Updated 10.03.13 5:29pm – I went in and added a video of metronomes syncing at the end so demonstrate why sharing your truth is so important, and will be the thing that causes our outward reality to match our inner reality.
There is a lively and passionate discussion happening on the 5d Media Network Forum. This is another example of collective healing via conflict. Most of us want to avoid conflict in life, and not get dragged down by ‘negativity’ but often it is with conflict that the greatest jumps in personal growth and healing can occur. This discussion is no exception. You can click on the source link to read the whole thread.
tertius saidOK! Let’s put on our thinking caps… shall we…?The persistence principle:
It is primordial instinct for all patterns in consciousness to have a desire to persist.
When patterns in consciousness are chaotic, they self-destruct… why? Because war destroys. Division cannot be nearly as effective as co-operation .
When patterns in consciousness are harmonious, they persist… why? Because harmony fosters co-operation, which fosters persistence.The law of freedom and responsibility:
Freedom and responsibility are mutually inclusive principles, and are also directly proportionate to each other. They are two sides of the same coin… one cannot have freedom without it’s flip-side, responsibility… and one cannot have responsibility, without its flip side, freedom.
Because of the persistence principle… freedom without responsibility, leads to recklessness, which violates the persistence principle. Responsibility without freedom leads to slavery, which also violates the persistence principle.The law of complicity:
If any patterning within consciousness is aware of a violation of the persistence principle, anywhere within the universe, it has a moral responsibility to address this violation to the best of its ability, else itself would be in violation of the persistence principle.Let’s see where these three axioms take us in terms of MY HARD question:Who is responsible to fix the mess on Earth?The short answer is this: it is the responsibility of every self-aware aspect of the universal Being that has gained awareness that there is suffering on Earth, to do whatever it can to help alleviate this. This therefore includes all sentient life on Earth, as well as in All of this universe.Why?
Because if any self-aware aspect of the universal Being does not help to the best of its ability, it will be in direct contravention of all three the above mentioned axioms – simultaneously.And… this is indeed the case at the moment… universally….
And this is the great cosmic Lie…Who is the leader who should lead us to universal restoration?If any single patterning within consciousness takes on the sole responsibility to fix this mess, it will be in violation of the law of freedom and responsibility… you cannot take on more responsibility than someone else, because this would offer you more freedom… and this would in turn violate the persistence principle…For this reason, no single patterning within consciousness can be the cosmic saviour.Now. To get back to Heather…So it is NOT her responsibility to fix this on her own. It is a universal co-responsibility. Yes, it includes her, but it also includes you, the reader, it includes each and every sentient aspects of the universal Being.Furthermore… in order for the restoration to cosmic Truth to happen, all concerned, (which is every self-aware aspect of the universal Being that has gained awareness that there is suffering on Earth), would have to find a way to co-operate… else the persistence principle will be violated.For this reason, I am a strong supporter of Hearther’s wise statements regarding the need for Absolute Data.What is required is simply that the whole shebang sits around the proverbial table, and start co-operating about how to fix the Earth – without any ego’s claiming leadership, or any special responsibilities – which would be in violation of the first two principles.And now for the kicker… This HAS to be achieved, else there would be another violation of the persistence principle – hence more cosmic karma – hence more suffering for All – universally, none excluded from the potential suffering…And from where I stand, the One People PHENOMENON is the best effort yet on Earth I have seen to date, to bring about a universal correction of the great Lie of hierarchy, separation and competition… (which leads to universal suffering… ) The only other such occurrence, was the original Woodstock rock concert.Which is why, from my perspective, the One People are not about Heather, the OPPT filings, or fancy legal documents; but about The Magical Gathering… and if you’re going to quote this last statement, please include the entire post to retain the context within which I am making it.
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