(Wen Wryte) If there’s a topic the woke like talking about most, it’s themselves. This is not unusual for people obsessed with their own well-being, status, and influence over others. Which pretty much sums up the mindset of most of the woke. A culture based on such values easily tips over into narcissistic exhibitionism — the obsessive desire to parade one’s self before others: nothing could be more important than satisfying the craving for attention, approval, and adulation.
Victim Mentality: Codependency, Passive Aggressiveness, and the Healing Power of Bravery
(Justin Deschamps) Victimhood is a serious problem on earth. A culture of victimhood encourages the individual to avoid self-growth—the very thing needed to overcome victimization. In the following article, the cost of maintaining victimhood is highlighted, helping one to understand that maintaining a belief you are a victim hurts yourself and others.
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How You Train Your Mind Will Either Make or Break You
(Justin Deschamps) In our world, many people suffer. The culture of victimhood asserts your suffering is not your fault; it’s because of the patriarchy, the economic system, biological limitations, karma (original sin), and so on. To be sure, there are many things that make life unnecessarily hard and cruel. But within your mind exists the key to your liberation, as was claimed by mystics and enlightened men and women of the past.
Ten Energy-Sapping Bad Attitudes You Should Change
(Exploring Your Mind) It’s easy to cling to certain attitudes that are ultimately harmful to your well-being.
The 10 Warning Signs of Having a Victim Mentality
(Nancy Carbone) When you feel like a victim, you’ll end up stuck.
PRIVILEGE, Victim & Oppressor Culture: EXPLAINED
PRIVILEGE, Victim & Oppressor Culture: EXPLAINED