The 100th Monkey Effect is probably one of the most cited phenomenons in the awakening community, yet it is also greatly misunderstood.
Many contend that this effect is proof positive of an instantaneous and automatic ascension or awakening of all people will take place in the near future. A type of ‘tsunami’ of awakening will sweep the planet, forcing everyone to be more loving, honest and fair. But is this really true?
The 100th Monkey Effect
As the below article details, the 100th monkey effect is an accidental discovery by a team of researchers in the mid 1960’s. The team was studying the Japanese Macaca monkey that was provided sweet potatoes from the team that they enjoyed eating.
Here is an excerpt from the accounting below:
“In 1952, on the island of Koshima, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the raw sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant.
“An 18-month-old female named Imo found she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught this trick to her mother. Her playmates also learned this new way and they taught their mothers too.
“This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various monkeys before the eyes of the scientists.
“Between 1952 and 1958 all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable.
“Only the adults who imitated their children learned this social improvement. Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes.
“Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes — the exact number is not known.
“Let us suppose that when the sun rose one morning there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash their sweet potatoes.
“Let’s further suppose that later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes.
“Then it happened!
“By that evening almost everyone in the tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them.
“The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough!
“But notice.
“A most surprising thing observed by these scientists was that the habit of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the sea –
“Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes.
And here is the most revealing passage:
“The new behavior pattern spread to most, but not all, of the monkeys. Older monkeys, in particular, remained steadfast in their established behavior patterns and resisted change. When the new behavior pattern suddenly appeared among monkey troupes on other islands, only a few monkeys on those islands picked up on the new idea. The ones most receptive to new ideas started imitating the new behavior and demonstrating it to the impressionable younger ones. Thus, they too began their own path towards their eventual hundredth monkey effect.”
First the effect was not a complete and total paradigm shift within the monkey population. At best, all that occurred was a transition of awareness; the newer monkeys learned about the washing method, but did not automatically begin washing the potatoes.
Second, the transmission occurred after a sufficient number of monkeys in the host population expressed the washing behavior. It was then that “only a few monkeys on those [new] islands” began washing the potatoes. In other words, it wasn’t enough to simply be aware of this new way, it had to be accepted and expressed in order to ‘build up’ in the host population, which eventually experienced a pandemic awareness of the better way.
Finally, the newly affected monkeys on the surrounding islands “began their own path towards their eventual hundredth monkey effect,” in other words, that the affected population had a time delay between transmission and the majority of monkeys displaying the washing behavior.
All of these points suggest an entrainment or synchronization process, which is a property of waveforms or systems of frequency. The mind and consciousness have long been associated to frequency and rhythmic patterns, and this transmission effect perfectly matches what can be observed in other phenomenon, such as synchronizing metronomes.
Related Entrainment, Communication, Information and Evolution
When two systems of motion come in contact with each other, such that information from one can be transmitted to the other, a slow and steady process of entrainment takes place. Eventually the two different systems synchronize to the point that the motion of one is reflective of the other. One of the better examples of this universal information transmission via frequency and resonance is metronomes.
Synchronizing Metronomes
Synchronization occurs in a four-step process and is symbolic of how the same process occurs within the mind.
- Step 1: Initially, the metronomes are ticking at unique rhythms, unable to be transmitted to the others because no medium or channel is available to provide for the mechanical energy to flow. The swinging of each metronome arm moves from side to side, and is it does so, kinetic energy in the arm pushes against the base of the metronome. But because the devices are on an immoveable surface, this energy cannot be sent to their neighbors and it is absorbed by the table; no transmission can take place.
- Step 2: The metronomes are placed on a board and moved on top of two cans. Now the motion of the arms has a pathway to travel to the other metronomes, which pushes against the base through the board and on to the other devices. The moment that they are placed together a new system is created with an ideal resonant frequency. This frequency will push against out of step motion and push with instep motion, which slowly alters the behavior of each individual device to match the larger board and metronome system; transmission is beginning to occur.
- Step 3: The resonant frequency of the board metronome system is initially at a low intensity or ‘volume’, but as each metronome’s behavior is adjusted, they begin to tick in harmony. Eventually the intensity of the resonant frequency overtakes the frequencies of the individual metronomes. At this point the near instant synchronization begins to takes place; transmission is rapidly accelerating.
- Step 4: The resonant frequency of the board metronome system is now dominant, exponentially working against out of step movements of the individual devices. The inertia of the initial frequencies of each metronome becomes less and less strong, until the whole system dramatically shifts into a synchronized state over a few seconds of time; transmission is fully complete.
