(Adam Goldberg) Thousands, upon thousands of peer-reviewed studies have come out in the past couple decades, showing people the real consequences they could incur by inundating their bodies with 2.45 GHz frequencies. That’s why countries such as France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Australia, Switzerland, Israel, India, Australia, Germany, Cyprus, and Finland have created regulations surrounding Wi-Fi, particularly in schools.
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by Adam Goldberg, January 3rd, 2019
2.45 GHz is the frequency that our Wi-Fi and cell phones generally run on, sometimes it reaches as high as 5 GHz and it’s misleadingly referred to as 5G on the Internet router, but it’s pretty similar to 2.45 GHz. Telecom giants want to change this frequency to be much higher, somewhere around 28GHz – 39 GHz or even higher, for genuine “5G” and many are concerned about that.
The strange thing is, the very same frequency we use to transmit data via Wi-Fi, is the frequency a microwave uses to cook food: it’s all about the amplitude in this case, how much energy is being put into the waves of a certain frequency. It’s through this factor of amplitude, the power put into a wave of a certain frequency, that many feel able to deny that Wi-Fi is capable of “cooking” people. However, how many people really know the amplitude of their microwave, or Wi-Fi router?

(Image credit: safetechforschoolsmaryland)
A lot of people who don’t even have a propensity toward electromagnetic sensitivity experience some mild symptoms when, for instance, they type directly on a laptop keyboard for an extended period of time instead of using a USB keyboard. When you hold the phone up to your ear for too long, you feel the heat, and that’s not regular thermal heat from the phone.
In reality though, most people are not observant enough to notice the symptoms that being too close to 2.45 GHz frequencies can cause. The worst ones, we can’t feel while they’re happening: and a big one is infertility.
There are countless studies out there that link 2.45 GHz frequencies to fertility problems or even outright infertility, and considering that an infertility crisis is hitting America and the world right now, a very serious thing people are only beginning to understand is happening, people are naturally wondering if Wi-Fi isn’t a factor in this.
Take for example, this paper published in Cell Journal around three years ago, exploring the affects of Wi-Fi on the fertility of rats.

(Image credit: PubMed)
The study concluded that “Regarding to the progressive privilege of 2.45 GHz wireless networks in our environment, we concluded that there should be a major concern regarding the timedependent exposure of whole-body to the higher frequencies of Wi-Fi networks existing in the vicinity of our living places.”
From June to August 2014, the study was conducted in Iran at the Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, in the Department of Anatomical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine.
Three month old male Wistar rats were exposed to 2.45 GHz radiation, or Wi-Fi, in a chamber with two different Wi-Fi antennas on opposite walls.
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Within the three groups, including a control group exposed to nothing, a group exposed to the Wi-Fi for 1 hour per day for 2 months, and a group exposed for 7 hours a day for two months, the damage was very visible.
The damage was visible even in the rats who were exposed to Wi-Fi for merely 1 hour a day. They evaluated sperm parameters, histomorphometric changes of testis and concentrations of different bodily chemicals, and found that even the ones exposed for one hour daily had suffered injury.

(Image credit: PubMed)
Another study, published in 2015 as well was a little less critical of Wi-Fi, but they still found that it caused alterations in the elemental composition of teeth in rats.
That means Wi-Fi cause the necessary building blocks of the body to be depleted, including boron, copper, and zinc, with an increase in the body’s concentration of strontium, a toxic heavy metal that has been repeatedly found in American rain tests.
Zinc is depleted by Wi-Fi? That’s an essential mineral for fertility that the body specifically has trouble holding onto already.

(Image credit: PubMed)
It’s because of studies like these, that multiple countries throughout the world have decided to ban Wi-Fi in schools and other facilities.
France passed a law in 2015 which banned Wi-Fi from all nursery schools, and the law stated that Wi-Fi must be turned off when not in use in all elementary schools. That’s a good idea and everything, but people would be wise to not promote regulation and government control so quickly. The people in France are protesting right now because of that type of thing, this type of regulation would unfortunately justify even more, so it’s kind of a paradox.
Its for this reason that unfortunately, clamoring for a “ban” on something is only really like putting a band-aid on a broken leg. Freedom and independence from crippling over-regulation, so common in Europe, is something Americans will certainly want to preserve.
People need to research the infertility crisis and wonder: is Wi-Fi a factor?

(Image credit: newsweek)
Unfortunately a ban might be the best way to go because people are already forced to go to school, so when kids go to school in America, they often get blasted with the strong Wi-Fi, sometimes even in every classroom, and day after day being exposed to an unusually high amount of that is a seriously bad idea.
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The Deep State has weaponized many aspects of modern life, for the purpose of creating dependency on the medical industry as well as destroying well being in general. This agenda hinders an individual in their quest for autonomy, wellbeing, and social harmony. The preceding article reveals the destructive force of Wifi, Cell Phones, and modern electronics in general. With this knowledge in hand, an individual can dispel the false reality that these devices are safe. In doing so, they’ll also step closer to the greater realization that the powers that be have breached the public trust, which will slowly lead to activation of the truth-seeking and freedom craving urges that will one day led to the liberation of the individual and planet at large.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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