Vaccination has the power to be one of the biggest Red Pill topics of our age. This is because it inflicts untold suffering on billions of people, not just the vaccinated by the unvaccinated as well; as the following article details. Due to this harm, many parents, doctors and health advisors can’t acknowledge the truth that Vaccines have never worked as designed. If they did go through the rational process of recognizing the harm inflicted, they would feel an immediate regret for all the pain and agony they may have pushed unwittingly out onto humanity.
Can you imagine being a mother who has a child with autism that was caused by Vaccination? This would be a devastating realization and due to this emotional charge, most run from the truth as if their very life depended on it.
How can this be a big Red Pill then? because those who have been brave enough to face the truth, end up becoming the most active, becoming warriors for truth. The only way to maintain a false belief is to develop a defense against reality, which psychology calls cognitive dissonance, but it is a losing battle. The Unconscious mind receives all data, and our conscious mind may choose to ignore something for a time, but given enough time, it keeps building in charge, and eventually there is so much emotional energy there is a break.
Humanity is presently on course for a ‘break’ in their walls against reality, with vaccination being one of the most well documented and easy to understand truths; if we simply take the time to do enough research. And this is the central point of issue. Many people claim to know vaccines work without any personal knowledge about how they work, because life is just too busy. But with a few hours of honest investigation, and an open mind, anyone can come to understand what Vaccines really are. Most people feel they either are not smart enough or do not have time to learn the truth. As such, we who have taken the time, can acknowledge our duty to humanity, and help our distressed brethren come around.
We must keep sharing the truth with compassion, and allow it to be absorbed, much like a grieving process. Below is one more discussion point we can offer to help wake up our fellows. Remember that each mind, each being is a key player in this game of awakening, and in a very real sense, they are either a warrior for truth, or a sleeping agent for deception.
20 years ago, the MMR vaccine was found to infect virtually all of its recipients with measles. The manufacturer Merck’s own product warning links MMR to a potentially fatal form of brain inflammation caused by measles. Why is this evidence not being reported?
The Vaccinated Spreading Measles
- Measles virus RNA was detected in 10 of 12 children during the 2-week sampling period.
- In some cases, measles virus RNA was detected as early as 1 day or as late as 14 days after the children were vaccinated.
- Measles virus RNA was also detected in the urine samples from all four of the young adults between 1 and 13 days after vaccination.
- A changing clinical presentation towards ‘milder’ or asymptomatic measles in previously vaccinated individuals.
- A changing epidemiological distribution of measles (a shift toward children younger than 15 months, teenagers, and young adults)
- Increasing difficulty distinguishing measles-like symptoms (exanthema) caused by a range of other pathogens from those caused by measles virus.
- An increase in sporadic measles outbreaks in previously vaccinated individuals.
Did the CDC Use PCR Testing On The Disneyland Measles Cases?
It would be what one might call vaccine fallout. People who receive live-virus vaccines, such as the MMR, can then shed that live virus, for up to many weeks and can infect others. Other live-virus vaccines include the nasal flu vaccine, shingles vaccine, rotavirus vaccine, chicken pox vaccine, and yellow fever vaccine.”
Additional Evidence That the Vaccinated Are Not Immune, Spread Disease
- In 2010, Eurosurveillance published a report about excretion of vaccine strain measles virus in urine and pharyngeal secretions of a Croatian child with vaccine-associated rash illness.[1] A healthy 14-month old child was given MMR vaccine and eight days later developed macular rash and fever. Lab testing of throat and urine samples between two and four weeks after vaccination tested positive for vaccine strain measles virus. Authors of the report pointed out that when children experience a fever and rash after MMR vaccination, only molecular lab testing can determine whether the symptoms are due to vaccine strain measles virus infection. They stated: “According to WHO guidelines for measles and rubella elimination, routine discrimination between aetiologies of febrile rash disease is done by virus detection. However, in a patient recently MMR-vaccinated, only molecular techniques can differentiate between wild type measles or rubella infection or vaccine-associated disease. This case report demonstrates that excretion of Schwartz measles virus occurs in vaccinees.”
