(Exploring Your Mind) Learning the value of persistence allows children to grow up knowing that they can do great things.
Captain America: Have Values Become Old-Fashioned?
(Exploring Your Mind) Some people think that the moral code Captain America lives by is old-fashioned. But is it?
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Celebrities as Symbols — The Power of Archetypal Influence
(Justin Deschamps) Celebrities are symbols. They represent exemplified aspects of social values instantiated within a cultural milieu. In simple terms, the reason a celebrity rises to high social status is that people believe in them. Why? Because they represent something people believe is valuable. And the powers that be know how important icons, celebrities, and people of prominence are in influencing the masses to maintain control and manifest their agenda.
Don’t Let Fear, Cowardice and Resentment Ruin Your Relationships — How to Solve Personality Clashes: 6 Tips From a Therapist
(Justin Deschamps) All relationships are founded on fundamental laws that organize the whole of reality. These laws are the laws of trust, free will, and consciousness, which we know of on earth as the laws of contracts.
8 Creative Activities to Discover Your Values
(Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.) Your values are the foundation of everything you do—and are. As author Jennifer Leigh Selig, PhD, said, “values are the essential core of a human being… My values—and my struggles and successes in attempting to live up to them—tell you who I am.”
Is Addiction the Result of a Lack of a Sense of Purpose in Life?
(Steve Taylor Ph.D.) As you are no doubt aware, presently the United States is experiencing an opioid epidemic. There are many reasons for this—one of the most obvious being the reckless over-subscription of opiate-based painkillers by doctors, leading to dependency. But on a psychological level, we have to take into account the strong relationship between addiction and the lack of a sense of purpose.