There are so many beneficial qualities to music that it would be impossible to list them all here. From Dr. Emoto’s studies on music and water, to Dan Winter’s work on Fractality and Entrainment, there is seemingly no end to what can be gained from studying, listening to and playing music.
I have been an amateur Guitar player for years, and I always feel rejuvenated after playing. There are acoustic sounds which resonate with the body, especially those tuned to 432hz, and playing an acoustic instrument (non digital – such as a Synthesizer). But learning music, how it works intellectually was greatly rewarding. I began learning music theory, tonality and cadences about 10 years ago, and I found many of the concepts from my time in physics to be reflected there. I became familiar with Natural Law and the 7 Hermetic Principles that also resonated with what I learned from music.
As the article reveals below, our bodies, minds and souls seem to be all centered around harmonic motion; vibration. The mind especially works in this reflective form, and as a musician, I always play best when I can clearly hear and create a mental image of the piece while playing it. Kind of like having your favorite song stuck in your head, it courses through every fiber of your being at times.
Essentially because the Universe (Uni-Verse one song or rhyme) is musical in nature, as we learn to reflect more of it within ourselves accurately (creating Positive Knowledge) we become more healthy in both mind, body and soul. Playing an instrument is one of those Total experiences, meaning we use everything at our disposal to create the end result, and as such, we can use it as a total body, mind and soul exercise routine. Focus and Attention are the two forms of energy we can spend on things to either become better at life (developing skills and true knowledge), or if we spend them unwisely, develop bad habits and feel miserable; victims of life instead of co-creators with it.

Playing and Practicing Music helps us because it is an immediate feedback experience. We think of something to play (in the mind) which is expressed by our body and reflected totality by the quality of our playing, which is then feedback into the mind via the ears and the body. This feedback loop either becomes more coherent (what is in our mind matches what we play better) or dissonant (less reflective of the intention in the mind). This allows us to develop skills of self expression and sharing which is essential to health and evolution in all respects. Just one more reason to start enjoying the pleasures of music in one’s own life.


Listening to Music Leads to a Boosted Immune System & Reduced Stress

“We think the pleasant state that can be induced by music leads to special physiological changes which eventually lead to stress reduction or direct immune enhancement. Stress reduction probably plays an important role, but the stress reducing effect seems to be different for various types of music,” Dr Ronny Enk said.
Dr Enk added:”We’d expect that different kinds of music might show different physiological and immunological effects. Not only the music itself is important but probably the personal appraisal of the listener will also be important. We did not use relaxing music, but rather exciting music that were joyful dance tunes from different centuries. Listening to music in hospitals might show benefits for patients and may for example lead to shorter recovery times, but we are still to test this ourselves.”
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