(Rachel Blevins) As the public searches for answers about why suspected gunman Nikolas Cruz opened fire on his classmates and teachers at a high school in Parkland, Florida, his social media history is making one thing clear—the Federal Bureau of Investigation should have seen the warning signs months ago. Related Apparently the “Solution” to Mass Shootings Is […]
5 Mainstream Paradigms that Drive People into Addiction
(Anna Hunt and Trevor McDonald) Many things contribute to addiction, including genetics and demographics. Nonetheless, society may be playing a larger role than we think. As the years press on, pop culture references drugs more than ever before. As well, virtual social identity becomes more prevalent, and more of us become slaves to acceptable vices like caffeine and sugar. Related The […]
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US Intelligence Agencies Warn War in Space is Coming
(Brett Tingley) Space is beginning to become more accessible to humankind. Naturally, the military wants to start fighting wars up there. Really, though, if you think about the timelines of the development of automobiles, aircraft, and atomic bombs relative to their use in war, it’s a wonder that there hasn’t been a war in space yet. Related Will […]
Former Military Meteorologist Admits Military Aircraft Spray Aluminum into the Atmosphere
(Isabelle Z) Geoengineering entails spraying materials like aluminum, barium, strontium and plastics into the atmosphere on the pretense of protecting the planet from global warming. A few years ago, if you questioned the white lines streaking across the sky and theorized they were chemicals, you would be mocked; now, you are expected to believe that injecting […]
How Your DNA is Affected by Quantum Intelligence
(Christina Sarich) Yes, you can change your DNA, but Quantum Intelligence alters it from a more profound (subtle yet powerful) energetic level that is measurable and real. Once we understand how Quantum Intelligence works, we can more easily help the process of altering our DNA along – to achieve greater health, happiness, and remarkable spiritual transformation. […]
Cancer: Busting the Myths – Part 2 (Natural Cancer Cures)
(Makia Freeman) Natural Cancer Cures exist, and are even widely known, but the first things to get past are your own doubts and fears. It can be hard to step out of the box of orthodox, conventional, mainstream, allopathic Western Medicine, especially when faced with a serious illness like cancer. However, the prospect of facing surgery, […]
Facebook Tracks Ominously Specific Details About Your Life—FOREVER—Here’s How to See It
(Georges Abi-Heila) Since 2010, Facebook allows you to download an archive file of all your interactions with the network. It’s a 5-click easy process that your grandmother can do. Related Top Ten Conspiracy Theories That Turned FACT in 2017 Source – The Free Thought Project by Georges Abi-Heila, February 14th, 2018 Inside the .zip, lies an ‘index.html’ page […]
Natural Cancer Cures: Busting the Myths Part 1
(Makia Freeman) Natural cancer cures do exist, and are even widely known. There are numerous promising and outright proven natural cancer cures, treatments and remedies – many cheap and easily self-administered. Related 18 Spices Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Treat Cancer Source – Wake Up World by Makia Freeman, February 22nd, 2018 But the first things to get […]
The Russian Navy’s UFO Files, Then and Now: A Retrospective
(Micah Hanks) The subject of UFOs has undergone a bit of a renaissance in recent weeks, following a landmark New York Times report that detailed the Pentagon’s ongoing interest in the phenomenon. However, these recent revelations are not the only government information that has been released on the subject in the last few years, nor are […]
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Incredible Similarities Between Ancient Gods In Unconnected Cultures Hint At Ancient Aliens
(Ivan) What if I told you that all ancient cultures were somehow connected to each other, thousands of years ago. Have you ever wondered why there are so many similarities among ancient cultures around the globe? Mainstream scholars maintain how cultures in Africa, America, Europe, and Asia weren’t interconnected in ancient times. Related UFOs and Ancient Aliens […]
Good Fats Heal: After Conventional Medicine Failed, Five Year Old Cured of Epilepsy by Eating Hundreds of Avocados
(Isabelle Z) Sometimes eating the right foods can do a lot more to heal people than taking medication, as was illustrated recently by the remarkable turnaround of an epileptic British girl. Related Lower Risk of Chronic Illness and Cognitive Decline by Going Keto Source – Natural News by Isabelle Z, February 11th, 2018 Five-year-old Leafy Liu suffered […]
Replace Your Afternoon Caffeine Boost with a Nap: Research Shows It Works Just as Well to Improve Cognitive Function Without the Side Effects
(Michelle Simmons) Get the same energy and cognitive boosts of caffeine without its side effects by taking a nap, according to a study carried out by a team of researchers from Flinders University. They found that taking naps re-energizes a person and improves cognitive function. The team also discovered that those who regularly take a nap feel more […]
The YouTube PURGE… & New #Q (Video)
Related #Q #CONNECTTHEDOTS: Coward County FL FF, S_RCO, The Internet of Syns (Video) https://youtu.be/yF87BtxffXo _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, […]
The Video YouTube Keeps Scrubbing: Parkland Survivor Says There Were 2 Shooters
(The Daily Sheeple) Censorship is here. If you’ve ever wondered what it might have been like to not support the Nazi movement while living in Germany in 1942, it’s exactly what it looks like questioning the mainstream media’s “official narrative” in 2018. Related Fighting Fake News: Back Door Trick to Enact Censorship Source – The Daily Sheeple […]
Constitutional Attorney Jonathan Emord Calls for Federal Investigation into Link Between Psych Drugs and School Shootings
(JD Heyes) A top-rated lawyer who has beaten the Food and Drug Administration more times in court than any other attorney is calling on the Trump administration to launch a probe into possible links between commonly-prescribed psychiatric drugs and the epidemic of school shootings. Related Mass Shootings: The New Manifestation of an Ancient Phenomenon & Their Link […]