(Elias Marat) A metal monolith nearly identical to one that was discovered in the U.S. state of Utah has appeared on a hillside in Romania, not far from a historic fortress.
Profane Message Left After Mysterious Monolith In Utah Wilderness Disappears
(Joseph Curl) “Maybe it did get zapped into space by the aliens.”
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Update: Utah Monolith: Internet Sleuths Got There, but Its Origins Are Still a Mystery
(Kevin Ponniah and Ashitha Nagesh) It took just 48 hours for the first person to get there.
Breakthrough Third Eye (Pineal Gland) Formula
(Will Justice) The pineal gland or third eye is one of the most powerful organs in the human body. Rene Descartes, the father of modern science, called it the “seat of the soul.” Today, the medical system doesn’t understand the true importance of this pinecone shaped gland. But herbalists do, bringing us a breakthrough that can finally restore your third eye back to health.
The Story Of The Great Flood According To Ancient Aztec Mythology | Ancient Code
(Ancient Code) “Before the great flood which took place 4,800 years after the creation of the world, the country of Anahuac was inhabited by giants, all of whom either perished in the inundation or were transformed into fishes, save seven who fled into caverns. When the waters subsided, one of the giants, the great Xelhua, nicknamed the ‘Architect,’ traveled to Cholula, where, as a memorial of the Tlaloc which had served for an asylum to himself and his six brethren, he built an artificial hill in the form of a pyramid…”
Extraordinary Children Who Can Do “Impossible” Things: A Documented Reality
(Arjun Walia) Cassandra Vieten, PhD and current President/CEO at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), which was founded by astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, could not have put it any better. She said, “There seems to be a deep concern that the whole field (science) will be tarnished by studying phenomenon that is tainted by its association with superstition, spiritualism and magic. Protecting against this possibility sometimes seems more important than encouraging scientific exploration or protecting academic freedom. But this may be changing.”
The Dogon Tribe, the Nommo, and Their Fascinating Cosmic Knowledge
(Janice Friedman) The ancient Dogon tribe are known for their religious traditions, their ritual dances, their massive ritual masks, their wooden sculptures and their architecture.
Visiting a Permaculture Paradise on Lake Pátzcuaro in Mexico
(Natural Blaze) Derrick Broze visits a permaculture paradise on Lake Pátzcuaro in Michoacán, Mexico.
CLAIM: European Royals Allegedly Killing Children in Human Hunting Parties — 4 Eyewitnesses Testify
(Judy Byington) This is one in a series of articles taken from eyewitness testimony before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.
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The Price of False Expectations: How “Romantic Culture” from the Past Destroys Relationships in the Present
(Justin Deschamps) Romanticism, according to author Alain De Botton, introduced the idea of love, romance, and soul mates into modern culture. Before that, marriage was more about business and procreation, not so much about personal fulfillment. Surely, there are some good things that came from romantic thinking, like the idea that love should be a guiding force inn relationships. But it also introduced several ideas that to this day cause the modern man and women a lot of problems.
Did Tom Hanks Signal the Murder of Isaac Kappy in a Tweet?
(Gomeravibz) Why did Tom Hanks Tweet very strangely this ” red ” Handkerchief to his followers on Twitter ? Just one day exactly before the very ” suspicious suicide ” proclaimed by Police of this poor Issac Kappy that forced his way off a 20 meter only Bridge onto Route 66 below to be then hit by a camper van, which is incidentaly also featured in this Tweet by Hanks!
Doctor Who Appeared on CNN Exposes The Truth About Cell Phones, Confirmed by Study
(Michael Wright) You’ve heard rumors and maybe even thought about it yourself. Now we know for sure.
PEDOGATE 2020 PT.II, Tom Hanx | WATCH NOW, Before It Gets Censored (Video)
PEDOGATE 2020 PT.II, Tom Hanx | WATCH NOW, Before It Gets Censored (Video)
Has the Democratic Party Been infiltrated by Satanists?
(Marko De Francis) There’s a compelling case that can be made that the Democratic Party has been infiltrated by Satanists.
US Universities With Haunted Dorms
(Strange Sounds) If you think that ghosts like settling only in romantic castles, you are deeply misinformed. Spooks have different and sometimes unexpected tastes. You can run into spirits in mansions, libraries, museums, parks, and even universities.