(Sean Martin) THE Universe is a living entity and human consciousness allows it to thrive, physicists have astonishingly claimed.
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by Sean Martin, September 18th, 2019
Scientists are still baffled by consciousness and questions about why and how we have it are constantly arising, but so far remain largely unanswered. Now, two physicists believe consciousness is the Universe living through us, and without humanity, the Universe will cease to exist. Deepak Chopra, MD, and Chapman University physicist Menas Kafatos have said that the cosmos and consciousness co-exist on a sub-atomic level, and one without the other would be impossible.
The pair argue that the Universe helped to shape consciousness in humans, and now in turn our being allows the Universe to evolve.
As a result, consciousness and the cosmos have become so intwined that they are now one and the same, the pair said.
The physicists wrote in their book ‘You Are The Universe’: “What if this everyday fact of life turns out to be the key to the cosmos?“Human beings might be a bright idea the Universe had, and once the idea occurred to it, cosmic mind decided to run with it.
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Universe shock: The cosmos is alive and existing through human consciousness – claim
Consciousness is yet to be fully explained
“Why? What’s so enticing about human beings, troublesome and pained as we are? Only one thing. We allowed the Universe to be aware of itself in the dimension of time and space.
“The cosmos is thinking through you. Whatever you happen to be doing is a cosmic activity. Take away any stage in the evolution of the Universe, and this very moment vanishes into thin air.
“As astounding as such a claim may be, this book has been building up to it all along. Quantum physics makes it undeniable that we live in a participatory Universe.
“Therefore, it’s only a small step to say that the participation is total.”
The universe and consciousness could not exist without each other, some claim
Stanford University physicist Andrei Linde agrees with Dr Chopra’s and Prof Kafatos’ sentiment, and believes it is only a matter of time until science can prove that consciousness and the cosmos are linked.
Prof Linde wrote in ‘Life, Universe, Consciousness’: “Will it not turn out, with the further development of science, that the study of the Universe and the study of consciousness will be inseparably linked, and that ultimate progress in the one will be impossible without progress in the other?
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“The Universe and the observer exist as a pair. I cannot imagine a consistent theory of the Universe that ignores consciousness.”
The brain remains a baffling subject, with scientists having more knowledge of the Universe than they do the human brain.
Consciousness is the ability to perceive and be aware of our surroundings
Scientists have more knowledge of the Universe than they do the human brain
Consciousness, the ability to perceive and be aware of our surroundings, in particular has confounded scientists for centuries, with there so far being an inability to define what exactly in our brain gives us this power.
But research into the brain has scientists on the verge of pinpointing exactly where consciousness, or the mind, is.
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An international study has managed to identify brain signatures which indicate consciousness without asking patients to determine it – IE allowing experts to view something which is completely internal.
The research team examined three groups of people – those who were in a vegetative state, those who were in a minimally conscious state and a group of healthy participants.
“I cannot imagine a consistent theory of the Universe that ignores consciousness.”
Experts used a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner which measures activity of the brain and the way in which different regions communicate.
Team member Davinia Fernández-Espejo, a senior lecturer for the School of Psychology and Centre for Human Brain Health, University of Birmingham, UK, said in a think-piece for The Conversation: “We found two main patterns of communication across regions.
“One simply reflected physical connections of the brain, such as communication only between pairs of regions that have a direct physical link between them.
“We allowed the Universe to be aware of itself in the dimension of time and space.”
“This was seen in patients with virtually no conscious experience. One represented very complex brain-wide dynamic interactions across a set of 42 brain regions that belong to six brain networks with important roles in cognition (see image above).
“This complex pattern was almost only present in people with some level of consciousness.
“Importantly, this complex pattern disappeared when patients were under deep anaesthesia, confirming that our methods were indeed sensitive to the patients’ level of consciousness and not their general brain damage or external responsiveness.”
found on Exonews
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Consciousness is one of the most mysterious phenomena of all time. Scientists, philosophers, and mystics have been searching for the answer to the question, What is Consciousness? for most of human history. In modern times, the spiritual origins of consciousness are being replaced with a materialistic view, that awareness emerges as an additive property of electrical impulses in living things. Despite the fact this theory is assumed to be true, any self-respecting psychologist will tell you we have no idea what consciousness really is. The preceding article discusses consciousness, some of its properties, and possible origins. This is helpful to contemplate because, in the act of trying to understand the mysteries of consciousness, you develop critical thinking skills and stimulate your philosophic muscles, both which are immensely important for almost everything we do in life. Additionally, you’ll develop abstract thinking skills, the ability to explore intangible realities that govern material realms. With the power of an active mind capable of navigating the realities of consciousness, great leaps in personal attainment can be made along with preparing you for the Great Work of making this world a better place.
– Justin
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BoboSixx says
Consciousness is in the Heart. The brain is the computer for the Heart to develop ideas the Heart sends to it.
We tend to think we are Cerebral Beings, when in fact we are Heart Conscious people.
Love springs forth from the Heart. We know Love is Consciousness.
Consciousness is self awareness. Without self awareness, we would not know we exist.
When we meditate, we clear the mind to listen to the Heart.
The Heart is where our Consciousness connects to the Universal Consciousness.
When the Toroidal field forms in the womb in the beginning stages of embryo development, the Heart is the first organ formed, proving Consciousness forms in the Heart and not in the brain that is developed later during the fetal body completion.
Peace, Love & Light to All.