Thank you Chase for sharing your truth. This is needed now more then ever. Chase brings to light some very profound issues. I eluded to them briefly in this post.
Chase addresses something we should not overlook, that Paul has spent many years developing, caring and nurturing this technology and is very upset that it is going to be released without his consent. But there is more to this story then just an upset inventor. This is a moral issue and it is at the core of what it means to be human on earth right now.
The O.P.A.L. Tour Question
The issue here is: Should the O.P.A.L. Tour release technology which the inventor asked not be released because they own the technology. Simple issue yet, profound impacts in consciousness for those who are brave enough to ponder them.
Do Patents help or enslave Humanity?
This is an issue of ownership, and what is ‘right’; in the absolute spiritual sense. In the world of man, where man decides by FIAT (noun 1.a formal authorization or proposition; a decree.) what are “law’s” there is a technology called a ‘patent’ which allows for someone to claim ownership of an idea. Let me say that again to make it abundantly clear to you. There is a legal process to allow for people to take ideas, concepts, dreams, systems, living organisms, and document that they OWN them. Now with this patent, they can enforce their ownership over the idea by preventing any other being from using it, unless they get their permission.
Definition of a Patent:
“a government authority or licence conferring a right or title for a set period, esp. the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.“
They literally become the masters of the technology and all others are but ‘users.’ A dependency is created whereby the users are now slaves to the master. This is a technological slavery system and it ultimately is used to hold back tech to allow others advantage in the world. Patents ALWAYS LIMIT AND ALWAYS HINDER EXPRESSION. This is their main stated purpose as detailed above. Imagine what would happen to the medical industry if free healing devices were freely available to all? The medical industry will use the patent system to ‘protect their interests’ and stop at nothing to prevent free medical tech from being widely available.
Lets consider an example of how this system works at large in our world today:
Lets say you develop a new way of growing food that can use existing technology in your house, in a fast and cheep organic way, and want to give that technology away to help humanity. You start talking to your friends and family and your local community. Everyone agrees this is amazing tech and wants to start using it to help their friends and family. After 3 months your technology is in half the homes in your community. One day someone from a big company like G.E. hears about your tech and decides to go see it in action. He visits one of the locations and is given a demonstration, and he tells the demonstrator he wants the plans so he can bring them home and use them in his area. But instead the man from G.E. goes to the patent office and patents the technology you developed. Now in the world of man, you are stealing the tech you originally invented in the first place!
6 months later, your community is raided by the authorities and you are dragged into court and charged with patent infringement for not only using the tech you developed, but also giving it away to people for free. The authorities shut down all your technology and G.E. takes your tech and shelfs it in their vault. This once amazing technology which had the potential to feed billions of people with cheap, organic, easily accessible food is now unavailable.
The above example is EXACTLY HOW THE PATENT SYSTEM is used in our world. Everyone I am sure has heard of Monsanto and GMO foods ravaging the planet and humanity at this time. But do you know what Monsanto did was to patent genetic material taken from family farms and then sue the farmers for using their ‘Intellectual Property?’ Farmers who had owned their farms and seed stock for generations lost everything; my neighbor here in florida had a family farm in Maine and lost everything because of the very system I just described.
Can you own an idea?
For all those who think using the tech is ‘bad’ or ‘criminal’ ask yourself who has the right to own an idea? The ultimate answer according to Natural Law, (the laws which are self evident and omnipresent in creation) state that knowledge is the inherent right of all intelligent life. Therefore, no man, or group of people can RIGHTFULLY claim ownership of an idea.
No matter how many laws we write on paper and no matter how many people you get on your side, owning an idea WILL NEVER BE LAWFUL ACCORDING TO CREATION, THE UNIVERSE OR GOD. I am not stating opinion, this is not a belief I am asking you to consider. I am telling you the facts. I strongly consider you research Natural Law if your confused by these concepts.
What this issue means for YOU, and our new World
The greater issue here is what do YOU think is right, and will you continue to empower a system which is against natural law. I think we can safely say everyone wants to be recognized for their hard work, and Paul’s dedication to this technology is amazing. But no matter how much work he has put into this tech IT IS NOT PROPERTY. It is the right of all intelligent life to use knowledge as they see fit. And no other being has the RIGHT to stop them from using it. The universe agrees.
