(Adam AstroYogi Sanchez) Did the New American Revolution just begin?
Related: Jupiter & Saturn’s Great Conjunction 2020, the Big Weird Rebels and Control Freaks
by Adam Sanchez, January 6th, 2021
On Wednesday, Jan 6th at the time of this writing at 4:30pm (EST), we have the celestial body of emotions, the Moon, moving through the sign of Libra, having already passed over its opposition to the asteroid Chiron (the wound where the Light enters). This explains some of the emotional polarization and volatility we are seeing at our Nation’s Capitol today. Although, thankfully, this is also being supported by the Higher Powers with the Moon’s harmonious trine to the North Node of Destiny.
Emotionality, Drive and Violent Deception
As the Moon rules our emotions and is approaching an opposition to Mars, ruler of our action and drive, we are sure to see even more emotional directedness as the “Stop the Steal” march of Patriots converges on Washington D.C., where the media is reporting that Trump supporters have stormed the capital building. Not surprisingly, given the proven yellow-journalism of modern media, eye-witness accounts paint a different picture, as related by Bernhardt Guenther.
“It makes NO sense from the viewpoint of true patriots. More and more on-ground intel is coming to the surface that the breach of the Capitol building has been initiated by ANTIFA thugs dressed up as Trump supporters. Classic Agent Provocateur tactics and straight out of the communist/Marxist color revolution playbook. The MSM is already having a field day, blaming Trump supporters for violence.”
Link: XRVision firm claims Antifa infiltrated protesters who stormed Capitol – Washington Times
Just Saying “NO”
We also have a quincunx aspect (sort of blind spot) between the Moon and Neptune (planet of unseen forces) encouraging us to not overlook or give into martyrdom and affirm healthy boundaries through our declarations of “No.” While the Black Moon, Lilith, our primal, raw, rebellious feminine instincts, approaches a trine with wounded healer Chiron, giving us channels to express our rage against injustice in a way that supports our healing.
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Thursday January 7th, the Moon in deep Scorpio opposes Mars, culminating at around 4am, only hours after Mars leaves his home sign of Aries and moves into solid Taurus at 5:27pm the day before. This happens a mere 6° away from retrograde Uranus (the planet of awakening and revolution) in Taurus (stay tuned for more on that in upcoming articles). All of these aspects strongly suggest an energy of firm and steadfast support and protection. This also creates a T-square (two 90° angled squares combined to also make/include a 180° opposition) with Jupiter & Saturn in Aquarius, producing a strong likelihood of military involvement or protection, as the revolutionary energy of the water bearer rises.
Aquarius Rising
Friday January 8th, Mercury ingresses into Aquarius, joining the Saturn and Jupiter meeting there, and adding to the T-square to Mars in Taurus. Whenever a planet changes signs the expression of that planet’s energy will shift according to the corresponding elements. With fast, light Mercury moving from earthy Capricorn into airy Aquarius, we are sure to see communications and events speeding up. Adding to the exchange of energy with Jupiter and Saturn, we can also expect the expansiveness of Jupiter to magnify these dynamics and the establishment energy of Saturn to be revolutionized by the Aquarian expression of all their tension.
Fairness, Balance and Justice
Minutes later, Venus, planet of fairness in relating, ruler of Libra, moves into Capricorn joining in that sign with the illuminating Sun, shining more light on the themes of Justice in Government and what structures we can agree to that are needed for that to happen.
Passionate Fire
Saturday, the Moon ingresses into the sign of the Truth Warrior, Sagittarius, also conjoining with the asteroid of intimacy and right relations, Juno, while the Moon quincunxing Mars and Uranus less so, adding to a sense of feeling impulsive, excitable and irritable, signaling us to slow down to temper ourselves. All the while, a supporting sextile with the Moon and lightning-fast Mercury, as it conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius, brings a sense of emotional harmony and seriousness to the ways we wish to break free. This all takes place while the Moon is trine Chiron, bringing more healing through feeling.
Sunday, the Moon conjuncts the south node in Sagittarius, enabling us to feel the emotional weight of our past lessons and showing us where we can leave the outdated behind to support the evolutionary trajectory of our destiny. On Monday morning, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, bringing great expansion to our “solutionary” mental processes. By the afternoon, Venus conjuncts the approaching new Moon, and squares Chiron, bringing emotional grit to our relationships as we reconsider how they fit with our emotional needs and boundaries, by addressing any associated wounding. This is all while Venus is approaching her reset phase, gearing us up for reboots in our values and relationships, over the next upcoming weeks.
New Beginnings and Endings
Finally, late Tuesday night we have the new Moon in Capricorn, approaching a conjunction to the powerful ruler of the depth of the psyche and unconscious, Pluto. This is sure to not only shine a powerful light on the shadows of our world and ourselves, but will give us the emotional opportunity to release and purge them and the Capricornian shadow of dominator culture. This is perhaps even as deep as our suppressed subconscious, and giving us the chance to be reborn into a new cycle around all of these energies.
Ascending the Narcissystem
Fellow Astrologer and Venus wisdom channel, Sasha Benedetti not only coined the term “solutionaries,” but has also been writing about the wisdom of the Divine Feminine of Venus being rebirthed as the elder grandmother through the wisdom & maturity energy of Capricorn. This arrives as we release the old paradigm of this sign’s shadow & dominator culture, or as I have coined it “The Narcissystem.”
Any revolution not only begs the question on which side of history we will stand, but in particular, as I’ve been witnessing it, we are being called to take action on what kind of humanity we choose to be. Be the change you wish to see isn’t just a cute bumper sticker, it was a profound message from one of history’s greatest revolutionaries, and nation-liberators, Mahatma Gandhi. These words serve now as both reminder and clarion call: The world is ours and reflects our choices and inner universe, at least for those of us with eyes to see. May we all rise to the occasion and create a world we can each live in harmoniously, even in the face of such uncertainty.
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Adam AstroYogi Sanchez is an Astrologer/Yogi, published poet, voracious Truth-seeker, listener, and avid learner, committed to asking questions that make a difference with answers that can improve his ability to serve his client’s lives. For direct access, astrology readings, newsletters, more info on his upcoming book “Ascending The Narcissystem,” and to get in touch visit Rawlifeyoga.com
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (The Renegade of the Truth Warriors & the 2nd American Revolution) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Astrology is an ancient form of psychology coupled with theology, based on the assumption that your life path and personality is influenced by the positions of the stars. In modern times, this ancient school of thought has come under much scrutiny, and rightfully so, given it has been the bastion of charlatans and scam artists. But there appears to be something real at work. Epistemologically, if a body of claimed knowledge provides predicting power, if it’s useful and pragmatic, then it suggests there’s some truth to it. Astrology is also a taxonomy—an arbitrary system of organizing phenomena for ease of use and comprehension in human life. The preceding article discusses astrology, providing food for thought about subtle influences. This information is helpful to contemplate because it is a topic of subtle and holistic connections, which is a topic close to the concept of the Creator and a creation made for a purpose. Additionally, because astrology is difficult to prove objectively, yet provides valid objective descriptions of reality, it is an excellent subject to study to expand one’s thinking and exercises holistic philosophy skills. With the ability to recognize subtle interconnected realities, one has the power to gain much wisdom and even approach Creator-consciousness if one maintains an open mind and a critical discerning eye.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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