(Ryan DeLarme) Business Insider, along with several other media outlets, reported on Monday that they’ve identified at least 71 members of Congress who have failed to properly report their financial dealings on Wall Street.
wall street
Biden Blames Bankers For His Failures: “There is an Impediment to Production in the United States and It’s Called the Bankers on Wall Street” (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Joe Biden continued to blame others for his failures Thursday evening in remarks to Democrat National Committee members at their winter meeting at the Washington Hilton.
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Pelosi And Schumer Awarded Wall Street Journal’s ‘Lie Of The Year’
(Carmine Sabia) Congratulations are in order for House Speaker and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi who just won a, as the old man would say in “A Christmas Story,” major award.
Former Tampa Bay Buccaneers Owner Takes Out BRUTAL Full Page Wall Street Journal Ad Blasting Joe Biden: “Your impulsive actions” In Afghanistan “have caused Americans eternal shame!”
(Patty McMurray) So far, the Biden regime’s decision to cut and run from Afghanistan with no real plan has resulted in the loss of 13 beloved military members and an untold number of deaths and injuries to individuals who were blown up by suicide bombers as they waiting desperately outside the Kabul airport on Thursday to be airlifted out of the Islamic hell-hole nation.
Situation Update, Feb 1 – Populist Financial Uprising May Tear down the Entire Rigged System – Naturalnews.Com
(Mike Adams) The silver lining for the events of the last year is that huge numbers of people are awakening to fact that everything is rigged
Reddit Investors Vs. Wall Street: The Gamestop Saga (So Far) Explained
(Edward Morgan) Amateur investors managed to beat Wall Street at its own game, so the rich and powerful swiftly made it clear that their favorite gambling parlor is not for the riffraff. If you missed that story, here’s a quick catch-up.
GAMESTOP SHORT EXPLAINED: Wall Street Elites DESTROYED, Beaten By Redditors At Their Own RIGGED Game (Video)
GAMESTOP SHORT EXPLAINED: Wall Street Elites DESTROYED, Beaten By Redditors At Their Own RIGGED Game (Video)
Stonk, Bonks, and Dogs in Hats
(Amber Wheeler-Dwight) Conglomeration is the enemy. If you haven’t already read the article below on how Big Tech (Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) owns Moderna, Pfizer, Regeneron, and Dollar General (which is paying its employees to take their vaccine they aren’t even liable for) among countless others, please do so to better understand the implications of the following.
Redditors Fleece Wall Street, Establishment Protects Itself
(Ryan DeLarme) A band of anonymous Redditors has come together to stick it to some Wallstreet suits, the historic financial event is being described as a populist rebellion against Wall Street.
BREAKING: WallStreetBets Subreddit Turns Private Mode on and off as Discord Server BANNED
(Jack Hadfield) The Discord server was supposedly shut down because of “hate speech” on the same day of the GameStop short squeeze.
The Gamestop/Reddit Stock Market Saga Exposes Massive Wall Street Double Standard
(Libby Emmons) The investors on r/WallStreetBets saw an opportunity to reach out to grab hold of the money as it swirled around them, and they took it, just as the Wall Street firms do all the time.
Proof That Beijing Really Controls Wall Street: NYSE Ignored Trump’s Executive Order to Delist China Telecoms
(JD Heyes) When President Richard Nixon normalized relations with China — at the ultimate expense of Taiwan — in the early 1970s, over the next several decades American corporations increasingly saw the populous Asian giant as a piggy bank.
Documentary on $100 Trillion Stolen By Wall Street, Recoverable by Trump
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele teamed up with numerous Wall Street insiders, attorney’s and financial experts to put together a documentary that exposes a practice by Wall Street known as Naked Short Selling. This process is done to intentionally steal money from companies and bankrupt them. Firms have been able to document at least […]
A Deeper Dive Into The Epstein-Dubin Wall Street Connection
(Zero Hedge) Jeffrey Epstein may be dead, but there are still many stones to turn over while investigators sift through his network of high-profile friends, some of whom may be guilty of sex crimes themselves.
Wall Street Is Actively Preparing Nuclear Attack Contingency Plans: “These Bankers Have Firsthand Knowledge Of What Is Going To Happen”
(Jeremiah Johnson) The Hal Turner Radio show just released an article that merits immediate attention, given the current situation regarding North Korea. The article is entitled JP Morgan Chase issues ‘Emergency Bylaws’ for Bank to Operate after a nuclear attack. Just that title alone should ring the alarm bells. Turner listed an excerpt from these bylaws filed with the […]