Now on earth, if you asked people on the street what they thought about giving away technology someone had a patent for, they would probably respond by saying: “this is breaking the law! The patent owner has ownership!” This reveals the degree to which humanity has lost its way and disconnected from source. Again no matter how many people you get on your side saying it is right to own an idea, it NEVER WILL BE. It maybe socially acceptable to say patents are valid, but in reality they are not, and we are hindering all of humanity by continuing to give energy to these systems of slavery.
The question we all should be asking ourselves is do we want to live in a world that not only goes against universal law (natural law) by trying to prevent others from expressing knowledge, but do we want to be accomplices to this violation? Do we want to live in a world where we continue to go along with limitation, suppression, mob rule, slavery systems, corporate power, etc?
The Choice (All of humanity must make)
It is hard for many to answer this because Paul’s feelings and emotions are being effected. Yes releasing this tech will hurt him in that his desire will not be met, but is his desire for the good of all, and is it resonate with Natural Law? And who is ultimately responsible for having an unrealistic desire? The illuminati desire to enslave humanity, will we honor their request too? Does Paul have the RIGHT to claim ownership of an idea? THIS IS THE ULTIMATE MORAL QUESTION EACH OF US MUST WRESTLE WITH.
In My Opinion, I think to continue to support a social system of ‘mob rule’ where we attempt to break natural law and prevent others from expressing themselves is THE VERY WORLD WE ARE TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM. This issue is MONUMENTAL. Your choice will help create a new chapter for humanity, and on earth inaction is choosing to accept the prevailing authority.
• Choose to honor Paul’s request: to suppress technology, and maintain the systems that enslave humanity. And give power to the patent system which keeps knowledge under the thumb of would-be controllers (all be it well intentioned).
• Choose not to honor Paul’s request: resonate with Natural Law, send a message to the would-be masters of this world that we are no longer honoring slavery systems and knowledge is free to all and can be used by all as they see fit.
PS – Thank you so much Chase for being brave and sharing your truth. I think creating a space for discussion and discourse, Collective Healing, as I like to call it, is so important in our changing world. This is the inner work that is needed so much now. And I also want to commend you Chase for being brave enough to create a space for loving conflict in a world were so many want to turn away from all conflict. Conflict is what allows un reconciled things to come into oneness. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart <3
Why I’m not going on OPAL Tour — by Chase Binnie
There is a discussion developing on the 5d Media Forum and I strongly suggest you garner your opinion. Sharing is what allows us to come together in oneness.
I see your point Chase for this reason. You are correct because while OPPT is Law on paper and now National Law we have not in most of our communities restored Common Law meaning the crooks are still in charge continuing to do their things their way. The consequences of the The One People not cleaning up our courts and justice system will be harm to the people as you say. OPPT has had the cart in front of the horse from the get go through ignoring the fact that we must restore Common Law FIRST!!! BEFORE TAKING MATTERS INTO OUR OWN HANDS!
Interesting Stance, but i think you can go deeper. Here is a great expression of the thought concepts involved.
Legally, according to Common Law, there are no copyrights or patents. All natural resources, including ideas, belong to humanity. Clearly, for those of us who have freed ourselves from the system of domination, it is legal for the OPAL Tour to release whatever technology they please. But legalities aside, is it ethical or moral for them to do so?
According to American psychologist, Lawrence Kohlberg, moral reasoning is the basis for ethical behavior. So let's approach Chase Binnie's and Brian Kelly's arguments from a moral standpoint as presented by Kohlberg. But first, if you haven't see Binnie's video, you may watch it here. For Brian Kelly's perspective, click here.
Kohlberg offers 6 stages of moral development, occurring at 3 levels:
Level 1 (Pre-Conventional)
1. Obedience and punishment orientation (How can I avoid punishment?)
2. Self-interest orientation (What's in it for me?)
Level 2 (Conventional)
3. Interpersonal accord and conformity (Social norms, the good boy/good girl attitude)
4. Authority and social-order maintaining orientation (Law and order morality)
Level 3 (Post-Conventional)
5. Social contract orientation
6. Universal ethical principles (Principled conscience)
Chase Binnie expressed that he feels the OPAL Tour taking the technology on the road is wrong because the inventor doesn't want them to. The inventor has, apparently, reported the OPAL Tour to the authorities who will now be on the lookout for the supposed patent violation. Binnie also states that the inventor is concerned someone may be hurt by implementing the technology in the wrong way. So, looking at Kohlberg's stages, it appears Binnie is operating at Pre-Conventional and Conventional Levels 1 and 2, stages 1-4.
