(Children’s Health Defense) Attorney Aaron Siri destroys the world’s top vaccinologist, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, in a deposition in which, Dr. Plotkin describes how he and his colleagues harvested organs, hearts, eyes, tongues, etc. from hundreds of fully formed aborted fetuses for use in making their vaccines.
The WHO and UNICEF Just Admitted Natural News Was Right All Along: Polio Outbreaks Really Are Caused by Polio Vaccines
(Ethan Huff) After nearly two decades of having been declared “polio free” by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Philippines is now experiencing its first polio outbreak in 19 years – and authorities are actually admitting that the cause was the polio vaccine itself!
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One in Four Vaccinated Children in Chinese City Got Measles
(Rishma Parpia) A recent study published in the journal Vaccine revealed that, despite having a vaccination coverage rate of over 97 percent with two or more doses of measles containing vaccine (MCV), 8.5 percent of cases in the surveillance dataset and 26 percent in the case series dataset of vaccinated children in Tianjin, China still became infected with measles.1
Silent Carriers of Measles Are Never Diagnosed or Reported
(Kate Raines) The concept of transmission of measles infection by fully vaccinated, asymptomatic carriers is a topic that merits careful attention, given that it effectively pulls the rug out from under the mainstream insistence that it is the unvaccinated who threaten the health of the nation. With measles hysteria ongoing, state governments like in New York have taken previously unheard of measures such as changing vaccine exemption laws without due process,1 closing schools and threatening vaccine refusers with steep fines or jail time.23
Dr. Suzanne Humphries: How a $10 Billion Investment by Bill Gates Changed Vaccination Policy Worldwide
(Health Impact News) Dr. Suzanne Humphries gave a lecture in Denmark in 2015 titled: Manufactured Consent.
Study Finds Infants of Unvaccinated Moms Fared Better Compared To Vaccinated Ones
(Children’s Defense Network) Public health officials and doctors, ever more insistent that pregnant women get flu shots, are frustrated that fewer than four in ten American moms-to-be avail themselves of the recommendation. Policy-makers’ disappointment stems not just from their zeal to achieve the Healthy People 2020 goal of 80% coverage of pregnant women but also from their recognition that women who go along with vaccine recommendations during pregnancy are more acquiescent about vaccinating their newborn infants as well.
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“Vaccine-Derived” Polio on the Rise
(Marco Cáceres) The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) last week reported that there have been a total of 22 confirmed cases of vaccine-derived polio paralysis, thus far, in 2019.
Conspiracy EXPOSED: Big Pharma Admits Measles Outbreak and Subsequent Media Hysteria Made Them Massive Profits
(Matt Agorist) Despite no deaths and very few complications, we can now see what this measles hysteria and police state action is all for — Big Pharma’s bottom line.
Amazon Removes Documentary Films Showing Better Ways to Fight Disease
(Erin Elizabeth) Amazon Prime Video has quietly been removing films from its library that deal with vaccines and cancer treatment. Most recently (May 30th, 2019) Cancer Can Be Killed, Burzynski: Cancer Cure Cover Up, and Behind the Fear: The Hidden Story of HIV. Cancer Can Be Killed was completely wiped off the site presumably because the reviews were so good, the evidence had to be destroyed before anyone could see them.
Doctor and Author of 19 Books Says Vaccines are an “Assault With a Deadly Weapon”
(Pixie Forest) Doctor Coldwell talks about the HPV vaccine and why he considers it an “assault with a deadly weapon” He is the author of 19 books including ‘The Only Answer to Cancer’ and ‘The Only Answer to Surviving Your Illness and Your Doctor’
Public Health Officials in New Hampshire Publicly Admit That MMR Vaccine Causes Measles
(Ethan Huff) There’s a pretty big chink forming in the armor surrounding the pro-vaccine narrative, as health officials in New Hampshire recently admitted that Merck & Co.’s combination MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella was the true cause of a measles outbreak in the area that rabid pro-vaxxers were quick to blame on the unvaccinated.
Groundbreaking: Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease
(Justin Deschamps) The following article was published four years ago, in 2015. It is one of the few mainstream media articles clearly stating that vaccinated individuals spread disease. Be sure to save this page and share it with those willing to review the evidence that counters the mainstream narrative surrounding vaccination.
25 Reasons to Avoid the Gardasil Vaccine
(Children’s Health Defense) It has been 13 years since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) supplied fast-tracked approval for Merck’s Gardasil vaccine—promoted for the prevention of cervical cancer and other conditions attributed to four types of human papillomavirus (HPV). The agency initially licensed Gardasil solely for 9- to 26-year-old girls and women, but subsequent FDA decisions now enable Merck to market Gardasil’s successor—the nine-valent Gardasil 9 vaccine—to a much broader age range—9 to 45 years—and to both males and females.
Media Admits That 10% of Those Infected with Measles Were Already Vaccinated, and That Measles Vaccines Don’t Even Work after a Few Years
(Ethan Huff) Though its official failure figure is somewhat questionable, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is finally admitting, at least, that the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella doesn’t always work as claimed – and even when it seems like it does, the vaccine’s effectiveness always wanes over time.
No Enigma: Vaccines and the Food Allergy Epidemic
(Collective Evolution) The United States faces an ever-worsening food allergy epidemic. An estimated 1 in 12 children (8%) have food allergies, and prevalence has risen by at least 50% since 1997. Childhood food allergies are the most common cause of anaphylaxis (a “severe allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death”).