Analysis and Integration with the 100th Monkey Effect
In the above example, metronomes were only able to synchronize under certain conditions. A metronome placed on a table that is too rigid, won’t allow for the unique frequency to be transmitted and harmonized with the group. This aspect represents free will, that a metronome can only be changed if it is open to the others. Finally the process took time, it wasn’t until the resonant frequency of the metronome board system reached a strong enough intensity that the ‘quantum leap’ process started.
Similarly, the same type of shift occurred in the Monkeys. For example, the subjects that were the most receptive to the washing behavior were the young monkeys, those able to recognize the advantage of doing so, and that were open minded enough to try the new way. The older monkeys that were more stubborn never learned to wash the potatoes at all. The key principle here is free will, the monkeys were not forced to change but instead had a choice. Finally the process took time, marked by definitive and recognizable hallmarks of progress. Once enough monkey’s made the choice to wash the potatoes, an ‘overnight’ shift took place, and almost all of the monkeys took up the new behavior.
Human ‘100th Monkey Effect’
How does this translate to human consciousness and the infamous paradigm shift spoken of in various circles?
Firstly, the key reason why the metronomes synchronized was because the resonant frequency was ‘better’ then the individual ones. Similarly, the washing behavior was ‘better’ then not washing them. This means that there was a real and bonafide objective improvement that was overriding the older behavior. For the human consciousness shift this translates as truth and practicality, that finding the truth and sharing it with others isn’t just a nice thing to do but it literally improves the quality of life of individuals and groups objectively. This is an essential aspect to consider because the shift in consciousness is objective and practical while also being ideal and subjective. It is a personal choice as well as a scientific process of discovering and finding the better way.
As each individual on the planet discovers the truth and understands it personally, they alter their behavior accordingly so as to embody the wisdom gained. For example, cutting wood with a small axe is less effective than using a large one, and in most cases a person would rather be more efficient then not. Therefore the shift in consciousness is not just a more positive way, it is literally a better way, the marriage of idealism and pragmatism.
Second, this better way can not be forced on to others, free will and the ability to choose is still in effect. This means that as the consciousness shift progresses forward, on average people will most likely embody these more accurate truths and change accordingly; but not everyone.
That being said, the nature of our social fabric is such that many people find value in what the collective is doing. In this sense, when a majority of humanity embodies this newer way it will naturally become more appealing to the minority; but free will choice of each individual is still the determining factor. Additionally, each person is on his or her own unique path towards discovering this better way, and while from our point of view it may seem as if others aren’t evolving fast enough they are still making progress. Even people who reject all forms of truth and hold on to the past are part of the shift taking place, their stubbornness in and of itself is an indication that the newer way is gaining strength and as such it requires more energy to deny. Compassion in these instances is far more helpful then peer pressure.
Finally, not everyone will shift. This is an idea that makes most people uncomfortable, as if some are being left behind. But in truth, since the whole process is founded on free will choice, is this not more honorable? If an individual denies the objective truth of the better ways, then that is their choice and the universe will not force it on to them, but they will continue to labor under the errors of their own making. This is just like the older monkeys chose not to wash the potatoes and suffered the displeasure of eating dirt as a result.
It is these contrasting experiences that help us open our minds to newer ways of being. As such we need not become frustrated at the close-mindedness of others because this is actually an indication they have received the transmission, but simply chose to reject it; a choice we would do well to honor so long as it does not harm others.
At this stage not enough data is available to make any kind of prediction as to how many people will shift. But since the shift is ultimately a personal choice based on knowledge and awareness, we can assist others in their path by sharing what we have come to understand as individuals. This means that the simple act of kindly sharing our truths is the single most important factor to the human 100th monkey effect.
It may be difficult to see the shift occurring, but it undoubtedly is and we need only stay the course of seeking the truth, understanding it and sharing it with others to ensure things progress forward. They may not want to hear it at first, they might fight us and call us crazy, but all these things and more are indications the transmission has been received; we need only honor their choice while taking measures to ensure it does not harm another in the process.
It is my hope that these deep principles of free will and information transmission are understood so as to provide the surety in knowing our work is having an impact.
The preceding article is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share widely.
Source – Ascension With Mother Earth
by Owen Waters
The Shift is the awakening of humanity’s heart. This transformation of consciousness, the greatest one ever recorded, first became apparent in the mid-1960s and has been building momentum ever since.
The Shift is a collective transformation consisting of the sum of each individual’s step into the New Reality. Each person, in their own time, is moving forward into a stage of consciousness which brings a wider vista and an awareness which springs from the heart. When enough people’s primary attention becomes focused through their heart chakras, then the ‘hundredth monkey effect’ will occur.
The Hundredth Monkey Effect was first introduced by biologist Lyall Watson in his 1980 book, ‘Lifetide.’ He reported that Japanese primatologists, who were studying Macaques monkeys in the wild in the 1950s, had stumbled upon a surprising phenomenon.
