(Justin Deschamps) We’ve all heard how important discernment is. In an age of deception, seeking the truth with wisdom is essential—it’s a survival skill. The pros use established methods of discerning that we would greatly benefit from understanding, marrying logic with intuition to form a coherent toolset for meeting the challenges of belief that life has to offer. I’ll show you 4 key steps that are extremely effective when it comes to discerning a claim, belief, or experience. We’ll also discuss some pitfalls to avoid.
How To
Articles and information that tell you how to do things. Such as health guides, meditation guides, discernment guides, law solutions, gardening, and so on.
DIY Bunker: Turning Your Basement Into a Survival Shelter
(The Prepper Journal) Most people think that bunkers are only used during wars, however, they apply to everyday life and basements can serve as a survival shelter offering protection during an SHTF situation. If you’re thinking of creating a bunker, don’t just dig a hole in your backyard and set up an underground bunker. First, you should have a viable survival zone. If your home has a basement, then you may already have what is needed. Bunkers can be used in many situations, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or civil unrest. So, here are some tips on DIY bunker and how to turn your basement into a survival shelter. With our tips, you will learn what mistakes to avoid, as well.
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How to Get Rid of Brain Fog: Top 5 Tips & Recipes From Dr. Uma Naidoo
(Uma Naidoo) In my work as a nutritional psychiatrist, I support people with a variety of neurological and psychiatric concerns, ranging from pervasive conditions like depression and anxiety to day-to-day issues such as poor sleep, difficulty focusing, and, you guessed it — brain fog. While brain fog can be a symptom of many different diseases and syndromes, it can also be a result of foods in our diet that affect our blood sugar levels, oxygen supply to the brain, or inflammation anywhere along the process of thought and mood formation.
Cut-And-Come-Again Gardening Will Boost Your Production
(Amy Allen) Many vegetables can be grown, harvested, and will continue to grow for later harvests. This is called a cut-and-come-again garden, a technique used for continuous harvests. We cut only enough for our use at that moment, allowing the plant to grow for another harvest on another day. In this article, I’ll discuss how this is done and what vegetables are best suited for this gardening method.
How to Detox from Soda and Sugary Drinks
(Dr. Michelle Kmiec) Many people reach for a sugary pop for a quick shot of energy when the 3 p.m. doldrums hit. But each can of sugary soda consumed adds 150 calories to your total intake. If you drink four or more colas per day, you consume more than a quarter of your recommended calorie intake on nutritionally empty soda. Soda is also full of sugar and more often than not leads to a crash after that original boost of energy hits.
Your Guide To Living Off The Land – Start Here
(Perrin Adams) For some, living off the land is a far-fetched dream that would be great if it happened, but seldom does.
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Planning Your Garden? Read This First.
(Amy Allen) So you’ve noticed current events in terms of shortages at the grocery store and the many problems plaguing our centralized food system, from fires to food recalls to massive bird culls. You’ve decided to take matters into your own hands as much as possible, most notably growing at least some of your own food, and now you’re looking at planning your garden.
23 Things You Can Forage For From April to June
(Sara Tipton) Foraging for your own food or medicine may become a necessity in the coming months unless you want to fork over massive amounts of money for a limited amount of food. With soaring inflation and grocery store shelves emptying, it is important to correctly identify medicinal or edible plants that grow naturally and abundantly all around you.
3 Wonder Herbs for Autoimmune Disease
(Nick Polizzi) Twenty years ago, the term “autoimmune disease” was virtually unspoken of. It certainly wasn’t something you would see in the big news headlines – like cancer, Alzheimer’s, or heart disease.
SHTF Essentials: 7 Alternate Power Sources for Emergencies
(Zoey Sky) In a post-SHTF world, having a power source is going to be important for your survival, especially if the power grid goes down.
How to Use Geography to Determine Your Retreat Location
(Fabian Ommar) Jose did a great piece recently on the importance of timing for relocation. When to leave is perhaps the hardest aspect to determine for either a planned move (in advance of an event) or an emergency escape.
Here’s How to Survive a Mugging
(Tim Makay) In the self-defense realm, preventing yourself and your loved ones from getting mugged is a recurring theme, and you’ll come across no shortage of self-defense experts who have seemingly unearthed the secrets of foiling a mugging with 100% certainty.
Astragalus: The Super Herb that Prevents Cancer
(Ty Bollinger) You’ve probably heard of natural cold remedies like echinacea, garlic, and goldenseal. But here is a remedy that may be even better! It’s an ancient Chinese herb called huang qi, which means “yellow leader,” but you probably know it by its more common name… astragalus.
Using Crypto-Mining To Improve Your Homestead
(J.G. Martinez D) Engineers hate wasting. We are always trying to optimize the usage of the resources surrounding us.
5 Cancer-Fighting Essential Oils and 5 Ways to Use Them
(Ty and Charlene Bollinger) Essential oils are one of the most potent forms of plant-based medicine in the world. From killing viruses (like coronavirus), to promoting relaxation, to soothing skin scrapes, to supporting the immune system, essential oils offer countless benefits to your life.