(Humans Are Free) In his Christmas Day address, Pope Francis appealed to the nations of the world to share the new coronavirus vaccines with the most needy, and aborted baby parts don’t matter.
Coverup: CDC Updates Guidelines On Recommendations On Individuals Receiving RNA Injections
(Suzanne Hamner) The Center for Disease Control has updated its guidelines on individuals with pre-existing conditions, recommending individuals take the mRNA vaccine despite pre-existing medical conditions. Some of those pre-existing conditions are listed as possible adverse reactions to the mRNA vaccine.
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Claim: Mike Pence Gets Fake Vaccinated on Live Television to Promote Warp Speed Vaccines – Naturalnews.Com
(Ethan Huff) On Friday, Vice President Mike Pence along with his wife Karen Pence pretended to receive a Pfizer-BioNTech Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine on live television in an effort to reassure the American public that the jab is “safe and effective.”
Nanobiotechnology and Fun Vax Included in Vaccines
(Gerry Gomez) Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs), or lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), are nanoparticles composed of lipids. They are a novel pharmaceutical drug delivery system (and part of nanoparticle drug delivery), and a novel pharmaceutical formulation.
Priest Who Participated in Trial for Unethical Moderna Vaccine Dies Suddenly
(Derek Knauss) The vaccine uses the ‘aborted fetal cell line HEK-293′ in the ‘fundamental design of mRNA technology, their Spike protein and in the research, development, production and testing.’
Communist China Successfully Infiltrated Vaccine Giants Pfizer, Astrazeneca and Glaxosmithkline as Part of “Unrestricted Warfare” to Defeat the Us Military and Conquer North America
(Prepare For Change) We now have confirmation from multiple sources that the newly-leaked database of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) loyalists includes the names and details of 123 individuals who have successfully infiltrated the vaccine industry, attaining employment at vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline — corporations that are manufacturing coronavirus vaccines for U.S. civilian and military use.
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Luciferase Quantum Dot COVID-19 Vaccinations – The Bill and Melinda Gates Satanic Agenda
(Derek Knauss) Luciferase Quantum Dot COVID-19 Vaccinations – The Bill and Melinda Gates Satanic Agenda
STUDY: Flu Vaccine Raises Risk of COVID Death – Correlation Confirmed by Scientific Analysis
(Niall McCrae and David Kurten) Back in May we reported on The Gateway Pundit website a curious and emphatic correlation between the flu jab and Covid-19 mortality. Comparing data from across Europe, we found that countries with high coverage of influenza vaccination in the elderly had the highest death toll from the coronavirus pandemic. Correlation, of course, is not causation, and we presented our findings tentatively. Our article drew smears of ‘fake news’ and ‘anti-vax conspiracy theory’. However, this putative risk of the flu vaccine should be taken seriously, particularly after our findings were corroborated by a peer-reviewed scientific analysis.
Twitter Says It Will REMOVE All Posts Claiming Vaccines Can Harm People
(Steve Watson) Twitter has declared that it will remove all posts that suggest there are any “adverse impacts or effects of receiving vaccinations,” despite reports already emerging of health workers getting sick from taking Pfizer’s coronavirus shot.
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Experts warn mRNA shots could cause irreversible genetic damage
(Cassie B.) There are plenty of reasons to avoid the many COVID-19 vaccines that are being pushed on us, but Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of Children’s Health Defense recently drew attention to some of the most concerning aspects of these vaccines.
Media Blackout: Moderna’s FDA Report Lists 13 Total Deaths, 6 In Vaccine Group, 7 In Placebo (Video)
Media Blackout: Moderna’s FDA Report Lists 13 Total Deaths, 6 In Vaccine Group, 7 In Placebo (Video)
Six People Died in Pfizer’s Late-stage Trial of the Covid-19 Vaccine, the Us Food and Drug Administration Has Revealed
(The New Daily) Six people died in Pfizer’s late-stage trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, the US Food and Drug Administration has revealed just hours after Britain became the first country in the world to roll out the vaccine.
NJ Lawmaker Wants MANDATORY Corona Shot For All Kids WITHOUT EXEMPTION
(Humans Are Free) Middlesex Democrat Senator Joseph Vitale also wants to eliminate exemptions that have been used in the past to prevent their children from receiving shots.
USA Today: Unpleasant side effects from the COVID vaccine mean “your body responded the way it’s supposed to” … Wait What?
(Adrianna Rodriguez) Americans will likely experience at least one side effect from the COVID-19 vaccine, but doctors say that’s normal and you should still get vaccinated.
Vaccinated Children Are Sicker, Study Shows
(Jennifer Margulis) For over two decades, vaccine safety advocates have wondered if vaccinated children are sicker or healthier than their unvaccinated peers. These children’s health advocates have asked the CDC to conduct studies to compare health outcomes in completely unvaccinated children to those in vaccinated children, as per the CDC’s recommended schedule.