- In 2012, Pediatric Child Health published a report describing a healthy 15-month old child in Canada, who developed irritability, fever, cough, conjunctivitis and rash within seven days of an MMR shot.[2] Blood, urine and throat swab tests were positive for vaccine strain measles virus infection 12 days after vaccination. Addressing the potential for measles vaccine strain virus transmission to others, the authors stated, “While the attenuated virus can be detected in clinical specimens following immunization, it is understood that administration of the MMR vaccine to immunocompetent individuals does not carry the risk of secondary transmission to susceptible hosts.
- In 2013, Eurosurveillance published a report of vaccine strain measles occurring weeks after MMR vaccination in Canada. Authors stated, “We describe a case of measlesmumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine-associated measles illness that was positive by both PCR and IgM, five weeks after administration of the MMR vaccine.” The case involved a two-year-old child, who developed runny nose, fever, cough, macular rash and conjunctivitis after vaccination and tested positive for vaccine strain measles virus infection in throat swab and blood tests.[3]Canadian health officials authoring the report raised the question of whether there are unidentified cases of vaccine strain measles infections and the need to know more about how long measles vaccine strain shedding lasts. They concluded that the case they reported “likely represents the existence of additional, but unidentified, exceptions to the typical timeframe for measles vaccine virus shedding and illness.” They added that “further investigation is needed on the upper limit of measles vaccine virus shedding based on increased sensitivity of the RT-PCR-based detection technologies and immunological factors associated with vaccine-associated measles illness and virus shedding.”
Source – Natural News
Measles outbreak documented among fully immunized group of children
Hell hath no fury like a vaccine zealot during a disease outbreak, with this latest Disneyland measles fiasco a perfect case-in-point. While the corporate media foams violently at the mouth over a few children, some vaccinated, who allegedly contracted measles at Disneyland because not everyone chooses to vaccinate — one hate-filled report from a major news outlet has actually called for parents who oppose vaccinations to be jailed — the level-headed, rational segments of society will recall that many earlier measles outbreaks occurred among fully vaccinated groups of people, debunking the official myth that vaccines provide protection against disease.
In 1987, for example, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) documented a measles outbreak that occurred in Corpus Christi, Texas, in the spring of 1985. Fourteen adolescent-age students, all of whom had been vaccinated for measles, contracted the disease despite having been injected with the MMR vaccine. Researchers noted that more than 99 percent of students at the school — basically all of them — had also been vaccinated, with more than 95 percent of them showing detectable antibodies to measles.
This highly revealing study completely contradicts the official narrative being propagated today that unvaccinated individuals are responsible for disease outbreaks like the one that reportedly began at Disneyland. None of the students in Texas who contracted the measles in 1985 were unvaccinated, and virtually none of their peers were unvaccinated. Consequently, so-called “herd immunity,” which would have been activated based on what health authorities claim as indisputable immunological fact, was also shown to be an unsubstantiated myth, further vindicating the unvaccinated as a possible cause of this particular outbreak.
So what did cause 14 fully vaccinated student to catch measles? A failure of the MMR vaccine, of course, which you will never hear about from the prostitute press. There’s no other valid explanation for why a fully vaccinated group of children, who were surrounded by an almost fully vaccinated group of peers, contracted a disease for which they should have been immune, according to the official story. And there’s no blaming the one or two students who weren’t vaccinated for this outbreak because:
1) not a single unvaccinated student contracted the measles; and
2) herd immunity would have been activated regardless, supposedly protecting everyone.
CDC data published after 1985 outbreak reveals exceptional failure of MMR vaccine
Additionally, those who were vaccinated should have been protected by the vaccine either way — that is, if vaccines really work as claimed. They obviously don’t, which is further evidenced by data later published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).
In a 1988 issue of the report, the CDC published data on measles which documented 3,655 cases of measles in 1987, the previous year. Guess how many of these cases were in vaccinated individuals? 1,903, or roughly 52 percent — more than half! So much for the effectiveness of that MMR vaccine that health authorities want you and your family to rush out and get immediately.
MMR is the same vaccine, of course, that was exposed by the CDC whistleblower as causing autism, particularly in young African American boys. And because MMR contains attenuated (weakened) live measles virus, it can also shed from vaccinated individuals to others, which may have been behind past measles outbreaks.
There are number of possible factors here that the media is ignoring in its vicious witch hunt to demonize all those “anti-vaxxers” out there who have legitimate concerns about the safety and effectiveness of this controversial vaccine. But don’t let them bully you — it is ultimately your decision to decide what’s best for your children, even if it means foregoing what the establishment claims is the solution.
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