(Tracey Watson) Warnings from concerned experts about the dangers of wireless communication devices like cellphones and tablets have been rumbling in the distance for some time now. And these warnings are becoming increasingly insistent as more evidence emerges linking this type of technology to brain, heart and other cancers.
Various Countries Ban WiFi and Cell Phones Around Young Children, Schools: the Infertility Crisis
(Adam Goldberg) Thousands, upon thousands of peer-reviewed studies have come out in the past couple decades, showing people the real consequences they could incur by inundating their bodies with 2.45 GHz frequencies. That’s why countries such as France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Australia, Switzerland, Israel, India, Australia, Germany, Cyprus, and Finland have created regulations surrounding Wi-Fi, particularly in schools.
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Using EMF Filters for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity — Electro Smog Solutions
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) Electromagnetic field (EMF) filters are particularly important for those who are electro-sensitive.
5G Radiation Protection and Solutions — Defend Health in the Information Age
(Will Justice) 5G, the next generation of cellular networks has arrived.
CBS “60 Minutes” Reports on $300M Federal Study on American Kids’ Brains Being Compromised by Screens
(B.N. Frank) Activist Post and sister publication, Natural Blaze, have reported many times about research already proving that kids are being harmed by screen use and exposure. We’ve also reported about concerns (sometimes desperate) about kids potentially being harmed by screen use and exposure. And we’ve reported about how exposure to blue light and WiFi (wireless radiation) from screens and other sources of digital, electronic, and wireless technology is harmful to kids as well as adult humans, animals, and nature.
Electromagnetic Frequencies: Can You Do Something About Them If They Affect You?
(Catherine J. Frompovich) Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute…it’s happening! Everyone is being assaulted by an unseen, yet ‘coveted’, biological enemy: Technology’s ‘smart’ appliances with their ubiquitous microwave frequencies!
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Exposure to Cell Phone and Wireless WiFi Radiation Can Reduce Impulse Control and Cause Violence: Study
(B.N. Frank) Some people – even President Trump – have pointed fingers at video games for playing a role inbehavioral, emotional, and mental imbalances which can lead to unfortunate circumstances in addition to digital addiction. “We have to do something about maybe what they’re seeing and how they’re seeing it,” Trump said. “I’m hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people’s thoughts.”
How EMF from Bluetooth Ear Pieces Can Affect Your Eyes, Ears, Brain and Body
(B.N. Frank) Many people who use Bluetooth technology to connect their devices may have no idea that exposure has been linked to brain tumors as well as dizziness, sleep issues, anxiety, depression, birth defects and more. This is because Bluetooth emits the same RadioFrequency (RF) radiation as a microwave oven that cooks food. Decades of research has already proven exposure to all sources of RF (cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation) is harmful. The Radiation Health Risks website has some great articles and videos about Bluetooth:
Weaponizing Frequencies: The Coming Tidal Wave
(Rosanne Lindsay, ND) Psychotronic millimeter wave weaponry is coming to a street near you, with the potential to unleash disease on a mass scale. Welcome to the new fifth generation of wi-fi called 5G, where the speed to send full-length, high definition movies to your iPad is ten times faster.
Is The Sky Falling Or Is Just Weather Geoengineering “Killing Us Lightly”?
(Catherine J. Frompovich) Are some folks, especially those in the media, starting to wake up about what’s happening with the weather? In the SE part of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and surrounding counties, in particular, the Spring and Summer of 2018 have been nothing short of thinking about building an ark, as we have had torrential floods weekly, if not many times daily!
EMF Frequencies Used For Crowd Control Weapons Form The Foundation of 5G Wireless Network
(Arjun Walia) Multiple countries around the world have banned WiFi, and the building of cell phone towers near primary schools and nurseries, among many other places due to the evidence that shows they are not safe and can implicate the health of young children, and adults, in multiple ways.
More Schools Are Converting Back to Safer Wired Internet. Free Documentary “Wi-Fried” Details Why
(B.N. Frank) There is still no safe level of cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation exposure that has been scientifically determined for children and pregnant women. This is why an increasing number of schools in the U.S. and overseas are replacing wireless (WiFi) internet with safer wired internet. Many doctors have been recommending this for a while now. Regardless, this is not coming easily everywhere.
At&T Announces 5 More U.S. Cities to Receive Sweat Inducing and Risky 5g Radiation Towers and Infrastructure
(B.N. Frank) It doesn’t seem to matter that an increasing number of Americans – including Dr. Naomi Wolf and Dr. Oz – continue voicing concerns and taking action against the mass installation of risky 5G wireless WiFi technology. Exposure to 5G has been determined to cause many undesirable side effects including excessive sweating.
“Child, Disrupted” is the Latest in a Long List of Documentary Films Addressing the Adverse Effects of Technology on Children
(B.N. Frank) CBS 60 Minutes, ABC’s 20/20, Good Morning America and other media outlets have aired segments addressing issues about how technology is adversely affecting children. A former Facebook president and executive have also expressed regret in the role they have played in this.
Radiation from Wi-fi and Cell Phones Increases Pregnant Women’s Risk of Miscarriage by Nearly 50%
(Frances Bloomfield) Magnetic field (MF) non-ionizing radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that comes from cell phones, power lines, and other wireless devices. It’s also long been thought of as a health hazard, with genetic damage and cancer being but a few of the supposed health risks. However, a team from the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research has uncovered another: They found that MF radiation exposure can increase the risk of miscarriages by almost 50 percent.