I have been reading comments and watching reactions from this catalyst which has presented itself for all of us.
I am seeing a lot of people who are not fully aware of all the facts, as I understand them.
For my first post detailing a lot of concepts see the following post Can you Own an Idea? RE: Why I’m not going on OPAL Tour — by Chase Binnie (Patents hold back Humanity)
Did Brian Steal Paul’s Tech?
Brian Posted the following on facebook which clear’s the air:
“There so much that has been misunderstood with what has happened here. Paul took what had already been created and called it his own. Our contact Daniel took what Paul created made some minor adjustments and has no intention of calling it his own. His only intention is to share it with the people…for free. It’s important to have all the facts straight before we jump to conclusions. Chase knew full well of this info but decided to publish the video anyway. I’m glad he did bc it has led to a brilliant discussion. One that was so necessary we have now. Great healing and reconciliation will follow “
“Paul took what had been created and made a few minor adjustments and called it his own…”
The answer here is that Brian did NOT steal the tech from Paul. Paul had in fact taken what was already out there, made adjustments and patented it. Let me say that again to point out the glaring contradiction. Paul TOOK what was ALREADY OUT THERE, made minor adjustments and called it his own. Which means Paul took someone else’s tech and is claiming ownership of it; this is the very thing we are all judging Brian for doing!
The reason Paul got involved is that O.P.A.L. originally used Paul’s videos in their first production on youtube. This is what caused Paul to react the way he did, to assume it was his tech that was being released. But it was in fact David who gave Brian David’s tech. And Paul, an un involved third party, is now trying to prevent the free release because this will ‘harm’ his intellectual property rights.
Do you see how erroneous the patent system is? Do you see how it confuses inventors into thinking they can own an idea like they are it’s master? And do you see how to honor ANY patent harms humanity and the inventor by propagating a F.E.A.R. BASED idea?
Is Brian Acting Honorably by releasing the Tech?
From a Universal, Natural, and Common Law perspective yes. Brian has DONE NO HARM. But how can that be? Brian is harming Paul by going against his wishes? That is what many people are thinking right now, and it is a reasonable conclusion to draw, but we need to go deeper.
Self inflicted harm is the key here. People can have all sorts of desires and wishes, but is honoring them automatically mean we are not doing harm? I think there are many instances where we can see it would be harmful to honor someone’s request, especially if that request affects other BEings. An addict that is addicted to Crack doesn’t want to quit and will steal and cheat to maintain their addiction. By stopping this addict you could say we are harming them, but are we? Is the harm self inflicted? And do we consider this idea when we think of Paul?
I posted this in the comment thread in Brian Kelly’s News room:
With love I want to share a point (hopefully those who do not agree with it will not see it as an attack, it is sent in love <3) The tech is not Paul’s creation. That is the big issue so many are confused about.
Paul did not invent the motor. He used other peoples inventions. Paul did not give the tech to Brian. David did.
Paul is a third party, who is coming in and trying to assert his ownership based on a patent. Do we want to honor this persons request which harms all of humanity and himself?
If we release the tech with out his consent (which is not his to demand anyway) what are we doing? We are acting in F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real. The false evidence in this case is 2 fold.
1. Paul does not own the tech. No one can. The idea of intellectual ownership is wrong no matter how you look at it (and almost everyone agree’s on this point). And the only way to maintain intellectual ownership, is to HARM EVERYONE ELSE ON EARTH. (this is the big issue of harm so many are not seeing right now)
2. Paul’s harm comes from himself; self inflicted like an addict or an alcoholic. He mistakenly thinks he owns the tech, and this mistake is what causes HIMSELF the harm.
To honor his request is to enable self created F.E.A.R., and to harm the entire planet so that he can feel a little better. In addition we are enabling our own fear, fear to not face when someone has created fear within, and we want to honor their self created fear; so that we do not have to face our own. WE are literally enabling self destructive behavior by going along with it. Harming paul, and harming all of humanity.
So what is worse? How do we reconcile this? This issue is not as simple as “we cannot release the tech because it harms Paul” because in saying that we are also harming him to a greater soul extent, and harming ourselves.
Do we keep feeding the addict Heroin or do we stop knowing they will come around after the binge is over… ?
Nearly everyone seems to agree that patents and intellectual property are erroneous. But at the same time no one wants to feel like they have harmed another. And I think this is the major point which needs greater study and personal reflection.
You have to ask yourself what harm really is and where it comes from.
We are not responsible for other people’s happiness and we are also not responsible for the harm others inflict on themselves. Paul has to take up that healing within himself. And we, as his fellow soul family can create that space of healing by standing in our truths and not supporting his FEAR BASED reaction.
The big Question
Is Paul’s harm self inflicted or is it because of Brian’s release of the Tech? Given what we discussed above, that Paul did not give the tech to Brian, and it is not even Paul’s tech which Brian is using, then we must conclude that this harm is self inflicted; especially in light of the fact that intellectual ownership is an erroneous concept no matter how you look at it. Just like a disgruntled sports fan who’s favorite team has lost a game he was riding money on, the sports team cannot be blamed for this fan being upset. The fan upset themselves through their own actions.
This is a wonderful discussion. Many minds are expanding to the concepts presented here, and ultimately when we all come to full reconciliation the world will be that much closer to the world we all want to live in. We are acting out the change we want to see in this world right here, right now, with this discussion and our actions!
This is somewhat misleading. For folks to convert their own engines and run them on a hybrid type of set up with both Hydroxy (Brown's Gas), and petroleum based fuel, or just on water (Brown's Gas) alone and get 800 miles per gallon is just not going to be achievable for even a small percentage of common folks.
Lots of uncertainty here. Seems some digging is in order to work out whose claims are valid; ie. is Pantone the inventor or not?
On the 800 mpg claim; what I heard was 800 miles on a gallon of crude oil; nothing said about how much if any water was consumed along with that 1 gallon.
If the figures are real that's great. I'll take a good look at the instructions if & when they're available.
Those who actually listen to this drivel by so-called 'enlighted BEings' are being subtly manipulated into thinking that no-one owns anything because everything is already THERE. What a load of bollox. Great justification for stealing any 'idea' from anyone who has spent, in some cases, a lifetime trying to create something and finally does. A simple way to resolve this is to ask "how does the GEET system work? What component actually allows the GEET system to do what it does? Explain how it was thought of? What cognitions did you actually have to create it?' Only ONE person can answer those questions: the individual who actually brought this creation into the physical world, not some wannabe new-age panty-waisted criminal called Brian. And use FULL names. Paul Pantone is who everyone is referring to. Anyone can email me here: cas.at.matrixfiles.dot.com
Thanks for sharing your personal details here. I recommend anyone seek out the one who brought it forth, as you say. Nore I or Brian discount the efforts of Paul Pantone and all his work. BUT this does not validate the logical fallacy and immoral nature of the intellectual property rights concept, which is erroneous and immoral. The truth, and the empowerment that comes to those who find it, is the birth right of all conscious beings everywhere. Just as it was Pauls right to bring it out into the world regardless of big oil's monopoly on energy.