(B.N. Frank) Activist Post has reported before about Dr. Oz and other celebrities voicing their concerns and also reducing their exposure to cell phone and WiFi radiation (see 1, 2. 3, 4). Some were avoiding it long before 5G technology started being installed worldwide (see 1, 2).
What You Should Know About 5G Satellites—How Musk’s Sci-Fi Dreams Are Becoming Our Living Nightmare
(Dafna Tachover) Companies and governments have plans to launch approximately 50,000 satellites to provide 5G and Wi-Fi services everywhere on Earth. Elon Musk’s SpaceX is leading these efforts with its planned deployment of 42,000 Starlink satellites and its goal of establishing a global network.
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CNN in 1985 CNN in 1985: ‘EMF Weapons Being Used for Mind Control’ (EMFs Include 5G, Bluetooth, Cell Phone Radiation, WiFi)
(B.N. Frank) It has been reported that some American Embassy workers in China and Cuba were attacked with microwave weapons and suffered brain injuries from their experiences. Research has determined that exposure to ALL sources of microwave radiation – including 5G, Bluetooth, cell phone radiation and WiFi – can disrupt the blood brain barrier, cause it to leak, and kill brain cells (see 1, 2) AS WELL AS cause all kinds of undesirable symptoms and health issues (see 1, 2, 3) AND increase cancer risk (see 1, 2).
Cities Around the World Unite for Global Protest Against 5G Technology on January 25
(Derrick Broze) On Saturday January 25, activists from around the world will join together to protest the dangers of 5G technology.
Peroxynitrite: A Dangerous Link Between GMOs and Wi-fi
(Ralph Flores) People are living in dangerous times – that much is a given. But what people don’t know is that these “dangers” are already close by, chief of which are poor diet and lifestyle choices.
Pregnant? Mercury from Dental Amalgam Fillings + Exposure to WiFi and Other EMFs = “Possible Mechanism” for Autism
(B.N. Frank) Those of us of a certain age grew up when it was common for our dental cavities to be filled with mercury. Because some health experts have insisted that mercury in fillings can cause or worsen undesirable health issues (see 1, 2), mercury has stopped being used by many dentists.
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Communications Are DOWN in Parts of California: Radio, TV, Internet, Cell Towers Fall Victim to PG&E Blackouts As Wildfires Rage
(Dagny Taggart) California is burning, and the planned power outages initiated by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) have understandably enraged a lot of residents, particularly due to an unexpected consequence: the blackouts have cut power to many cellphone towers.
Is Trump Backpedaling on 5G? No Federal Spending for R&D. Are All The Warnings Finally Sinking In?
(B.N. Frank) American opposition to 5G increases every day. Lawsuits continue to be filed against it (see 1, 2). In February, the telecom industry provided congressional testimony that they have NO scientific evidence that 5G is safe. Doctors and scientists say it isn’t (see 1, 2, 3, 4).
EMFs Linked to Massive Decline in Global Health
(Isabelle Z.) The topic of electromagnetic field (EMF) dangers has been the subject of great debate over the years, but never has it seemed more pressing than now, as we face the transition into high-tech 5G technology. With smart home devices and utility meters becoming part and parcel of our daily lives, the potential for harm is significant – and EMFs have already been linked to a massive decline in global health.
Research Says Cell Phone Radiation Prematurely Ages Skin and 5G Irritates Eyes, Skin, Sweat Ducts, and More
(B.N. Frank) It’s bad enough that cell phones have been found to be 10X dirtier than a toilet seat. Last year Reader’s Digest reported “Warning, Cell Phone Addicts: Your Phone Is Aging Your Skin.” The article focused on exposure to Blue Light or High-Energy Visible Light (HEV) as the culprit but it’s not the only one.
5G Cover Up: Youtube Begins Banning Critics of 5G Cell Towers to Cover up the Crimes of the Telecommunications Industry
(Ethan Huff) A family from Sacramento, California, is being punished by the “gods” of Big Tech for sounding the alarm about the dangers associated with 5G “small cell” towers, which are beginning to pop up in residential neighborhoods all across the country.
Scientists Say: Wifi is a Threat to Human Health — Here’s the Science
(Martin L.Pall) Telecommunications industry-linked individuals and groups have claimed that there are no and cannot possibly be any health impacts of Wi-Fi (Foster and Moulder, 2013; Berezow and Bloom, 2017). However with Wi-Fi exposures becoming more and more common and with many of our exposures being without our consent, there is much concern about possible Wi-Fi health effects. This paper is not focused on anecdotal reports but rather on 23 controlled, scientific studies of such health-related effects in animals, cells including human cells in culture and in human beings.
Wireless Technology: The Plain Physics & Biophysics
(Peter Tocci) Many organizations/sites sharing warnings about the wireless health threat have names like ‘such-and-such for responsible technology.’ Or ‘safe technology.’ Or ‘safer.’ This article endeavors to show that the physics and biophysics of it indicate that all such and similar names are deceptive.
5 Tips to Help Block Electromagnetic Radiation
(Humans are Free) You may not be able to hear them or see them, but energy, frequencies, sounds and vibrations are all-around you, and they can have a profound impact on your health.
Staying Healthy with 5G Wireless and the Internet of Things
(Fresh and Alive) In this 2-1/2 hour presentation, Ken Rohla discusses 5th Generation wireless technology, the coming global grid of “smart” appliances known as the internet of things (IOT), and how we can maintain our health amidst this unprecedented electromagnetic assault on all life on Earth.