Brian Kelly feels that releasing the technology will demonstrate freedom according to Natural Law and and provide a way for everyone to operate vehicles for a fraction of the cost. He is not concerned with patent violations or the "authorities." Brian appears to be operating at Level 3, states 5 and 6.
So who is right? They're both right according to the stage of moral development they are operating from.
The upcoming shift from Corporate Law to Common Law will require us all to polish our abstract reasoning a bit. Being able to accommodate several opposing viewpoints at the same time will help. We all approach issues from different angles according to our background and stage of development, so tolerance and patience is the name of the game at this point.
Well, brothers and sisters, here's how I see it. Patents or no patents, "authorities" and laws or no "authorities" and laws, and debate over ideas downloaded from the Collective Conscious being free or not is really irrelevant in this instance. The bottom line for me is that Mr. Pantone has strenuously expressed that while he likes the idea of the OPAL tour he does NOT want the tour to take "his" work on the road with it. There it is. Will the tour violate his free will and his personal wishes? In my mind it would be spiritually incorrect to do so. Mr. Pantone's wishes, regardless of whether the tour agrees with them or not, and if they agree he is the "owner" of the technology or the idea or not, should be respected. Period. There are many other similar free energy inventions out there at this very moment. Very likely there are folks who have their inventions ready to show and would dearly love to have the OPAL tour take the product of their time and energy on the road and showcase it. If it is meant to be, the Universe will bring one of them to the OPAL tour so they can work with that person instead. All love and respect to Paul Pantone. Love and blessings to the tour personnel, and to all who will be a part of its energy. May it be a huge success!
You have considered a lot, but i think there is more to consider, others are being affected, and some of the facts are not strait. Take a look at this:
Did Brian Steal Paul's Tech?
Brian Posted the following on facebook which clear's the air:
"There so much that has been misunderstood with what has happened here. Paul took what had already been created and called it his own. Our contact Daniel took what Paul created made some minor adjustments and has no intention of calling it his own. His only intention is to share it with the people…for free. It's important to have all the facts straight before we jump to conclusions. Chase knew full well of this info but decided to publish the video anyway. I'm glad he did bc it has led to a brilliant discussion. One that was so necessary we have now. Great healing and reconciliation will follow "
"Paul took what had been created and made a few minor adjustments and called it his own…"
The answer here is that Brian did NOT steal the tech from Paul. Paul had in fact taken what was already out there, made adjustments and patented it. Let me say that again to point out the glaring contradiction. Paul TOOK what was ALREADY OUT THERE, made minor adjustments and called it his own. Which means Paul took someone else's tech and is claiming ownership of it; this is the very thing we are all judging Brian for doing!
The reason Paul got involved is that O.P.A.L. originally used Paul's videos in their first production on youtube. This is what caused Paul to react the way he did, to assume it was his tech that was being released. But it was in fact David who gave Brian David's tech. And Paul, an un involved third party, is now trying to prevent the free release because this will 'harm' his intellectual property rights.
Do you see how erroneous the patent system is? Do you see how it confuses inventors into thinking they can own an idea like they are it's master? And do you see how to honor ANY patent harms humanity and the inventor by propagating a F.E.A.R. BASED idea?
Is Brian Acting Honorably by releasing the Tech?
Continue Reading:
This is an excellent article!!! I don't know who this Justin person is, but he sure used his brain. Thanks for a good read Justin!
Your theory that my dad Paul took the plans from elsewhere is based on what?
Its the greater concept of consciousness; we are all one. Nothing we do is truly 'ours' in an egocentric way. We are just channels for the all, the I AM.
That may sound like new age airy fairy mumbo jumbo to some. But within the context of Natural Law, which is the basis for the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, the greater truth is revealed to us.
In our present world, of slavery, the patent system is used to control creative energies.
your father is wonderful human and his contributions to the human race are great. But he is not the master of said contributions. which is the greater point of this post.
Can someone clarify what Brian is "releasing" for "free" that my dad hadn't already? I am seeing no difference.
To date, no plans have been released by Brian or anyone on the OPAL tour. To my knowledge.
And as I am not familiar with everything your father has done, i can not make any claim either way.
However, i can say with out question, that any attempt to subject others to yours, or any-others controlling will, with respect to technology and creative expression, is an aspect of the slavery systems which were shut down on paper last year. And in a greater context of consciousness, I am choosing to highlight this entire series of events, as an allegorical message… "Are we truly for freedom of the planet and the people, or are we only half assing it?"
we cannot be about solving our collective problems and ending slavery systems, wile at the same time upholding slavery systems of thought.