(Julie Alexander) There is much talk about whether humanity can cope with “Full Disclosure” and maybe “Partial Disclosure” would be more appropriate.
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by Julie Alexander, June 5th, 2018
People are concerned that the world would dissolve into anarchy and chaos. People would become angry and violent and go on the rampage, once they find out they have been controlled and manipulated and used as slaves to the system for so long.
Once they find out about Agenda 21, the depopulation agenda. How we have been subjected to toxic poisons in our food by the use of GMOs, how we have been sprayed with toxic chemicals through geo-engineering and how fluoride has been added to our water and can cause dementia and how vaccinations are causing autism and have also been used as sterilization programmes amongst other things and how 5G can cause DNA damage, infertility and also impairs cardiovascular functions.
All of the above also reduce our immune systems and can increase our risk of cancer.
Once they find out about “Secret Space Programmes” and the technology that has been hidden from us for decades. How the new technology can give us free energy and can heal most illnesses.
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How we are not alone in the universe at all, in fact it is widely populated by many alien species. How some people around the world have met up with these aliens and shared information, how we have reverse engineered space ships, how we have colonised the moon and mars.
Once they have learned earths true history regarding the interdimensional reptile aliens who have taken over our world. Who have manipulated history to enslave us all. Who have controlled us for far too long.
Who live off our fear and love to create wars to increase fear and misery around the world. How we have been controlled by the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System” which affects each and every one of us.
Once they learn about satanic abuse and pedophilia, human sex trafficking, child sacrifices. The elite who are in positions of power use all these methods to gain power over us all. Hollywood is rife with satanic abuse.
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Actors, politicians and people in positions of power around the world are drugged and then filmed in compromising situations, then they are blackmailed and made to toe the line or else. If they step out of line they are suicided or murdered or their careers are destroyed and they are ridiculed.
Yes people will be angry and mad, of course they will. They will be crazy and full of anguish for quite a while and some will become violent and full of hate. This will happen. It would be strange if it didn’t happen.
Awake people have gone through all this by themselves without being able to talk to anyone about it all. We have all managed to survive knowing the truth and we were alone, totally alone.
Humanity will find out together. When “Full Disclosure” comes out we can share our anger and grief, we can console each other.
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When is humanity at its best? When does our true courage and spirit come out?
When we are in a crisis, humanity pulls together, humanity stands tall and helps others. Our true nature comes out and we have empathy and understanding for others.
“Full Disclosure” will bring us all together as one, we will face the horrific crimes against humanity together. We will all help each other come to terms with our new found reality. It will take time but it will be worth it, to end this madness.
We will learn and educate ourselves. We will make sure that this never happens again. We will move forward to the future with one voice.
We will be a united planet, living in love, peace and harmony.
We will live, how we all deserve to live, in a joyful, peaceful and loving world.
The only way we can achieve this is to have “Full Disclosure” now.
We must have “Full Disclosure Now” for the sake of the children and babies who are being used in child sacrifice, who are being used as sex slaves by the powers that shouldn’t be.
This must not go on any longer. If we have violence and hatred, if we have people going crazy and the world descends into anarchy for a while, isn’t this better in the end.
What is the better of the two evils? Madness and hatred out in the open or continuing with this crazy system that is destroying humanity quietly and slowly one way or another.
Each day children are subjected to sexual abuse of the most horrific kind and babies are sacrificed in the most inhumane way. Each day this goes on, it never stops. Each and every day we are alive on this planet at this present time this goes on.
Surely it is better that all of this is out in the open for us all to deal with as a collective, than continuing day in day out.
I am lucky, I have happiness and love in my life, these children and babies do not have this. It breaks my heart and I am sure it breaks yours too.
“Partial Disclosure” will just keep humanity in misery and fear for far too long, we have all suffered enough.
The time is now, whether we can handle the truth or not. This needs to end.
About The Author
Julie Alexander
About the author: I realized what was really going on in the world in 2013. Since then I have been trying to make sense of it all and help others along the way. I am still learning more each day. You can visit my Facebook here and my website here.
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I couldn’t have said it better myself. “The truth would put 99% in the hospital”-Q. I say: “SO WHAT?” not going to the hospital won’t cure you or keep you from getting sick. Denial can be deadly, and it sure has been for Humanity. Besides how badly we freak out is part of our galactic finals tests. EVERY minute we go without FULL disclosure we loose precious bits of Humanity to satanic abuse and sacrifice. Tic-toc alliance, tic-toc. How many babies died today for “the plan”? If we (adults) die from freaking out on each other, that’s FAR more preferred to babies dying for dark rituals being done by elites to kill us All! We might just surprise ourselves, like we always do, when things are tough it brings out the best in us! Either way we’ll never know for sure until we TRY!
P.S. – ANY negative futures seen in prediction tech is a REFLECTION of YOUR intent, YOUR mindset, NOT the actual reality. If you’re getting bad predictions, then check yourself, don’t blame the masses. “Know thyself”…
See Through the Illusion says
Hi 1foehammer,
I agree with what you said, especially this part:
“EVERY minute we go without FULL disclosure we loose precious bits of Humanity to satanic abuse and sacrifice. Tic-toc alliance, tic-toc. How many babies died today for “the plan”? If we (adults) die from freaking out on each other, that’s FAR more preferred to babies dying for dark rituals being done by elites to kill us All! We might just surprise ourselves, like we always do, when things are tough it brings out the best in us! Either way we’ll never know for sure until we TRY!”
But, to me we all seem to be forgetting another part of this equation and that is these satanist are also abusing our animals in the same way and this must start coming out with the fact about the children as the children are made to have sex with animals and are forced to kill them. We have to start facing up to that aspect as well. And don’t forget they also skin (alive), drown, have sex with and sacrifice the animals, just like the babies.
And I don;t in anyway put animals ahead of children, I believe that our Creator created all life forms as important or they would never have been created. So, those who are writing about this very issue need to take into consideration the animal factor too!
That is the only thing wrong with a majority of these articles regarding disclosure and pedophilia they never mention bestiality.
Wake Up Guys animals need our help too!!!
g77enn says
The whole argument regarding humanity handling the truth is a psyop to prevent full disclosure and those behind it are part of the cabal. Others supporting such nonsense are simply dupes. And who has the right to limit the truth to anyone searching for same? Just like those hollering the loudest about pedophilia not being a problem are themselves often pedophiles.
Ida says
Excellent article! Thank you so much for putting things together. You are absolutely right, ready or not – the disclosure is long overdue. Those that did not want to know by know, will never want to know anyway……but in this process of “waiting for them to grow up and awaken” other inocent people, mostly children, are becoming new victims every day.
Those of us who found out about most of evil and horror that is happening worldwide and elsewere in our universe……well, we survived….. despite being mostly alone in this whole process. It did not kill us, it made us more determined to fight this awful evil, to pass this knowledge to others in order to help masses to awaken……even though we were mostly ridiculed, attacked, abondened by others.
Also, I totally agree with the statement in the previous comment:
“The whole argument regarding humanity handling the truth is a psyop to prevent full disclosure and those behind it are part of the cabal”.
It is a high time that the truth becomes known to all, all possible delays are making things worse.
John Cope says
AMEN, the time to free humanity is NOW
C. Willinais says
Doppelgangers,or, something else?
WHO, can’t handle the truth??
Caroline says
Couldn’t have put it better hallelujah. I’m ready but then I’ve been preparing myself for 4-5 years with the awakening. People who are still asleep will get this all in one download.
The majority of the populace has no idea what is going on, all they’re focused on is a pandemic.