This post goes right along with The Government MUST pay all your DEBTS! – History of your Exemption Account and Exemption Account is Public Law – Your debts are Pre-Paid and What Is The Accepted For Value – Process? Access the Strawman/Redemption Account. Also given this post US Treasury – A4V, Redemption Accounts, ‘Strawman Accounts’ are Fraud – But where’s the proof? be very careful with this information. Just because the law is on your side, does not mean the corrupt powers that were will not try and stop you unlawfully.
I have just had my first success with the Accepted For Value and Promissory Notes method of payment. Since the UK is already bankrupt when gold stopped being the method of currency for bank notes, the “promise to pay”, the corporation who requires payment must send a remedy. The Bank Giro Credit is this remedy and a negotiable instrument, once signed. 99 percent of people will say that this is just a payment slip, but why do we have to sign this slip if it is just a payment slip? Endorse the back by signing and printing your name in full. No need to add address, as it’s on the Bank Giro Credit already.
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