(The Vigilant Citizen) A professor at the University of Alberta was fired from her administration role because her views on gender (based on the fact that one’s biological sex is real) made some students to “feel unsafe”
vigilant citizen
Ex-KGB Explains “The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion” … It’s All Happening Now (video)
(Vigilant Citizen) Yuri Bezmenov was the son of a high-ranking Soviet officer and a member of the Novasti Press Agency – the elite propaganda arm of the KGB. One of his assignments was to accompany journalists visiting the Soviet Union to make sure they did not discover the truth about Soviet life. After becoming disillusioned with the system, he defected and moved to America.
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The Simpsons’ Clip About a “Cat Flu” Was Incredibly Prophetic
(Vigilant Citizen ) In a 2010 episode of The Simpsons, a “secret conclave of America’s media empires” releases a deadly virus to “put Americans back where they belong: In dark rooms, glued to their televisions, too terrified to skip the commercials”. Here’s how this clip eerily foreshadows COVID-19.
George Floyd Riots Infiltrated by Extremist Groups and Agents Provocateurs
(Vigilant Citizen) As protests spread across America, multiple sources confirm that shady groups are traveling to strategic cities to incite riots and violence. Here’s their agenda.
The Face Mask: A Powerful Symbol of COVID Oppression
(Vigilant Citizen) A few weeks ago face masks were said to be useless and even dangerous against COVID-19. Now, people are urged to wear them and some cities are making them mandatory. Was this complete 180 made for health reasons? Or to create a specific social climate?
“Illuminati” by Lil Pump: Yeah, This Is What the Music Industry Has Sunken To… And The People Are Waking Up
(Vigilant Citizen) In “Illuminati” Lil Pump and Anuel AA brag about cars and girls as they’re being initiated into the Illuminati. We’ll look at the occult and satanic symbolism in this incredibly blatant video.
Symbolic Pics of the Month 05/20 | Vigilant Citizen
(Vigilant Citizen) In this edition of SPOTM: Madonna, Lady Gaga, Billie Eilish, Darren Barnet, and more proof that not even a pandemic can stop the occult elite’s symbolism.
The True Agenda of the WHO: A New World Order Modeled After China
(Vigilant Citizen) The WHO has been handling the COVID-19 outbreak in a specific matter. It went from downplaying the virus and lobbying against travel bans from China to pushing for the constant lockdown of the world and its economy. There’s a method behind the madness: The WHO is using the pandemic to move towards a New World Order that is modeled after China’s oppressive regime.
“Together At Home” Was An Infomercial for the Global Elite and its Agenda
(Vigilant Citizen) “Together At Home” was touted as a virtual concert organized by Lady Gaga. But it was much more than that. It was about countless celebrities repeating specific messages while promoting specific elite organizations. Here’s a look at the true message of “Together At Home”.
MUST SEE (Wake Up Friends and Family): “Out of the Shadows”: A Great Documentary About Hollywood and the Occult Elite
(Vigilant Citizen) Out of the Shadows is a full-length documentary that is currently free to watch on YouTube. Shortly after its release, I received several e-mails asking me what I thought about it. And, after watching it, I understood why: The documentary aptly sums up the contents of most of this site in an insightful and entertaining matter.
Coverup: Microsoft Releases (and Deletes) an Ad With Elite Occultist Marina Abramovic
(Vigilant Citizen) On Good Friday, Microsoft released a video promoting its association with the elite’s favorite artist: Marina Abramovic. After massive backlash, the video was set to “private” and all traces of the campaign were scrubbed from Microsoft’s official website. Here’s what this fiasco was all about.
“Order Out of Chaos”: How the Elite’s Plans Were Foretold in Popular Culture
(Vigilant Citizen) The core philosophy of the occult elite and its plans for humanity are hidden in plain sight. From famous landmarks to blockbuster movies, it is all laid out for those who have “eyes to see”. At the center of it all, one motto: Order Out of Chaos.
The Most Expensive Hotel Room in the World Was Made For Elite Psychopaths
(Vigilant Citizen) Take a second and picture in your mind the most expensive hotel room in the world. Did you picture pills, butterflies and medical waste everywhere? Probably not. Because you are probably not a psychopath. Well, the most expensive hotel room in the world is actually filled with pills, butterflies and medical waste. And dead animals. Because this place was clearly made for psychopaths.
The Blatant “Occult Elite” Symbolism at the 2020 Vogue Ball in Brazil
(Vigilant Citizen) This elite event featured stars from Brazil and around the world dressed in highly symbolic attire. Here’s a look at these costumes and their hidden occult meaning.
Why is Justin Bieber Tagging Babies “Yummy” on Instagram? The Answer is Sickening
(Vigilant Citizen) To promote his new single “Yummy”, Justin Bieber posted strange pics of random babies with the hashtag “Yummy.” Also, there are lots of references to pizzas. Also, the “Yummy” music video has a hidden message. What is going on with Justin Bieber?