His book was soon followed up with a deeply inspired work by Ken Keyes in 1981, called “The Hundredth Monkey Effect.” In this, Ken Keyes made an impassioned appeal for an end to the Cold War and its policy of mutually assured destruction. Here, in the words of Ken Keyes, is a description of the key elements of the Hundredth Monkey Effect:
“The Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata, had been observed in the wild for a period of over 30 years.
“This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various monkeys before the eyes of the scientists.
“Between 1952 and 1958 all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable.
“Only the adults who imitated their children learned this social improvement. Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes.
“Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes — the exact number is not known.
“Let us suppose that when the sun rose one morning there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash their sweet potatoes.
“Let’s further suppose that later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes.
“Then it happened!
“By that evening almost everyone in the tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them.
“The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough!
“But notice.
“A most surprising thing observed by these scientists was that the habit of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the sea –
“Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes.
“Thus, when a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind.
“Although the exact number may vary, this Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon means that when only a limited number of people know of a new way, it may remain the conscious property of these people.
“But there is a point at which if only one more person tunes-in to a new awareness, a field is strengthened so that this awareness is picked up by almost everyone!”
Lyall Watson had originally researched and assembled the story from the available testimonies of the primate researchers. Because the phenomenon took the researchers so much by surprise, they had not counted how many monkeys it took to trigger this effect. So, Watson proposed an arbitrary figure of ninety-nine monkeys, and said that one more, the so-called one-hundredth monkey, would then provide the critical mass of consciousness necessary to trigger the effect.
The new behavior pattern spread to most, but not all, of the monkeys. Older monkeys, in particular, remained steadfast in their established behavior patterns and resisted change. When the new behavior pattern suddenly appeared among monkey troupes on other islands, only a few monkeys on those islands picked up on the new idea. The ones most receptive to new ideas started imitating the new behavior and demonstrating it to the impressionable younger ones. Thus, they too began their own path towards their eventual hundredth monkey effect.
How the Hundredth Monkey Effect Works
The mechanism for this transference of ideas works the same way for monkeys as it does for all sentient beings. We exist within an atmosphere of global mind. The human brain is constantly receiving and transmitting mental pictures and information to and from that mental atmosphere in which we are immersed.
The global mind, otherwise known as Jung’s collective unconscious, does not cease to function because a few skeptics don’t like its effects. It functions just like it always has, passing information from one individual to another based upon their common frequency of consciousness. If progressive monkeys had a new idea, then so did other progressive monkeys on other islands. They resonated at the same frequency of consciousness.
Inventions often occur at the same time by inventors who are not in physical contact with each other. For example, in 1941, Les Paul designed and built the first solid-body electric guitar just when Leo Fender of Fender Musical Instruments was doing exactly the same thing.
Have you ever had an idea, then seen other people express or use that idea. You probably said, “Hey! I thought of that first!” Well, that’s the way the global mind works. It’s an atmosphere that you share with all other sentient beings, but you tune in especially to the particular topics and frequencies of mind that interest you the most.
What This means to The Shift
When enough people have gone through their personal version of The Shift to the new consciousness, then a critical mass will form and suddenly everyone will become aware of the New Reality and its heart-centered values. [The author said aware, not that they will shift automatically.]
That is the day when heart-centered values will become the focus of everyday thinking for the vast majority of people. That is the day when humanity will begin to look back on what has changed and realize that a massive shift has occurred.
About the author:
Owen Waters is an inspirational writer whose profound insights have helped millions of people to grow spiritually. His articles on spiritual metaphysics display a rare clarity of understanding and provide an inspiring vision of the emerging New Reality. The National Indie Excellence Book Awards has selected his book, Spirituality Made Simple, for its 2011 Spirituality category. His books and free newsletter at help people learn how to gain enlightenment and become active in raising the consciousness of the planet.
Owen is also the author of “The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness“ and the Infinite Being Insight E-Books.
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[…] The ‘Human’ Hundredth Monkey Effect Explained | Critical Mass, The Shift And What It Cou… […]
[…] Tuesday, October 20, 2015 By Justin Deschamps 2 Comments […]
al jenkins says
Works in Reverse , too . …….Hitler , Stalin , Mao took away ‘free choice’ and world descended via ‘hundreth tyrant effect’ ………..real Question is – – what Source do we beseech for strength to overcome negative Tyrants ? for in truth they are stronger than well-intentioned individuals …and… we need a Benevolent outside Source to carry the day for us , n’est-ce pas ? ………. ………shalom,a.j.
brother-thomas says
Hi Justin, was thinking about doing a post on the 100th monkey effect last night and viola, the metronomes are synchronized he he; keep up the great educational work; bt
Justin Deschamps says
Thanks, Brother Thomas. Our minds are more in touch than we’ve been led to believe.