or spend a little more time with your loved ones, because the emotional turbulence that comes from detoxing can be tricky to manage.
What to Expect
Results vary depending on two things: 1) How much toxicity is in your body, and 2) how intense your detox protocol is.
For instance, you can go on a reduced-calorie diet, focusing on detox green foods, as a way to speed things up. Of course, this means changing your daily routine more drastically. So you have to decide how much you want to pile on your detox plate.
For some, they could see rapid detox of most of the heavy metals within a few short weeks, followed by several months of slower, yet deep cleansing and healing. Remember, we’re detoxing the digestive tract first, and then, once that is restored, the longer detox within the cells will take place. Mainstream science studies place a range of about 30 days for a digestive detox, plus or minus 15 days, for the average detox. But this is a very general approximation.
Some users report seeing continued improvements after years, which means that full and complete restoration will take time and patience. Don’t give up, stick with it.
You should focus on how consistently you’re following through with the detox protocol and what you notice on a daily basis. A good rule of thumb is that the older you are the longer it will take to restore health. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Also, removing heavy metals gets the problems out of the way. From here, the body begins the more long term healing. This means getting heavy metals out might take a few months, but you need to stick with the detox so your body can heal, now that it’s free of heavy metals.
The truth is, unless you plan on removing all sources of heavy metals from your life, which is almost impossible in the modern age, you’ll always need a detoxifier in your life. For me, I plan on taking high-quality zeolite products for the rest of my life, while working to improve my diet and health in all other areas.
I want to be one of those 90-year-old super-agers one day.
Watch The Living Matrix — Science and Cases of Healing Through Consciousness
– Justin
Read all four parts of the Heavy Metal Zeolite Detox series:
Part 1: A Secret Too Big to Expose? Hidden Toxins Ignored by the Mainstream
Part 2: Solutions to Toxins and Health Problems Ignored by The Mainstream
Part 4: Real, Safe, and Trusted Detox Products — Now That You’ve Seen the Bad, Here’s the Good
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life. He studies physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever-expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some. He humbly seeks those who are willing to take responsibility for making themselves and the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and minds.com.
Read more articles by Justin Deschamps.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (Real, Safe, and Trusted Detox Products — Now That You’ve Seen the Bad, Here’s the Good) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Health is an important human value. Almost everyone, regardless of political affiliation, national origin, or religious association, values being healthy, free of disease and able to pursue their dreams and values. The preceding information discuses health in some capacity, either by alerting the public to poor health choices or suggesting better ways of living for optimum health. With health freedom in hand, which is a primary survival need of all living creatures, the individual can be liberated from fear of personal suffering. This leads to the capacity for holistic thinking, playfulness, and inspired living—activating our capacity to thrive.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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Zeolite sounds great, but expensive for detoxing. I use Spirulina tablets (Now Brand) and they work to detox fabulous, so does chorella, but that is more expensive. I know people who take both, I can say I’m never sick, never need a doctor, no drugs and I look much much younger than my 71, soon 72 yrs old and feel great every day with no physical or mental problems at all. I’ve been using Now Spirulina for 16 yrs and they have answered every question I’ve thrown at them quite thoroughly.
Spirulina is an amazing detoxifier. I don’t know if it can remove deep heavy metal toxins, which is why we suggested a nano-zeolite. So glad you’re doing well with this. Proof you can maintain your health for life with the right practice and habits.
Hello, thank you so much for such in-depth research onto this topic. I’ve been considering zeolite for a while now, and your posts make me feel much more confident in making that initial purchase. I searched ‘zeolite’ on your site to ensure that I hadn’t missed any new posts (I’ve had this one bookmarked for a long time) so I’m making the assumption that since this post is still up, nothing on your end has changed regarding this product and you still recommend it.
An addition to my prior comment! I just placed my order, and there still is a $50 discount for the first month’s bottle using your link in this post – thank you! But just a heads up that it’s not a $5 bottle anymore. It’s actually $13.83. My grand total with tax was $14.87. Which is, of course, still AH-mazing, but I just wanted to provide the update to you and all others who may be interested in placing their first order. Thanks!
Brittany. Thanks for letting us know about your experience. The discount is still quite amazing!
Hi, and thank you for your reviews of zeolite products! From your reporting it appears Touchstone’s product removes a lot of heavy metals found in natural zeolite. My question is what are your thoughts concerning the safety of the residual level of lead (.5 ppm according to Touchstone’s report you provided in the earlier section) that is higher than the EPA limit of 0.15 ppm?
Sorry it’s been 3 years since I wrote this. Where is this .5 ppm of lead exactly?
Justin, I really appreciate this series you wrote so long ago. I’ve been seeing the Root Wellness Brand people moving around the alt news sphere and I’m considering buying their Clean Slate product which is Clinoptilolite based. Do you know about the quality of theirs? They seem of high integrity but it also seems like they’re very prideful of their products. Let me know if you anything about the quality of their product. Thanks a bunch, lots of gratitude for ya.
Matthew. I don’t know the quality of theirs but I did my best to spell out the criteria of what makes a good zeolite product in this series. Perhaps you can contact them and ask. If you get some good information, let me know, I might do a follow up if I can carve out some time.