Unlike what the modern medical establishment pushes in propaganda media, genetic expression is not hardwired from birth. In fact, genes are easily ‘turned on or off’ as an interaction between the environment and cells of the body.
What we consume, how we feel or think and the places we go, all have an affect on the environment of our body; in turn altering genetic expression. Food is arguably one of the strongest influences on our genome, able to switch on genes directly as a result of the compounds found in food. Our bodies are an ecosystem of microbial life, which is profoundly affected by the food we eat. As such we must be very careful what we add to our internal environment as bad foods create a toxic environment.
Related Health, Like Everything Else is Holistic – Not Allopathic | Like any ecosystem, our bodies host trillions of bacterial cells that affect our everyday health
The outside of each cell is filled with chemical receptors that detect what is floating around it in the blood. These receptors transmit this environmental information into the cell which then alters it’s behavior accordingly. For example, epinephrine is a neurotransmitter released by adrenal glands, when we perceive a threatening situation, such as being attacked by an animal. This chemical is recognized by the cells within the body, which increase their metabolic rate (energy output). This is part of the fight or flight response, providing us the energy to run or fight when we feel threatened.
The following article goes into extensive detail about how these biochemical interactions affect us and genetic expression. Additionally, this may explain what so-called junk DNA is for, which has heretofore baffled biologists that contend genes are only for creating proteins. Clearly if 98.5% of DNA is not used to synthesize protein, there is some other purpose for this material. Perhaps there is finally a contingent of open minded researchers willing to look past the scientific dogma of our age.
As a side note, nutrients are not the only way to alter genetic expression. How we define experiences in our lives, the mental structure created within the mind is the foundation behind emotional expression. Emotions have biochemical and electromagnetic components that both affect genetic expression. Biochemically genes are affected epigenetically via hormones and neurotransmitters. Electromagnetically genes are altered as a result of changes in the magnetic field produced by the heart; a piezoelectric liquid crystal oscillator. Positive emotions create coherent magnetic fields that reorient DNA, exposing more codons that affect body processes. This is the reason why what we believe has the power to alter our health and also explains the Placebo effect.
Related The Placebo Effect Explained – The Amazing Power of Consciousness | “All is Mind” Mental Entrainment
The mind is literally capable of reprograming genes by a technique of gaining knowledge and holistically integrating this information into a cohesive understanding. How we make sense the events of our life literally affect our emotions and health. There are huge implications to this emotional aspect of consciousness affecting the body, which I elaborated on in the following articles.
Related Keys to Living – Positive and Negative Knowledge: Fearlessness, Self Mastery and Healing the body
Ultimately, whether our genes are affected by emotions or the food we eat, the common theme in each case is knowledge and the mind. The better we are able to understand life and use our bodies with skill, the more healthy we will be. But ignorance is not bliss and it definitely doesn’t aide us in the pursuit of good health.
Epigenomics and How Natural Nutrients Heal Genes

The roles of genetic switches
Genetic switches, food toxins, environmental toxins, and electromagnetic pollution
How natural nutrients heal genes
The epigenome is just as critical to the development of humans as is the genome. For example, by changing the diet of genetically fat and yellow agouti mice to one rich in methyl donors, found in onions, garlic, and beets, researchers have found that they could change the offspring to slim and brown mice. By epigenetic intervention, they had modulated the critical agouti gene, dramatically changing the mice’s offspring. Nutrition was responsible for dimming the gene’s deleterious effects, from fat and yellow mice to mice that are normal, slim, and brown. (source: Eversole, Finley. Energy Medicine Technologies: Ozone Healing, Microcrystals, Frequency Therapy, and the Future of Health. Inner Traditions. Rochester, Vermont, 2013.)
- Eversole, Finley. Energy Medicine Technologies: Ozone Healing, Microcrystals, Frequency Therapy, and the Future of Health. Inner Traditions. Rochester, Vermont, 2013.
- http://epi.grants.cancer.gov/epigen.html
Source – Energy Fanatics
Epigenetics: How Does Your Mind Reprogram Your Genes?

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