(Manilo Dinucci) “The M5S (5 Star Movement) divided about the Sicilian maxi-radar”, headlined the Corriere della Sera, thereby spreading a maxi fake news – not about the directorate of the 5 Star Movement, which, after having won an electoral consensus with the “No MUOS” in Sicily, is now backing off – but about the very object of the dispute.
Scientists Accuse DARPA of Genetically Modifying Insects for Bioweapon to Spread Agricultural Viruses
(Matt Agorist) A scathing report was published in Science Magazine this week that accuses DARPA of developing a bioweapon that uses swarms of modified insects to deliver viruses.
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The Strangeness of the California Fires
(Joseph Farrell) Today I want to talk about those fires in California…
Questions Need To Be Asked About Global “Wild” Firestorms: Mother Nature OR Technology?
(Catherine J. Frompovich) According to select news reports we in the USA are permitted to know and to see by those who control the news, “it’s fire season, and the world seems to be burning.”